The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2479: Thunder


A loud roar sounded, and the thundering king's palace was crushed by powerful forces. Numerous Daqin soldiers poured into it with a powerful force, surrounded the thunderous kings and did not kill them.

King Thunder took a group of people and looked at the soldiers in ugly face. He asked, "Who are you?"

A smirk sounded in the sky, and a figure appeared in the sky. It was Zhao Wei, with a smile, looking down at the people in Leiming, and said, "My power is called the Great Qin Empire!"

The King of Thunder saw Zhao Hao in the sky, his face became pale, and he did not expect it to be the power of Zhao Wei.

And they can have a lot of grudges with Zhao Wei, and now they are in his hands, the end may be very miserable.

Now King Thunder is very regretful. I know that this is the case. They will not attack the Locke State for a woman. The Thundering State may not be destroyed. Unfortunately, it is too late to say anything.

King Lei Ming looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes and said coldly, "What do you want to do with us now?"

Zhao Wei glanced at the people of Lei Mingguo and said with a smile, "Look at your performance."

The King of Thunder found that Zhao Wei did not kill their thoughts. His heart was relieved and his tone slowed down. "If we thunder the country to surrender to you, then can you retain the identity and territory of our royal family."

Zhao Wei couldn't help but smile. "Do you still have the qualifications to talk to me about the conditions? And what Daqin has implemented is a centralized system. It is not a sub-sealing system. You don't have a royal status and there is no territory."

The face of Thunder King is hard to look at once, which means that they surrender to Daqin and they have nothing.

However, the King of Thunder thought about it. Now he is not qualified to talk to Daqin. It is a good thing to live. So he made a certain decision and said, "Oh! I am willing to surrender to you."

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile, and the tone was overbearing. “Your Majesty!

It is said that the King of Leiming feels a humiliation. He is the master of a country. He is a very honorable person. He usually worships people when he sees him, but now he bows to others.

Other royals also felt a humiliation, and they were all honored before.

It is a pity that even if it is humiliation, there is no way to refuse. The Leiming country has been destroyed by Daqin. If it does not swear, it will only die.

The King of Thunder forced the humiliation and anger in his heart, and was about to kneel down.

"I don't want to surrender to you!"

A voice suddenly sounded in a quiet scene. Everyone looked at the past. It was a pair of glasses with gold rims. The beige long hair was put up, the body was mature, the chest was big, holding a book, and the woman wearing a robes was cold. Looking at Zhao Wei.

She is the Minister of Internal Affairs of Lei Mingguo and the curator of the Royal Library.

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Are you afraid of dying?"

The woman said with a cold face, and said with pride, "There must be a death, but I chose to die with dignity. The thundering country was founded 368 years ago. It has a strong heritage and rich culture. I am willing to Being a country."

After hearing these words, several old people also stood up and looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes. "We can't live for a long time anyway. We are only the ministers of Leiming, not slaves of the kingdom."

Some people who have dignity and temperament, who are led by the people in front, have also stood up and looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes. They said, "We are also willing to die, for the mighty thundering country to be buried, not willing to let it take The humiliation is dead."

The Daqin soldiers around the cold eyes looked at these people in front of them, showing a strong murderousness. Those who dare to speak with the Daqin Empire must die, and they must die very badly.

Now it has become a little suppressed. No one is saying anything, the rest is facing, and I don’t know what to do next.

King Thunder watched his ministers so eager, dignified and unwilling to kneel, how can he bear such humiliation as the king of Leiming.

At this time, even if surrendering to Daqin to save his life, there will be no chance to regain the country in the future, subject to the control of the Daqin Empire.

King Thunder’s heart crossed and pulled out a long knife, giving off a powerful momentum and shouting loudly. “I don’t want to surrender to you. Now challenge the king of thunder, can you dare to fight?”

Zhao Xiao smiled a few times, his eyes scorned. "You can try it!"


A roar sounded, and the King of Thunder took a huge momentum and jumped from the ground. In the sky, Zhao Yu rushed over and injected all his strength into his long knife. The long knife exudes a strong knife and mans. Open everything.

Zhao Wei looked at the fiercely rushing over the King of Thunder, and reached out a hand, a huge force poured out, pressed hard,


King Thunder’s body was hit by a huge force and fell directly back to the ground, pulling out a big pit.

The people were scared, the strength of this man is terrible.

King Thunder lie in the big pit and spit out a large blood, and there is no strength to climb.

Some people rushed to worry about rushing forward and came to the pit to check the wounds of King Thunder.

The first body is mature, the chest is large, and the glasses are also worn. The beige long hair looks a bit similar to the former Minister of the Interior, but she is more mature. They should be sisters.

She is also the king of Lei Mingguo and the mother of the thundering king.

The second figure is graceful, a long lavender hair, exudes a glamorous temperament, looks beautiful, the third body is sexy, a long linen hair, looks very gentle, the fourth is wearing a black skirt, body Tall, giving a cold feeling.

There are also two princes and two princesses. The prince looks very temperament, seventeen and thirteen, and the two princesses are also around seventeen years old. They are pure and moving, and their stature is well developed.

"His Majesty!"

Wang Hao screamed with tears in his mouth and thundered the thundering king. King of Lei Ming looked around his wife and children, showing an ugly smile. "Don't worry about me, it is my pride to die." You choose to surrender that person."

Wang Hao cried and shook his head. "I am willing to die with my Majesty. As the King of Lei Ming, I should also be buried for Lei Ming."

Wang Hao, who looks gentler, has a firm gaze and cries, "I am willing to die with my Majesty."

The other two kings hesitated and did not speak. As for the four princes and princesses, they were afraid, and they still didn't want to die.

The fascinating Wang Hao, meditating for a moment, said awkwardly, "I'm sorry!"

When I heard her, other people had a look and there was a bad idea in my heart.

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