The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2461: Stone monument

Zhao Wei gathered these eleven kinds of power together and formed a colored knight imprint in the body. It looked like a knight wearing armor, holding a long gun and riding a horse.

The Knight's mark also exudes a strange and powerful force. This kind of power seems to be the exclusive power of the Cavaliers. Only the Cavaliers have it.

Zhao Wei is somewhat curious about this kind of power, but he does not understand the information of this kind of power and can only be temporarily put aside.

In the middle of the night, a crescent moon appeared in the night sky, emitting a faint moonlight, and the surrounding light was a little dark.

The room was a mess, and there were scattered clothes and armor everywhere. Many female knights lay on the floor and gasped and gasped.

Zhao Yi and Elena and many knights, now enjoy a lot of knights, some expressions are unexpected, these knights are also the virgin body, before they met Hilary they are also the virgin body, feeling the card world has a lot of virgins.

"You **** have made us all this, really not afraid of the Knights Union to find you account?" Elena looked at Zhao Wei in Zhao Wei's arms.

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Since I dare to do it, naturally I am not afraid? Now you are all my women, it is impossible to betray me."

Elena retorted, "Who said that it is your woman? You have done this to us. As the president of the branch, I will report the news."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I don't believe it!"

Elena’s heart has already recognized Zhao Wei, she will not report the matter, and she glances at Zhao Wei. “I don’t know what charm you have on this bastard. It’s so simple to get us.”

The Flame Knight said with a bold smile. "I experienced this kind of happiness for the first time. I want to be like you every day."

Zhao Wei replied with a smile. "Well! But you knights can't stand it, you will die under you."

Many knights face blushing, and the light wind knight gently stunned Zhao Wei. "You can't make fun of us, all blame you."

The bright knight is also blushing, humming, she was the second violation by Zhao Wei, and was forced to serve Zhao Wei, thinking that those pictures feel too shameful.

Zhao Wei smiled a few times. "Now you still have strength? Can you open the trade union stone monument now?"

The Dark Knight was white and Zhao Yi glanced. "You have ruined us for so long. We are still the first time. Do you think we have strength now?"

The Knights of the Earth said something sternly, "Yes! It’s so important to have Knights? Can't you spend more time with us?"

The face of the cold ice knight, gently said, "Well!"

The Water Spirit Knight nodded cleverly and agreed.

Zhao Wei said with a helpless smile, "That will wait!"

The life knight looked at Zhao Wei curiously. "We have said before that you are a person in the world of apocalypse, not a knight. You can't get a knight seal. Do you have any solution?"

Zhao Wei replied, "I have a ban that will solve this problem, but I am not 100% sure, so I have to try it first."

The death knight asked a little shy and asked, "What high-level power do you have? It has always attracted us, and we have done this with you, and the strength and physical fitness have improved a lot, and it is more effective than eating the elixir."

Many knights inductively, they also showed surprise expressions, a pair of beautiful eyes looked at Zhao Wei, waiting for Zhao Wei's answer.

Zhao Xiao explained with a smile, "That is for sure. I have all kinds of high-level power in my body, and even the power of supreme, so it is good for you."

The knights were surprised.

Elena asked, "I know that your identity is not simple. Hurry up and talk about who you are, why come here?"

It seems that Zhao Hao asked the most questions in this category. Zhao Wei said, "For me, I am the king of a kingdom. My identity and strength are somewhat complicated. After that, my power will enter the card world, and you will know everything."

The people smiled and nodded. They believed that Zhao Wei would not be the master of a simple kingdom. Moreover, even if Zhao Wei was only the king of the kingdom, his identity was much more honorable than them.

Elena suddenly said, "Everyone is getting dressed and opening a place to prevent the trade union stone."

The girls heard and got dressed and dressed.

Zhao Yan’s expression was awkward. “How can I not rest more?”

Elena said with a smile, "Look at you just as urgent, how can we rest well? Now we have given you both body and mind. You will live up to us in the future, and my first one will not let you go."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "No!"

Later, everyone put on their clothes and came outside the room. Some people in the original union were worried about what was going on inside. Now I watched many elders and presidents come out and breathe a sigh of relief.

However, many elders have a flush with them, and they feel much better than before.

Zhao Wei and everyone came to a stone-high three-meter stone facade, eleven knights extended a hand, a force of force constantly rushing from their palms, forming eleven beams, shot on the stone door.

Shimen exudes a lot of colorful light, and there is a huge momentum, and then slowly open.

Elena explained that “the trade union stone has many important things, so it is highly protected. If you are forcibly destroyed by Shimen, the stone will be destroyed automatically.”

Zhao Wei nodded in agreement and then entered the crowd with everyone.

Inside is a stone room, surrounded by stone bricks, more than ten meters wide, with a stone monument three meters high in the middle, carved a lot of knights on it, exudes a huge pressure.

Elena said, "Now you only need the past, put your hand on the stone tablet, the stone will emit a strong repulsive force, and you may not be able to get close to the world of the Apocalypse."

Zhao Wei looked at the stone monument in front and said, "I know!"

Then Zhao Wei walked forward, and sure enough, a huge repulsive force hit, this repulsive force is not very strong for Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei exudes a force easily 1 block under.

However, the stone monuments emit countless radiances, and the knights appear in a virtual shadow, emitting a terrible force, and the air becomes dignified, which makes people feel a terrible chill.

It seems that the stone monument perceives the atmosphere of the heavenly world in Zhao Wei’s body and wants to attack Zhao Wei. It is no longer a simple test.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes and planned to stop the trade union stone at any time.

Zhao Wei directly used eight blood bans, and changed his blood to the blood of the King of Locke. The light from the stone monument disappeared immediately, and the terrible momentum disappeared. The knights disappeared and everything returned to the previous one.

Everyone looked wrong and didn't understand what Zhao Wei used. Now he exudes a royal atmosphere of the card world.

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