The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2457: Knight print

The card world absorbs the power of the gold book, mastering that a powerful law of power is the law of cards, and the world has become a card world.

Next, the card world, like the alchemy world, continues to grow in the endless void, and continues to grow stronger, eventually forming the current card world.

This is the information related to the creation of the world of cards. The person who recorded this information is the original card family. Now those who are missing are unknown, some are dead, and some have left the card world.

Zhao Wei is very interested in this information and understands the birth of a world. He is quite happy.

Now Zhao knows the creation of the alchemy world and the creation of the card world, but the creation of the chaotic world and the apocalyptic world, Zhao Wei, does not know, and there is no relevant news.

The chaotic world may not have a deep understanding, and many of the information is not known, so I don't know the secret of creation. However, the Tianqi world Zhao has already traveled to various regions, but there is no gain.

Zhao Wei became more curious about how the Apocalypse world created the world, but it seems that only the original family at that time knew it, but they did not leave any information.

Continue to view various information about the card world.


Zhao Wei saw a piece of information about the cavalry regiment, which was about the king cavalry regiment, the emperor cavalry regiment, and the emperor cavalry regiment.

If you want to become a cavalry regiment, you can meet the corresponding requirements. An ordinary person has worked hard. Although he is very embarrassed, he is likely to become an emperor cavalry.

This means that ordinary people can also become the top level of the cavalry, but the process is very difficult, this news is easier to become the information of the king cavalry or the emperor cavalry.

The message is that the blood of the king, the blood of the emperor, and the blood of the emperor are more likely to become the cavalry of the three major ranks.

However, those who possess these blood vessels are not extremely honorable. They are counted and respected by countless people. How can they be a cavalry?

Moreover, the cavalry regiment needs a lot of cavalry to exert its strength. A dozen cavalry cannot be called a cavalry regiment.

If you want to form a cavalry regiment of this level, you must have a large number of blood vessels of the king, the blood of the emperor, and the blood of the emperor.

Naturally, no one can do this. The requirement can be lowered a bit. It does not necessarily have the blood of a pure king. It is only a small part of the blood, or the power of a little king.

They can all easily become the three levels of cavalry.

These people became the three cavalry, and their strength was stronger than that of the average cavalry, because they themselves had the power of the king, and they could be combined with the power of the king given by the cavalry regiment. The force must be stronger than the ordinary cavalry.

If these can not be done, it is said that the Knights Union has mastered a knight heritage, and can concoct its own strength, inheritance, blood, and condense into a knight seal.

After a king masters the knight's seal, he can give loyalty to his knight. Those knights can rely on the knight to grow and become more likely to become a king cavalry.

And with the Knights print, there are various benefits, not only can get the power of the Knights, inheritance, blood, can trigger the Knights in danger, get a very powerful power.

Knight Print will also improve the physique and qualifications of the Cavaliers, making their potential great.

An ordinary knight dreams of getting a king's knight's seal, because the role of the knight's seal is really great.

Zhao Wei feels like the seal of the king. When Zhao Yu condensed the seal of the king, he gave Gane, Wang Ergou, and Liu Mei several kings imprints.

They also gained the power of Zhao Wei's king, and the king's imprint can also change their physique and enhance their strength.

At this time, Zhao Xi’s signature of the king has become the mark of the source level, but the number is limited, and Zhao Wei has given himself to his subordinates.

There is no limit to this knight's seal. You can give as much as you want, and give 10,000 to 10,000 people. But this requires consumption of its own strength and blood, and the general king can't give much.

There is also this kind of method of condensing the Knights, which is something that the Knights Union has, and this is something that the Knights Union monopolizes. Others can't pass it on to others, and they want to get to the Knights Union.

This method can not be obtained by the Knights Union. Even if you are a king, you will not be able to pay anything, or what tasks you have to accomplish, and you will exchange them with extremely precious items.

The Knights Union is one of the biggest forces in this world of cards, and it has the power of heaven. Don't say that the kingdom does not dare to provoke it, even if the empire does not dare to provoke.

They are distributed in various places in the world of cards. As long as they are the city of the Kazu, almost all of them are knights.

Among the card worlds, only the Knights Union is so widely distributed, except that it does not have any force to do it. On the other hand, it also confirms the strength of the Knights Union.

The key to becoming a knight, to obtain the title of the Cavaliers, must also be approved by the Knights Union, which involves a large part of the interest, because the Cavaliers are the profession of countless people in the card world, and the Knights Union has mastered it.

As for the races other than the Kazu, such as the city of the giants, the city of the elves, the city of the snakes, the local knights may not.

There are also many aliens, demons, and protoss in the world of cards, but these three races are also different from the ordinary tribes.

The three races in the card world have been changed by the rules of the card world. They can be cardized, and the power they possess is also the power of the card world.

This card world is dominated by the Kazakh family. The number of the other three races is relatively small. It has been in a state of being suppressed and bullied by the Kazu people. Therefore, the relationship between the three races and the Kazu is very bad, and it is in a hostile relationship.

There are also some races among the three major races, and they have mastered the ability of cardification, especially some of the more intelligent races, and they all have the ability to be Their cardability is not as innate as the Kazu. It is learned through the day after tomorrow.

Because the two sides are in a hostile relationship, the Knights Union will also be excluded from the tribes, so there will be no Knights Union there.

As a country of the Kazakh nationality, there is also a face of one tenth of the world. There are knights in various cities. There is also a Knights’ Union headquarters in the kingdom that manages the Knights’ Union.

The headquarters of the Knights Union is the headquarters of the management of this area. It is not the headquarters of the Knights Union. Now the headquarters of the Knights Union is at the center of the card world.

Zhao Wei saw this information and thought about whether or not to get this knight seal. This knight seal has no small help for him. Maybe he can create a cavalry that surpasses the emperor cavalry.

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