The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2456: Creation

The sixth kind of river spirit, when the Locke National Cavalry Regiment is in the vicinity of a river or water, the power will gain some enhancement, because the power of water will be added to their body.

Next are some attacks and defense moves. These moves can be a move that is passed down by the state and has a strong power.

For example, Luoshui’s attacking move is the most famous move of Locke, and it is also the strongest move of the Locke Cavalry.

Various moves can also be created by the cavalry regiment.

This depends on what kind of moves the cavalry regimen can create itself, which may be strong or weak.

The head of the cavalry regiment can be said to be the soul of the cavalry regiment. It must have outstanding talents, as well as the ability to unite other people. What kind of cavalry regiment can exert terrible power.

If the cavalry commander is a weak and fearful person, the cavalry regiment will have a weak combat capability and can easily be defeated.

The above is the information about the cavalry regiment. Zhao Wei feels that it is not difficult to solve. It only needs to master the rules corresponding to the card world.

Now the rules of the chaotic world, as well as the rules of the alchemy world, Zhao Wei has studied and understood that the rules of the alchemy world in particular are of great benefit.

Let Daqin possess the stone of the sage, as well as the mechanical dragon and the mechanical blood mosquito, which have played a significant role in Daqin.

In addition to the powerful cavalry regiment, the card world has a major advantage in its ability to make cards. It has a variety of strange cards that are more difficult to handle.

If Daqin also has this ability, it will help the Daqin in the future.

However, although Zhao Wei is in charge of Locke State and has the conditions to make cards, there are still many terrible things. The key is that ordinary Daqin soldiers cannot use these cards.

This feeling is very difficult to solve, because the ability of the card is the talent that the Kazu is born, Zhao Yu can crack the card family's card ability by cracking the alchemy power of the alchemists.

But the reason why all the cards in the world can be cardized is the reason for the power of the card world.

The power rules of the card world permeate everything, and by exerting this kind of carding ability, one can constitute a card.

The powers and rules of other worlds can be different from the card world. Even if Zhao Wei cracks the cardization ability, Daqin can't use it in other worlds. It can only be used in the card world.

Zhao Wei pondered, this time to let the Daqin soldiers enter the card world, first build a station in the card world, and then start to attack the card world, you can also study the various things in the card world.

At this time, Daqin entered the card world, and there was no benefit. When he came in, he would be afraid to be vigilant and attack Daqin.

If you can suddenly enter the world of cards, it is best to take the opportunity to attack the country, and make a surprise, so that they do not have a little defense, so do not worry about entering the card world, first collect the information here.

Zhao Yan showed a smile and returned to the royal palace of Locke. He ordered people to collect information from all parties.

This place is the middle of the card world. The number of kingdoms is much larger than that of the outer world. Be careful. If several kingdoms attack together, Daqin can't resist it.

The basic strength here is second-order force, and now Daqin’s strength is mostly first-order.

In addition to collecting information about this place, Zhao Wei also ordered the collection of various information about the card world, such as some legends, information on the ability of the card, the information created by the treasure, the information on the card making, the information of the card creature...

All of these can help Zhao Wei to understand the card world better, and he has a lot of help for Zhao Wei. Then Zhao Wei wants to crack the cardization ability and need them to build treasures.

With this information, Zhao can also take fewer detours and achieve his goals faster.

Zhao Wei sat on the throne and looked at the information. Hilary sat in Zhao’s arms, and the twelve female cavalry guarded on both sides.

The creation of this card world has a little meaning. The original card world is a small world, floating in the endless void.

At that time, the card world was hit by other worlds. The impact force was terrible. The card world took up countless strengths to resist, but it was also hit hard.

The creatures in the card world are almost extinct, countless beasts, birds, aquatic creatures, intelligent races are dead, grasslands become deserts, mountains are collapsed, rivers are dry, and trees are dying.

The card world at this time may be extinct at any time, and it takes a long time to recover.


On one day, a book flew into the world of cards, floating in the sky, emitting countless light, like a sun, and a horrible power fluctuation.

That book is a golden book with a card slot on one page of the page, and there is nothing in the card slot.

The card world was excited and scared at the time. Looking at the golden book that radiated countless radiance in the sky, the fear was that the power from the metal might destroy it. The excitement is that if the power of this book is absorbed, it can be quickly restored. come.

The golden book radiated in the air and there was no movement. After watching the card world for a period of time, it was found that the gold book seemed to have been hit hard and there was no spirituality.

Then the card world made a decision, slowly swallowing the power of the refining gold book, and by the power of this gold book, the card world that was originally hit hard was quickly recovered.

A desert grows countless grasses and turns into a green field. The saplings grow rapidly and become a forest. Countless flowers bloom everywhere.

Various creatures follow, there are birds flying in the sky, beasts walking on the ground, all kinds of small insects, and many fish in the water...

There are also some smart races in them, but these races are not Kazakh.

The birth of the Kazu is different from these races. It was said that the card world was hit hard. Many creatures are extinct, but a small number of Wisdom races survive.

This small part of the intelligent race is also subject to the power of the gold book, gradually possessing a peculiar ability, that ability is the card, and this intelligent race is the current card family.

It also explains why anything in the card world can be cardized, but the card family can't be stuck, because they are different from other things when they created the world.

Other species are created by the Kaling world with a powerful force rule, but the Kazu is not a race created using this rule, and the Kazu also masters this rule, thus gaining the ability to card.

Then, the card world completely absorbed the power of metal and refining that golden book into a part of the world, the present sun.

This also explains why the sun in the card world is like this, why is it called the card book God Day.

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