The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2470: Blood

I saw the enchanting Wang Hao standing up and bowed to Zhao, with a hint of flattery, "I am willing to surrender to you, and willing to be your woman to serve you."

She doesn't want to die, she doesn't want her daughter to die too, and she has to make plans for the future. After they are surrendered as royals, they may be imprisoned and then spend the rest of their lives.

Leng Yan Wang Hao thought for a moment, and made a decision in his heart. He stood up and looked at Zhao Wei. "I can also serve you, but you must treat me and my loved ones."

King Lei Ming looked at his two wives, and there was a anger in his heart. Although he wanted them to surrender to save their lives, they did not want their women to serve other men, and this man also destroyed Lei Mingguo.

"You two are not worthy of being the king of the thundering country, not even as my woman."

The first Wang Hao was also angry and said, "Are you so worthy of your knees? Your Majesty has always been good to you."

The ministers who stood up to be buried for the Leiming Kingdom also screamed with anger. "You two are the shame of Lei Mingguo. We have all lost your face in the thundering country. How can we make such a moral deterioration?"


A dull voice suddenly sounded, and the ministers were shot by a giant force, fell to the ground, and spit out a large mouthful of blood.


A horrible momentum has enveloped countless people, causing countless people to fall into fear. Zhao Yi’s overbearing opening said, “They are my women now, who is saying... dead!”

The fascinating Wang Hao and the glamorous Wang Yan have a smile on their faces. Zhao Wei accepts them so easily. It seems that he is interested in them. You don't have to worry about things in the future.

Zhao Wei then said, "Put those who are not willing to surrender, and some of them will be brought to the main hall."

Many Daqin soldiers stepped forward and pushed a person down.

King Thunder watched several Daqin soldiers holding his woman and daughter to the other side, thinking of something in his heart, yelling out in anger, "Let them, or I will kill you."

Several Daqin soldiers snorted a few times and kicked a few feet on the thundering king. Now the power of the thundering king has been banned by Zhao Wei, and there is no resistance at all, and then forcibly towed away.

The two kings were crying and struggling, or were brought to the hall by soldiers.

Finally, Zhao Wei sat on the throne of Lei Mingguo and looked at the seven women in front of them. They had four kings, two princesses, and the minister of the interior.

The seven of them are most interested in the sisters, the first Wang Hao and the Minister of the Interior.

Now they are crying, a cold look at Zhao Wei, or a look of arrogance.

Zhao Wei walked up to the two of them and took their sisters in their arms and played with their chest. They both struggled hard. As the sister of the Minister of the Interior, they yelled at Zhao Wei, "Scum let me go!"

As Zhao Wei continued to play with their bodies, they also lost their resistance. They leaned on Zhao’s shoulders and looked red and gasped.

The fascinating Wang Hao did not think that Zhao Wei was most interested in them. She was envious in her heart, but she did not want to lag behind, and took the initiative to take off her clothes and put it into Zhao’s arms.

The unspeakable voice soon sounded in the hall.

The King of Thunder waited for news in an anxious place, but he did not receive any news, and did not even think that his mother had a shameful voice in Zhao Wei’s face.

And her sister, who is an arrogant minister of the interior, is more debauched than her, and she is constantly asking for it.

In the prison, the King of Thunder angered and twisted and cursed. He knew what was happening now, and his wife and daughter were being invaded by the bastard.

On the other hand, Daqin soldiers attacked Lei Mingguo's major territories and wanted to completely overthrow the sub-sealing system. It was necessary to kill or conquer all the lords, and use powerful force to suppress the territory, so that the forces would not be chaotic.

If there is no strong force to suppress, those lords will certainly not accept the Daqin, even if surrender is not a willing surrender, may rebel at any time.

Moreover, the sub-sealing system is based on who has merit, and who can have the title on the basis of the title.

But now it is the Daqin world that attacks them. Daqin is not a system of separation. If there is merit, it will not seal the territory. Those who do not have a card world have merit, and they have not sealed their lords to be convinced.

However, the desire to change the minds of these card worlds is not something that can be done in a short time, and it has to go through a long period of time.

Without much difficulty, the Daqin soldiers captured all the territory of the Leiming country. Those big and small lords were not killed or brought to the royal palace of Leiming.

White has counted the results of the war. A total of more than 2 billion card-world people have been harvested, and there are more than 200 million card-world soldiers. There are countless other kinds of materials.

The only pity is that the cavalry regiment of Lei Mingguo almost chose to die, and no one is willing to surrender.

Bai Qi has witnessed the terribleness of this cavalry regiment. I really want to take it to Daqin and let them work for Daqin. It will definitely have a great effect on Daqin.

Now these cavalry regiments are almost dead, and they are not too concerned about it, because he believes that their majesty will definitely cultivate a more powerful cavalry regiment. Baiqi also has a 100% belief in Zhao Wei.

Bai Qi wanted to report this to Zhao Wei, but found that the main hall door was still closed, and there was an enchantment protection.

He understands what is happening inside. He has no opinion on one kind of thing. After all, Zhao Wei is the emperor of Daqin. The supreme person can do whatever he wants. No one can restrain himself.

Moreover, he hopes that Zhao Wei is like this. Because of the fact that Daqin has become stronger and stronger in the past ten years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, Zhao Wei still has no children. The blood of Daqin has not been extended.

Although the winner also has the blood of influenced by the national movement of the Daqin Empire, it has now become a kingdom-level blood.

However, their blood and Zhao's blood are very different, and there is no way to describe the gap.

Daqin is not the Daqin in history. The blood of the orthodox kings of Daqin should be based on the blood of Zhao Wei. The blood of the winners is only worthy of the bloodline.

Watching Zhao Wei enjoy the girls in it, Bai Qi gathers many generals in another place, and distributes the next things to do.

In the chaotic world and the alchemy world, Daqin is first to find a place where no one has to build a base, and then to base on this base, to develop around.

But now it is different. Now Daqin has entered the card world and attacked a country. No base has been built. Therefore, Daqin decided to use Leiming as the base of Daqin and develop around.

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