The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2458: President

It is possible to create a transcendental cavalry. Zhao's current blood is the original bloodline of the first generation, and it is much stronger than the general source blood, and Zhao has gained various inheritances, and there are several extreme strengths.

If you use these to condense the Knights, then the Knights think it feels terrible and can easily destroy a country.

Zhao Wei made a decision and said with a smile. "You called the president of the Locke Knights Union. I have something to look for."

Hilary in her arms curiously said, "What are you doing with the Knights Union suddenly? I have a good relationship with her!"

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "I want to get the cohesive method of the Knights!"

Hilary said with a slight frown, "The Knights print this thing can be difficult to obtain, I have no good relationship with her, and it requires a very high blood and strength to be useful."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Do you know my blood and strength?"

Hilary shook her head. "Your strength is very strong. Your blood should be kingdom-level blood, because you have a kingdom."

Zhao Wei couldn't help but smile and said, "Is this low level in your heart?"

Hilary replied in a hurry. "I have, I just guessed according to what you said, and your blood and strength are more terrible than I thought?"

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. "I will give you the supreme power!"

Hilary and the many female cavalry were shocked, and the supreme power they knew the meaning of the words was a powerful force that was stronger than the pole.

Zhao Wei obviously will not lie to them, what is the terrible blood and strength of Zhao Wei? Only the most top knights will have this power.

Hilary suddenly smiled and asked, "What blood and what kind of terrible power do you have?"

Zhao Wei looked at the gorgeous Hilary with a smile and said, "My blood is the origin of the blood, and the power is the power of supreme."

at once!

Hilary and many female cavalry looked at Zhao Wei with a look of horror, and they thought that Zhao Wei had blood and strength so terrible.

They were there, their minds were blank, and they haven’t reacted after a while.

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "Okay! You are calling the president of the Knights Union now."

When I heard Zhao’s words, the girls reacted and I was shocked to see Zhao Wei.

Hilary looked at Zhao Wei. "What the **** are you?"

Zhao took the body of Hilary and smiled and said, "I said before, you will know when Daqin enters the card world."

Hilary smiled happily and said to Melissa next to her, "I will tell the president of the Knights Union immediately that I have something to find her."

Melissa also smiled happily and looked at Zhao Wei.

Now I understand that Zhao Wei is more powerful than imagined. They don't have a surprise and happiness, and even some honors, because Zhao's identity may be very different from them.

Later, under the leadership of Melissa, a woman wearing armor, a long sword, a tall figure, a long silver hair, a beautiful face and a generous temperament, walked into the hall.

She should be the president of the Locke Knights Union, Elena.

Elena's face was a bit strange. She looked at Zhao Wei, who was sitting in the throne with a cloak, and stared at her good friend Hilary.

These days, Elena knew that she didn't believe it at first, because she knew Hilary very well and didn't think she would become the man's woman.

But now she saw Hilary happy in the man's arms, a pair of his women, she believed that those words are true.

For this man, Elena knows that his power is terrible and can change the outcome of a battlefield. She has already slammed the news and listed this person as an extremely dangerous person.

And his identity is very mysterious, it is not clear where it comes from, it is better not from the world of the apocalypse, if it is the people of the apocalyptic world, then the situation here is serious.

Hilary saw Elena coming, showing a happy expression, "Xiao Na! You are here."

Elena replied with a smile. "Well! I won't see you in a few days to be the King of Locke."

Hilary said with a smile. "This is not something I got. Thanks to my man, I can become the king of Locke."

Elena looked at Zhao Wei and asked curiously, "I don't know who you are? With such a powerful force, it is not easy to think about it!"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I am just an ordinary person!"

At this point, Zhao Wei will definitely not reveal his identity. She is a knight of the Knights Union. Once she leaks out, everyone in the Knights Union will know.

Elena naturally does not believe in Zhao’s words, but she is not asking, Locke is his world at this time, offended him with only one dead word, and asked, “What is it that comes to me?”

Hilary smiled and said, "Xiao Na, my Xianggong wants to get the cohesive method of the Knights, and please tell me how to get it."

Elena is somewhat embarrassed. "Xiao Xi is not that I am not helping you. The trade unions have strict restrictions. It is not easy to pass the cohesive method of the Knights to others."

Hilary continued, "I know, you can see how you can get it. No matter how difficult it is, my husband will finish it."

Elena was serious and thought about it. "If you want to get the first step of the Knights, you need to complete the designated tasks of the Knights Union. This kind of task will be very difficult, and maybe life is dangerous."

"You don't want to complete the task, you can donate a rare treasure, but this kind of treasure must be extremely precious, and the level must exceed the level of the heavens."

Hilary frowned, she certainly did not want Zhao to complete any dangerous tasks, but did not complete the task, it would need to donate a material above the heavens, Locke State can not have such precious things.

She looked at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan’s face with a light smile, a wave of hands, a ray of light, a palm long, six leaves, a splendid grass, floating in front of ~ This is the six holy grasses that the spiritual elite needs, can help the spiritual elite to comprehend, how to reach the requirements? ”

If it was before, Zhao Wei may not be able to take such precious things, but once he went to the endless void, he has harvested countless precious things, and now he has the confidence to say so.

Elena’s face was horrified. She didn’t expect Zhao Wei to take out the things that the spiritual elite needed. Now I think it’s more terrible than the one I think.

Even if the other party is not a person in the world of apocalypse, it may come from the center of the card world, otherwise it will not be able to take such precious things.

Elena’s attitude respected a few lines and said, “This thing meets the requirements, but you are only getting a chance to get a knight’s seal now. There is a second requirement for getting a knight’s seal.”

. m.

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