The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2455: Arm

This is only the strength of the cavalry regiment. It is a great advantage for the cavalry regiment. The reason why the cavalry is so powerful is that it is not related to the cavalry itself.

As I said before, the cavalry of the world of cards and other world cavalry are not the same kind of arms.

The card world itself can be called the world of the knight. As long as it becomes a knight, it can become a lord. The knight is also a symbol of honor and identity, and its status is much higher than that of other worlds.

Not only in various countries, but also to cultivate their own knights, hundreds of surnames themselves are constantly practicing hard and want to be a good knight.

This directly provides a large number of candidates, each of the cavalry regiments is selected from countless people, not only qualified, but also very persevering.

With the strong support of a country's national resources, their cultivation will also grow very fast, which explains why the basic strength of the Leiming country is second-order, and the strength of the cavalry regiment is fourth-order.

In addition to the cavalry itself, the next step is the Cavaliers profession.

A well-qualified knight, plus a set of treasures, can not be called a member of the cavalry regiment, can only be regarded as a powerful knight.

The cavalry regiment has such terrible power and has a lot to do with the Cavaliers profession.

In the establishment of the country in the card world, there will be a knight transfer job, where you will be transferred to a knight profession, with the ability of the Cavaliers to give, and also the power of the regional lord.

On the other hand, it also shows that the Knights are state-owned things, and they have not become the power of the country. There is no way to have their own cavalry regiment.

Zhao Wei came to the place where the Locke Knights were transferred. It was a place where the cavalry regiment was stationed. It was a platform made of white stone bricks. It was more than a meter high and surrounded by three layers of stone steps, more than ten meters.

There are four high-three-meter stone monuments around the platform, distributed in four orientations, each with a knight engraved on it. Exudes a heavy breath.

The transfer here is not a transfer of a person, but also need to bring a horse in order to transfer to a member of the cavalry regiment.

Zhao Wei called a soldier and took a horse to the center of the transfer platform.

As the most important thing for the cavalry, the horse is certainly not ordinary. The horse chosen by Locke is a kind of water scale horse living in the wetland. It is a general size, not very tall, with a blue scale and a slender tail. Such as rat tail.

Water scale horses generally have third-order strength in adulthood, and their own attributes are water.

Because the cavalry of the cavalry regiment can be combined with the power of the horse, the cavalry can also gain the vitality of the horse. The stronger the horse, the greater the help for the cavalry. The best of both attributes is the same, avoiding conflicts during power integration.

There is no limit to the cavalry. The mount must be a horse. Other creatures can be used instead, such as wild boar, goat, black cow and so on.

As long as everything you can ride can be used as a mount for the cavalry regiment, there will be a variety of cavalry regiments in the card world, such as the Flying Eagle Cavalry Regiment, the Tiger Cavalry Regiment, and even the Dragon Cavalry Regiment...

The strength of the mount itself, it is best not to exceed the person riding, because the mount is too strong, the rider can not suppress, it is easy to accident.

By the way, Hilary is also a member of the cavalry regiment, following her twelve female cavalry, also among the cavalry regiments, and a small group of hundreds of cavalry.

The cavalry regiment is also naturally graded and has a limited number of people. There is no limit to the number of regiments.

Once a country has just been established, it will be qualified to establish a cavalry regiment. Various cavalry regiments can be established, but the total number is only 100,000.

Because the strength of the cavalry regiment comes from the state, it is also the power of the state. If there are too many people, the state will be seriously affected and even into a state of weakness and destruction.

The higher the national level, the higher the level of the cavalry regiment and the more people there will be.

Look back to the soldiers on the platform.

He led the water scale horse standing in the middle of the platform, and the four stone tablets began to emit all kinds of light, and a huge momentum spread out.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four sounds were emitted, and four stone monuments fired four beams, and they shot at the center of the soldiers, forming a square light group that wrapped the soldiers and water scales.

The time continued for a small meeting, the square light group continued to shrink, and finally disappeared. The soldiers and water scale horses appeared inside, and the eyebrows had a blue mark.

The imprint is like a river, emitting blue light, and then hidden in the eyebrows.

At this time, not only did the soldiers transfer to become cavalry, but the water scale horse gained a great strength. With this power, the growth rate of the water scale horse will be accelerated, and the strength of the horse will be strengthened. It also has some special abilities.

Zhao Wei is now a man of the Apocalypse world and cannot be transferred to become a cavalry of the Knights. It can only be understood by others.

Let the soldiers who have just transferred to the front of the horse come to the front, Zhao Wei carefully check their attributes.

The first feeling after the transfer was that the soldiers and the horses were connected together. The horses had the smell of soldiers, the soldiers had the breath of horses, and the two were in a state of symbiosis.

If the horse of the cavalry dies, it should have a great influence on the cavalry. Although it is impossible to die, the decline in power is certain.

The second is that both of them have the power of a part of the region, and the power of the region is also called the power of the lord. Generally, the power that can be mastered as a lord, now they have both.

The power of the lord is a high-level force. With this kind of power, the cavalry and the horse have great potential. If they grow up, they are not weaker than the power of a true lord.

Then, is the ability they have mastered. The first ability is the most basic ability of the cavalry regiment. Each cavalry can form a cavalry regiment. Their strength and life will become a whole.

Just like a war machine made up of various parts, can exert a strong destructive power, and also has a strong defense force. When it is seriously injured, it will spread the damage to each cavalry.

The second ability, the cavalry regiment has the ability to mobilize a regional force, and when it is in its own national territory, the regional forces mobilized will be the strongest.

The force of the area that has been mobilized flows into the body of the cavalry regiment, and the cavalry regiment will increase a certain amount of strength.

The third ability is called deterrence. When the cavalry regiment initiates the assault, the momentum will increase several times, causing fear and panic to the enemy.

The fourth is the Luohe River, an attacking form of the cavalry regiment. The power of countless cavalry will gather together to form a fierce river to attack the enemy.

The fifth kind of river snake is also the attacking method owned by the cavalry regiment. The power of countless cavalry will condense a huge water snake, which can cause a terrible destructive power.

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