The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2460: Dark momentum

The Dark Knight said with some dissatisfaction, "I know that you are strong, but I am not weak. Moreover, our strength is the same now, we are eleven, and you can easily beat us."

The Flame Knight snorted. "If you don't say it, don't say it, now I don't want to know."

Finally, Elena said apologetically, "Sorry! This is the rule of the headquarters, we can't destroy it."

Zhao Yan’s mouth was raised with a hint of evil smile. “Are you sure? Otherwise, don’t blame me.”

When I heard Zhao’s words, the faces of the girls changed, and my heart was a little scared.

Elena solemnly reminded, "You are very strong, but please understand that the Knights Union is here. You should understand the strength of the Knights Union and hope that you will not make any wrong decisions."

Zhao Wei chuckled. "You knights are very powerful and widely distributed, but I am not afraid of the Knights Union in your card world."

Elena was shocked. "Are you a **** in the world of apocalypse?"

At this time, Elena heard from Zhao Wei that Zhao Wei is from another world, otherwise she will not say your card world.

The other knights have changed their face. Now the card world and the Apocalypse are fighting. Now they are in a hostile relationship, and the strength of this person is terrible. They are now dangerous.


The death knight’s cold mouth said, “Now his power is banned and pressed into a third-order power. This prohibits the general heaven and earth from breaking. We are killing him.”

It was said that the knights exude a huge force, holding a long gun in their hands and stabbing Zhao Yu.

Elena feels bad and just wants to stop it is already late.


A huge roar sounded, and Zhao’s body gas had a seven-color arrogance. A huge force erupted from Zhao’s body. As a flood, eleven cavalry flew out.

Zhao Wei looked at them with a chuckle, the golden eyes continued to turn, and an invisible force spread out.


A chain of colored irons shot them from all directions, and they tied them one by one and pulled them in front of Zhao Wei, which did not include Elena.

Elena understands that Zhao Wei is not stupid. If she says such a statement, she must be prepared. She can’t attack it. Now things are like this, and she doesn’t know how to deal with it.

Many knights had blood flowing out of their mouths and pale faces. They did not expect Zhao Wei to break the strong prohibition.

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Now I don't want to participate in any test, I will give you the cohesive method of the Knights' print. I will let you go once."

Elena persuaded her. "The Knights are a kind of inheritance mastered by our Knights' Union. They must be obtained through the stone tablets of the Knights Union. And you are a man of the Apocalypse world, not a knight. It is impossible to obtain a Knight Seal. ""

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "I naturally know that you are taking me to the place where the Knights Stone is."

Elena was a little confused. She didn't understand Zhao's thoughts and said, "I said before, you need eleven elders to start. I am the president of the union, but I can't open it there."

Zhao Wei looked at the eleven knights on the ground. "Then you can open this place soon!"

The bright knight was cold with a face and said, "Do you think we will listen to you so easily? We are the knights with the honor and belief of the knight, not easily betrayed, you want to kill us and kill!"

The dark knight looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of beautiful eyes. The cold voice said, "It is our strength that is not as good as you, and we die in your hands."

Elena hurriedly advised, "Don't do this, I think things can still be discussed."

Now Elena doesn't want Zhao to kill, so more than eleven elders will die, she will die, and all the Knights Union may die.

Zhao Wei turned to look at Elena, with a smile on her face, and put a hand to pinch Elena's white chin. "No, I have already decided."

Elena's face was reddish and she wanted to break free. The man in front of her was a man of her good friend, and she was not the kind of casual person.

But she wants to break free, but she can't get rid of it. A force rushes out of her body and imprisons her strength. Now her body has no strength.

Zhao Wei took her into her arms and began to play with her body. Elena was full of shame and wanted to struggle, but the power was getting smaller and smaller.

Many knights on the ground looked angry and understood what Zhao Wei wanted to do. He glared at Zhao Wei, "Bastard, scum, animals."

At the same time, they are also afraid of their hearts. They are afraid that Zhao Wei will be like them. They are defiled by Zhao Wei. They only feel that they are more uncomfortable than death. The Guangming Knight wants to commit suicide now, but a ban on her is not allowed. power.

Zhao Wei did not care about them, and they could not describe them in front of them and Elena.

Many knights looked blushing and looked at the familiar president of Elena. They became so debauchery, shameless, different expressions, angry, angry, shy, and expectant.

Soon Elena softly squatted on the floor, breathing in a breathless breath.

Zhao Wei came to the front of the bright knight. The bright knight turned his head and turned his head. Because Zhao Wei was not dressed, she didn't want to face the disgusting thing. Now she just wants to die. Her holy body can't be invaded by anyone. .

But Zhao Hao stretched out his hand and let her serve her up. She watched the holy light knight being invaded. Other knights looked at Zhao Wei with hatred. I can’t wait to unload the three pieces of Zhao Yu, and die without a burial place.

The Bright Knight is rebellious and hates watching Zhao Wei, but a force is constantly pouring into her body, her consciousness begins to blur, and she actively serves Zhao Wei.

The two of them soon became happy and the clouds rained.

Many knights looked awkward and did not expect the most holy light knight to become a debauchery.

A bright knight will not do it for a while, and Zhao Wei will go to the Dark Knight.

Although the Dark Knight waited coldly for Zhao but there was a hint of hope in her heart, I don’t know what I want, and the man in front of her evokes her dark desire.

Not long after, the Dark Knight took the initiative to serve Zhao Wei underneath, and then the two continued to be unspeakable.

Then, many knights joined in and made unspeakable sounds. These knights, like the former cavalry, played their specialties, madly riding on Zhao Wei, and finally lost in the hands of Zhao Wei.

Everything outside the room is normal, without any changes, many knights come and go, do not know what is happening in the room.

The people of the Knights Union were also unaware that their president and elders were being invaded by a man.

In this process, Zhao Wei discovered the knights of eleven factions, and there are eleven unique powers.

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