The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2478: Tianlong

There are two kinds of attributes of the Golden Night Dragon. One is the dark attribute, which belongs to the advanced night force, and the second is the light attribute. It is a very terrible top force called Jinhui.

This kind of Jinhui's power is just the power that the big-level dragon has mastered. Now it is combined with the power of Huiye Yinlong.

With these two forces, the power of the Golden Night Dragon will definitely be stronger than the ordinary Sage Dragon.

Now the Golden Night Tianlong Lair still needs to develop for a period of time. Zhao Wei is set aside and handed over to a special person for management.

Subsequently, Zhao Wei officially embarked on the road to the spiritual domain.

The position of the spiritual domain is far from the human domain. If you bypass the past, you have to cross three large domains. Therefore, Zhao Wei chooses to pass the Tianyu domain, which is the central domain, to the spiritual domain on the other side.

This journey is also constant, and it is estimated that it will take a lot of time on the road.

After half a month,

Zhao Wei has been through the transmission array, the constant legend, no break, and finally came to Tianyu.

After half a month of hard work, Zhao Wei was also a little tired. After coming to Tianyu, he found an inn to rest.

After a simple wash, Zhao Wei sat in the inn hall to eat, surrounded by many people talking while drinking.

Zhao Wei listened carefully and couldn't see the useful information from it. Zhao Wei now does not know what happened in Tianyu.

From the discussion of other people, Zhao Wei learned that there are two types of news.

The first category is the war between the Apocalypse world and the card world. At this time, the center of the Apocalypse world has changed from the alchemy world to the card world.

The participation of the gods and the celestial world has indeed reduced the pressure on the Apocalypse world. The chaotic battlefield situation is very stable. The two sides attacked each other. The alchemy battlefield Tianqi world relied on the number of people to withstand the alchemy world attack. It was not as passive as before.

The war in the card world, some smooth before, made the Apocalypse world a little promised, that the card world is not a very powerful world, so the card world counterattacks, causing great losses to the Apocalypse world.

Now that the two sides are glued, no one has much advantage.

There are also some magic cards that are also talking about the card world. Some people have gotten a lot, but unfortunately there is no way to use them.

The second type of news, Tian Tian's major forces are collecting all kinds of materials, feeling like it is going to happen bad things.

When I heard this, Zhao Wei’s first thought was the catastrophe that was said in the mighty mouth. Not only was that great power known, but other major forces also knew that various preparations were being made.

Many large forces are prepared and have the strength to deal with what is happening in the future, but those small forces have no ability to resist or even know what is going to happen.

Zhao Wei looked at the major forces and prepared them. He also understood that the time left for him might not be much, so he would continue to hurry after a short break in the inn.

"and many more!"

Not long after, Zhao Wei, who was walking on a street, was suddenly stopped by a voice behind him. This voice felt a bit familiar. I didn’t know where I heard it. Zhao Wei stopped and turned and looked back.

I saw a young man with a smile and looked at himself. He had a beautiful face, a pair of purple and glamorous eyes, a long black hair, a very slender body, dressed in white, and his chest was exposed. A muscle is very uniform, neither exaggerated nor weak, and a strong masculine breath is coming.

Zhao Wei saw that his brow was wrinkled, and a bad picture emerged from his mind, because the person in front of him was a person of the Imperial College, and there was also a famous person named Ziyun.

When I went to the Imperial College, I accidentally broke into a hot spring. The place was the place where Ziyun was, but Ziyun was sitting on the unspeakable thing with a dozen handsome men.

Zhao Yu’s mind is also the same picture.

At that time, Zhao Wei’s strength was very weak, and he was caught by this purple cloud. If it wasn’t for the help of the six desires, Zhao Wei might have been violated by this purple cloud.

I didn’t expect to meet him here,

Now the cultivation of Ziyun is already the peak of the emperor's heaven. Only one point can enter the virtual environment. The kind of masculinity that comes out is also more intense. He is followed by seven or eight beautiful men dressed in glamorous beauty. .

In a few short years, Ziyun couldn’t think of it. At the beginning, a person who could kill it casually became a strong person in the heavens and the real world.

Zhao Wei is not afraid of him, with a smile, asks, "Is there anything?"

The mouth of Ziyun’s mouth rises, revealing a hint of evil laughter. “I feel like you are an acquaintance of me, a person who makes me dream, a person who likes to wear a cloak, but has a face that is full of love.”

Zhao Wei suddenly felt a bit disgusting. If he was praised by a woman, there was nothing wrong with it, but the other person was a man. "I feel like you are the wrong person. I am not that person, and you should not talk to me in this tone."

Ziyun said with a chuckle, "Is it? But I feel that your voice and tone are very similar to him. Would you like to take off the cloak and let me see it? You can rest assured that I will not hurt the person I am watching."

Zhao Wei refused. "No, there is nothing, I am leaving!"

Now Zhao Wei does not want to waste too much time with him, and he has psychological rejection and dislike.

Ziyun teased and said with a smile, "Now this grandfather is watching you, whether you are him or not, you will belong to me, you see a few of me, I have not treated them badly, as long as they become my beloved wife, they I will give you what I want."

Zhao Wei’s eyes are very cold. “You are forcing me to teach you?”

Ziyun hasn't talked yet, and a beautifully dressed man around him, said softly, "We are happy to see you as a blessing. Do you know who we are? If you know, you must climb over and serve us."

There is also a glamorous man who said with meekness. "I advise you to be Don't let us get angry, or wait until we will adjust you."

Ziyun said with a smile, "Don't say it, I am not a vulgar man now. The more he resists resistance, the more I realize his superior accomplishment."

Zhao Wei was simply unable to bear the few people in front of him, raised one hand, the strength condensed in front of the palm of his hand, three black beams with powerful power, and the speed quickly shot at Ziyun and the two talking men.

Ziyun smiled and waved, a purple energy cover emerged, wrapping the purple clouds.

boom! boom! boom!

Three sounds were emitted, and three beams hit the defensive hood with great force, and the defensive hood knocked out many cracks.

Ziyun's face became a bit serious, and a pair of eyes looked at Zhao Wei. "You really are not simple!"

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