The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2479: Jianguang

Zhao Wei said coldly, "Now, let me know how to be fun."

Ziyun suddenly smiled lightly, "I like you like this."


A roar sounded, Zhao Wei did not want to talk nonsense, directly radiating a huge momentum, rushed to Ziyun, the speed is very fast, came to the front of Ziyun, punched the Ziyun with a punch.

Although Ziyun is smiling, but the heart is dignified, a huge purple gas emerges from the body, and a huge force is also coming out.

In the face of Zhao’s punch, a palm was forced forward.


As soon as the air blew, the fist and the palm of the hand slammed together with a powerful force. A powerful force spread out and attacked all around, and the ground shattered at that moment.

Seven or eight glamorous men behind Ziyun, with a shocked face, stepped back a few steps, did not think that Zhao Wei’s strength was so strong.

The two men’s actions were deadlocked in place, and Ziyun’s palms exuded a huge masculine force to block Zhao’s fist, and looked at Zhao Wei seriously.

Zhao Yu’s eyes looked at Ziyun, showing a hint of coldness. “You are power for me, just for me.”


A roar sounded once, and a powerful force emerged from Zhao’s body. Zhao’s fist pushed hard.


A dull voice sounded, Ziyun's body was struck by a huge force, and he stepped back a few steps, his face became a bit ugly, because he found that Zhao Wei's power might be stronger than him.

Numerous black arrogance emerged from Zhao’s body, and Zhao’s fists constantly gathered black arrogance, forming a terrible faucet, exuding an amazing power.


Zhao Yu slammed out, and an arrogant black dragon with a huge force rushed to Ziyun fiercely.

Ziyun's face changed, a huge masculine force poured into one hand, and that hand exudes a strong purple light, with a strong momentum, forcefully hit the black dragon.


A loud bang came out, and the black dragon formed by the black arrogance and the numerous purple ray palms smashed together. A huge explosion spread out. The ground and houses hundreds of meters in a circle were destroyed, and a loud bang was caused. Shot, the smoke is filled.

The people around him were afraid, and hurriedly hid in the distance. They looked at each other with their eyes, and they felt that the two people in front were terrible.

Ziyun was defeated by Zhao Wei for more than a dozen meters, and his face looked more faintly at Zhao Wei. Now he has determined that Zhao Wei’s strength is stronger than him, but he naturally will not admit defeat so easily.

Ziyun looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes and said with a serious tone, "Now I am looking forward to fighting you!"


A huge roar sounded at a time, and the purple cloud broke out all the power, forming a purple shock wave that instantly spread out, and the ground buildings within a radius of a square were all broken.

Under the power of Ziyun's body, it turned into countless pieces flying away, revealing the slender and slender upper body.

His eyebrows glowed with a purple circular mark, and numerous purple breaths gushed around his waist and arms, forming a purple ribbon, emitting a purple glow, exuding a force that was just strong. .


Ziyun's body instantly disappeared in the same place, appeared on the top of Zhao Wei's head, and a palm with a powerful force rushed to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei’s body jumped backwards.


A loud bang came out, and the palm of the purple cloud hit the ground, as if a huge hammer smashed on the ground, and the ground instantly collapsed into a large pit.

Zhao Wei was shot and flew out by the powerful force. He landed on the ground smoothly, and his eyes looked at Ziyun. As a well-known strongman of the Imperial College, his strength cannot be underestimated.

Ziyun turned to see Zhao Wei easily escaped his blow, the body with a strong masculine force, fiercely and quickly rushed to Zhao Yu,


Ziyun’s palms are playing forward, and a huge force seems to explode the air. It quickly hits Zhao Wei.

In the face of this power, Zhao Wei understands that with the current strength, he can't resist it, and drink it lightly, "Imperial mode...Open!"


A huge colorful arrogance ignited from Zhao's body, and a colorful circular array emerged from the eyebrows. A colorful rune circle appeared around Zhao Wei, and a huge wind spread.


That huge force hit Zhao Wei, and the colorful rune circle around Zhao Wei exudes a powerful force to turn, easily blocking that huge force.

Ziyun's expression was condensed, and a palm of his hand continued to sway. A terrible force continued to hit Zhao Wei, as if he could crush a mountain.

Zhao Yu’s eyes overflowed with colorful rays and looked at the purple clouds in front. A huge force was injected into the colorful rune circle. The colorful rune circle radiated a huge force and quickly rotated.


The strong force of that stock was reversed by an invisible force, hitting the ground around Zhao Wei, each shot hit a big hole, but did not hurt Zhao Wei.

The people around him looked at the two people in front of each other and felt the momentum that was constantly emanating. They understood that both of them were strong in heaven.

This city soldier and the city owner have already arrived, but they dare not approach, because they know Ziyun, knowing that Ziyun’s identity is terrible, and they dare not go forward to stop it.

While another person is not clear about their identity, they feel that they dare to fight against Ziyun, and their status is certainly not low.


Ziyun saw himself attacking so many times but could not break Zhao Wei’s defense. With a loud bang, a huge force came out, and both palms were shot together. A horrible force emerged and turned into a pair of huge purple palms. Shooting to Zhao Wei.


A huge sound came out, and the pair of huge purple palms hit the rune circle with great power.

Zhao Wei injected a powerful force into the rune circle, and the rune circle quickly turned, and the slowly pair of purple palms twisted into two purple energy flying to both sides, dissipating.

Zhao Wei said, "It’s time for me!"


A huge force spread out from Zhao's That rune circle spread out and turned into an essay runa around Zhao Wei, emitting a lot of light and forming a Put a light sword that is one foot long.

A horrible sword force spread out as if it could destroy everything. Nothing can resist.

Ziyun felt amazed at this terrible power.

At this time, Zhao Wei looked at Ziyun and slowly extended one hand and pressed forward.


A sound broke through the air, and the light sword was shot at the purple cloud with the power of terror. The speed was very fast, and it brought out a stream of traces in the air, as if it could destroy everything.

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