The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2462: knight

Then, Zhao Wei walked to the stone tablet and placed a hand on the stone tablet. He only felt that he was wearing armor, holding a long gun, riding a horse and rushing toward himself. Zhao Wei was repelled a few steps without responding.

Elena explained next to it, "This is the knight's power of the Knights Union. It must be a knight to accept this kind of power, and the power of the knight will become a knight in your mind. You need to defeat it in your mind. In order to get the test done."

Zhao Wei frowned. He didn't think it would be like this. He thought that he had the blood of the card world and could resist the repulsive force. He didn't think it was so complicated.

How to solve this problem now? He is not a knight in the card world. Is it really necessary to practice as a knight, which will take at least a month.


What Zhao Zhao thinks, the power of the knight seems to have just been acquired, that is, the kind of power absorbed from the eleven elders, and then condensed into a knight imprint.

Why can this kind of knight force enter his body? Is it a method problem?

In front of it is a three-meter-high stone monument, Zhao Yu can not be the same as a woman.

Maybe you can use this kind of knight's power to try it out. I think that Zhao Wei came forward one time and put a hand on the stone tablet to provoke the Knight's mark. A powerful knight's power emerged.


Zhao Hao’s mind rang a roar, and the power of the knight, which was exiled by the stone tablet, successfully poured into Zhao’s mind and became a cavalry wearing iron armor, armed with a gun and riding a horse. Fierce rushed over.

Here also need to use the power of the Cavaliers to block, Zhao Wei has no way to continue to inspire the power of the Knight imprint into the mind.

I saw that the power of the colored knights poured into Zhao’s mind and spread out into eleven knights who radiated different light and different strengths.

Zhao Xin’s heart was unexpected. He did not expect this scene to appear. It felt that this time the body of eleven knights had inadvertently done the right thing.

If there is no such power, things may not be resolved so quickly.

After the next eleven knights played against a knight, the result was not to be thought of, and the knight was besieged by eleven knights.


At this time, the Knight Stone Monument exudes a huge momentum, and a huge knight's power poured into Zhao's body.

Everyone looked surprised and did not expect Zhao Wei to pass the test of the stone tablet.

For the first time in their history, they have seen people who are not in the world of cards, nor have they been tested by trade unions.

That huge force constantly poured into Zhao's body and was constructed into a rune. This kind of rune is to record the things that condense the knight's seal.


In the past, the color knight imprint that Zhao Yu condensed, he collapsed and turned into eleven different forces, pouring into those runes.

Numerous runes continually condense and change, producing a suction, Zhao Wei's blood and various forces, flooded into countless runes.


A huge roar sounded, and Zhao’s body radiated countless strong light, and a terrible force poured out from Zhao’s body.

Many knights only felt that a huge pressure fell on them. This kind of pressure was not only from the body, but also from the spirit, as if facing a king of knights that could not be touched.

Their strength, blood, and faith are forcing them to surrender. Their bodies are uncontrollable and lie on the ground.

Many knights did not understand what happened, why Zhao Yi would exude a horrible force. This kind of power also made them unable to control the body, squatting on the ground, and there was a strong fear in their hearts.


They felt this terrible power and thought of a legend, the legend about the legend of the king of knights.

In the world of cards, a kind of person will be born. They are born kings, have talents that others can't imagine, and are the ones who give blessings to heaven. They will lead countless knights to change the whole world. No one can resist their pace. The people who resisted were the bodies under their feet.

This kind of person is called the king of knights!

The king of the knights is extremely rare in the world of cards. Not everyone can be, even if the emperor can't do it, its horror is far more terrible than the emperor, even the emperor does not dare to offend them. .

Is this man in front of him a person who is qualified to be the king of the knight?

Many knights squatted on the ground and looked at the people who had a terrible momentum in front of them. The heart was sure to come down. The person in front of them was the king of knights.

Because of this terrible power, let them believe, blood, and power surrender, except for the Knights of the King, almost no one can do it.

They felt very shocked in their hearts. They never thought about anything to do with a person who could not be touched or even seen, but now the man became the king of the knight in front of them.

The key is that he is the person of the Apocalypse world, but he has become the king of the knight in the card world. This kind of thing has never happened before.

Rune constantly condenses in Zhao's body, Zhao Wei's body is constantly gathering, and the terrible momentum that comes out is getting more and more terrible. The ground is cracked, many knights are lying on the ground, the body is shaking, not afraid. Look up and look at Zhao Wei.

In the end, countless runes condensed into a mark in Zhao Wei's body. This mark is black in color and shaped like a domineering crown, giving off an amazing atmosphere.

The imprint was condensed, and the horrific momentum emanating from Zhao’s body also dissipated and the surrounding areas returned to normal.

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile. Now he will condense the knight’s seal and directly give the mark to others. The cohesive method of the knight’s seal is to help you to gather the knight’s seal, not to tell you how to condense a knight’s seal.

Condensing this kind of knight seal must be condensed through the Knights Union stone monument, no Knights Union stone monument is unable to condense this kind of knight seal.

Therefore, the Knights Union only monopolized this kind of knight's seal. No one can pass the knight's seal out. It can only be obtained by the Knights' Union.

Now this kind of knight's seal is not an ordinary knight seal, but a more advanced king knight's seal.

This kind of knight's seal has a much stronger power than the average knight's seal, which gives the knight a stronger power and has other effects.

Zhao Wei turned and looked at the knight on the ground. He smiled and said, "Let's get up!"

Hearing the words, many knights breathed a sigh of relief, stood up from the ground, and a pair of beautiful eyes saw Zhao Wei.

Now they are more and more curious about the man in front of him.

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