The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2485: Dragon

After two heads, Zhao Wei came to a new place, which is close to the demon area, so there are quite a few demon people.

These Yaozus are very brave and aggressive, and they have built many Colosseum. Every day, many people fight in the Colosseum, and there are also very demon people watching. It is the most popular place here.

Zhao Wei passed by here, but I didn't really care. I suddenly heard that this place is holding a duel contest. Whoever becomes the ultimate winner can get a few precious treasures of the demon.

Among them, there is a kind of Emperor Tianma, which is the most interesting thing for Zhao.

The Emperor Demon Horse is an extremely powerful demon horse. The body is tall and strong, with the momentum of the emperor, exudes a noble and powerful atmosphere.

Because they have emperor blood in their blood, although they are not pure emperor blood, they can also give them a strong power of the emperor. There is no problem in crushing the same monster.

The number of Emperor demon horses is also very rare. It is difficult to meet in peacetime. They cannot be turned into human figures because of blood circulation. They are always like horses.

Therefore, there is such a demon horse as a mount, it is a very face-faced and enviable thing.

Emperor Tianmao Ma Shi is the power of the Emperor Tianmao after the death of the horse. If you give it to other horses, you will get a little blood of the Emperor, and master the power of the Emperor.

I heard that this piece of Emperor demon horse is very powerful, not the ordinary Emperor demon horse stone.

Zhao Wei heard the Emperor Tianmao Ma Shi, and he was thinking, if you get this piece of Emperor Tianma, and then integrate it into a horse's nest, those horses have the blood of the Emperor, and can be used as the cavalry of the emperor. Mount.

With the momentum of the Emperor's blood and the horse with the blood of the emperor, it is undoubtedly the most suitable pair, which can maximize the power of the cavalry regiment.

Zhao Wei has seen the power of the cavalry regiment. Now he has been thinking about how to cultivate a cavalry regiment, so he stopped this information and planned to participate in this duel competition.

After a while, Zhao Wei came to the lifeguard's resistance. On the counter, he sat with a demon family of a sheep's head. He held a pen in one hand and a stack of white paper.

He saw Zhao Wei, who was walking in front of him, and said in a plain tone, "Tell me the name and repair, I will arrange your duel."

Zhao Wei said, "The night of the magic! It is the emperor's heaven."

The demon's face was a glimpse, and then a smile appeared. He stood up and said with respect and respect. "It turned out to be an adult with a real world. Just don't blame it."

Zhao Wei lightly said, "Nothing, I want to participate in this duel contest."

Yangtou Yaozu smiled and said, "Adults follow the rules, please also show you the strength of your heavenly environment."

Wen Yan, Zhao Wei nodded, exuding a force belonging to the emperor.

The sheep head Yaozu feels the terrible power that Zhao Yu exudes, and the look is more respectful. Although the monk is not uncommon here, it is definitely a very powerful person.

"Adult! Because you are a strong man in the heavens, you don't have to participate in the preliminary rounds, you can directly participate in the finals. I am now letting a person prepare a room for the adults, because the big game is only starting, the adults still need to board for a while. ""

Zhao Wei said, "Well, I understand."

Subsequently, the sheep head demon called a young sheep head, led Zhao Wei to a room, this room is located at the top of a Colosseum, you can directly see the duel in the Colosseum below.

There are many such rooms around, except for some of the players who participated in the duel. Others are honored to watch the game.

Now there is a head in the arena that looks like a lion's demon and a horned demon.

Both of them are strong in one day. The minimum requirement for this duel competition is one-day, and the highest limit is the imperial court. Therefore, as a strong heavenly power, Zhao Wei directly participates in the final duel without participating in the preliminary round.

In the general cultivation of the heavens, it is absolutely a monk who can crush the day. This will not be too much accident, and there is nothing worth seeing.

The Yangtou Youth said respectfully, "Adult! You have something to ask, or what you can ask me."

Zhao Wei nodded lightly and motioned to understand.

Later, to some boring, as a strong Tiandi strong, Zhao Wei did not have much interest to watch the battle of a group of strong people.

However, the many demons at the lower level are very excited and the scene is very lively.

One day for them, they are also powerful strengths. Looking at the fierce battles of these strong players, they are naturally very excited and excited.


A dull voice sounded, the two demon people are all power-type, a fist punches constantly to each other, fierce and full, a strong wind blowing.

It is also worth mentioning that this duel competition cannot use weapons and can only rely on its own body to fight, because the body of the Yaozu itself is very powerful and can exert great destructive power.


The demon who had a horned horn, slammed it out with a punch, a huge cyan bullhead, with fierce power, slammed into the lion.


The lion's hands were blocked in front of him, but they were rushed out by the huge force, spit out a large mouth of blood, and did not have the strength to climb. Finally, the referee played and announced the victory of the young horns.

With the victory of the young horns, the four sides boiled up, and countless people shouted with excitement and excitement, venting their happy mood.

Zhao Wei looked at some boring, although the battle was a bit exciting, but still could not attract Zhao Wei’s eyes.

Next is a man dressed in white, looks like a man and a strong man who is wearing a strong man.


The two quickly fought fiercely. The big man punched out with a fist and punched a huge punch. He could crush the steel, and the young man in the shadow injected a force into the palm of his hand. The two palms radiated pale light. Form two light knives and cut them to the big man.

The result was that the young man in the haze won and the big man flew out. The big man had a deep wound in his chest and the blood rushed out.

Subsequently, the referee went to the scene to kill the big man and announced that the young man in the shadows won.

Zhao Wei feels bored, and after a few battles, a long black hair is bundled into two scorpions. There are two black dragon horns on the head, and some cute girls come to the arena.

And her opponent is also a boy in white, with two dragons on his head and handsome looks.

Both of them are dragons.

The people also came to the spirit. Among the Yaozu, the dragons are one of the strongest races, and the fighting power they radiate is not weak.

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