The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2454: Imperial Cavalry Regiment

Even if the Apocalypse world is upgraded to a kingdom, it will gain the ability to cultivate large creatures. Every kingdom must have large creatures.

Daqin also has many large creatures, such as giant wolves, giant spiders, two-legged dragons, large monsters, large sea beasts...

They play a great role in the battlefield and are also a strong advantage of Daqin.

However, once involved in the war of the card world, this advantage is likely to become a disadvantage, the cavalry regiment can restrain these large creatures, and the cavalry regiment will mostly win, unless the number is used to suppress them.

Now the advantages of the card world are reflected, and they are not as simple as they think. In the future, they should be careful with the card world war. They are not so easy to deal with.

Locke also has its own cavalry regiment, but because of the previous defensive battle, the cavalry regiment could not go out alone.

Zhao Xin thought about studying the cavalry regiment in this card world. If Daqin also has such a cavalry regiment, it can exert great effects and restrain the large creatures of all parties in the world.

Later, Zhao Wei came to the cavalry regiment.

"See the adults!"

A team of more than a dozen cavalry respectfully bowed to Zhao. They were also on the wall, knowing how terrible the power of Zhao Wei was, and knowing that Locke is under his control, so he is very respectful to Zhao Wei. Also a little excited.

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded, watching them wearing blue armor, holding a blue rifle, with a blue long sword at the waist, in addition to three blue rings, a blue pendant, hanging around the waist There is also a blue token.

These equipments are all water properties, exuding Baoguang, and a strong breath.

It seems to be made of the best water attribute materials, not to mention the cavalry of them, even if the average person brings these equipments, they will have weak strength.

In front of these soldiers, the strength is not an ordinary second-order soldier, is a soldier who has been repaired to reach the fourth order.

Zhao Wei let people come up with a set of cavalry equipment to study for him.

I found that these equipments have different attributes. Some of them are not right. They are not wearing ordinary equipment, but a kind of treasure.

Compared with equipment, it has a certain spirituality and some unique abilities that no one can use.

They are all created using the unique methods of the card world, and other worlds can't make this kind of treasure.

This may be the reason for the power source and rules of the card world. Every world has its own original source power. The chaotic world is the power of chaos. The alchemy world is the alchemy power. The apocalyptic world is the apocalyptic power.

Now Zhao Wei has already controlled Locke, and he can also do research methods, but as before, the equipment created using Card World materials may not be usable.

Because the rules of the world's natural forces and the rules of the world's natural forces conflict, it takes a lot of time to resolve and conflict.

Look at the set of treasures in front of you.

This set of treasures has many pieces, including armor, helmets, boots, gloves, weapons, rings, pendants, tokens.

They are all made of blue metal, with ripples on them, and a fish on the armor. The totem of the country is a spirit fish. They all look good and not ugly.

The set here refers to the suit, not a single piece of treasure, but also the set attributes.

The power of a set of treasures is much stronger than that of a few pieces. The way it is upgraded is to increase all power.

They have a special name. The weapon is called the Water Spirit. It has a strong attacking property. The protective gear is called water and spirit, and has strong defense attributes.

The three blue rings are water, ringing power, water, speed, water and ring. Representing three attributes, the first is additional power, the second is additional speed, and the third is speeding up recovery.

The appearance of the pendant is a thin line wearing a heart-shaped blue crystal called water and falling, which not only enhances the power of the water, but also brings a water attribute to protect the power.

As long as there is any danger, the pendant will emit a water attribute to resist, and the strength is not weak.

The last piece is a token with a lot of ripples engraved on it, written with the word "lock", called the water and spirit.

The role is to connect one's strength and thought to the horse. The cavalry not only gains the power of the horse, but also the vitality of the horse.

The two sides are connected together, the cavalry will know what the horse thinks, and the horse will know what the cavalry thinks. The two sides can communicate well and play a bigger role.

It also has a function as a storage function that stores horses in tokens and can be released at any time when needed.

This is the various attributes of a set of treasures in front of the weapon, the weapon increases the attack power, the armor enhances the defense, and the accessory enhances the auxiliary attribute.

Now this set of treasures is only an intermediate treasure. This kind of treasures are divided into six categories. The first one is low-grade treasures. It is generally made of relatively good low-grade materials. Generally, the foreign forces use weak forces. The weakest.

The second type is an intermediate-level treasure, which is made of relatively precious intermediate materials. It is generally used by the mid-regional forces. Some powerful foreign powers will also have the power, which is stronger than the lower-level treasures.

The third high-end treasure is made of very precious high-grade materials. It is generally used in the central area. Some powerful forces in the middle are also strong, and the strength is stronger than the intermediate-level treasures.

The fourth king-class treasure, built using the world's best materials in the card, is far stronger than the above three treasures, and has a kind of king power, the most powerful force in the card world, there will be a team of king cavalry group.

The fifth is the royal treasure using the rare world of the card card to create, is stronger than the above four kinds of power, has the power of the emperor, and now there are very few forces in the card world It is also difficult to see them in the Royal Cavalry Regiment.

In the end, it is the Imperial treasure, which is made of the most precious materials in the world of cards. It is several times stronger than the above five. It is the most precious treasure in the world of cards and has a powerful power of the emperor.

Among the world of cards, the Emperor Cavalry Regiment is already a legendary cavalry. Almost no one has ever seen it, but there are many terrible legends left in the card world.

Legend has it that there is a team of the Emperor Cavalry Regiment, which can kill a fairy, the power of terror to the extreme, destroying the level of the land, and now the card world seems almost no power.

Each level of the tooling method is also different. The low-level forging method can only create a low-level tool, and the intermediate forging method can only create an intermediate level. As for the level tool, it needs the world's top card. Forging technique.

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