The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2486: Dragon

The cute girl snorted and gave out the voice of Loli. "I didn't expect to meet you so early. Today I want you to **** evil nine."

The handsome teenager looked at the cute girl and said, "Well! I also want to fight you once and see what qualifications you have for being valued by Grandpa."

Upon hearing this, the dragon girl rushed to the dragon teenager and took a huge fierce force.

The dragon girl quickly rushed to the front of the dragon boy, holding a fist in a small hand, and with a force to break the mountain, hit the dragon teenager.

The dragon teenager stood still in the same place, and one hand was also clenched into a fist, with a force that shattered the void.


Two small fists collided together. If two horrible forces collide, a violent wind will spread out and the ground will crack.

The dragon girl and the dragon boy’s body each stepped back a few steps, and their faces were serious. Then the two of them fought fiercely together, causing a strong wave of volatility to spread around.

Everyone was a little surprised. Two seemingly small bodies also had such terrible power, and they were not the people of the dragons.

Zhao Wei looked at the girl with a pair of eyes, feeling the exhalation of the girl, and her voice was familiar, and she felt that she had seen it there.


A dull voice sounded, the dragon girl escaped from the past, a boxing in the teenager's abdomen, the terrible power to fly the teenager out, the teenager fell to the ground, spit out a blood.

The dragon girl continued to rush to the teenager, and the speed was very fast.

The youngsters on the ground quickly climbed up, and a pair of eyes looked at the dragon girl who rushed over. The body exudes countless white light. A white dragon appeared on top of his head. It was more than ten meters long and gave off a powerful dragon.

The dragon girl looked at the power exerted by the teenager, and the body rushed over to the teenager, while emitting a lot of black light, and a black dragon appeared on the top of her head.

This black dragon is more than a dozen meters long, a pair of black iron-like dragon horns, six blood-colored eyes, looks terrible, a black scale, exudes a powerful and evil force.

Seeing this black dragon, Zhao Yan’s expression stunned and she suddenly rang the girl.


At this time, a huge explosion sounded, and the two dragons collided with horrible power, which produced a violent explosion. Numerous rays of light were shot, and a destructive force spread, and the ground collapsed in an instant.

The waves spread out, and both of them were lying on the ground, even a little wolf, the blood flowing out of the corner of the mouth, climbing up from the ground, and continuing to exude strong power to rush to each other.

Zhao Wei saw the girl with a happy smile on her face. Zhao Wei did not expect to meet her here.

This girl had known Zhao Hao very early. She belonged to the same person who met Zhao Xian at the same time. She was still a powerful lord. When Zhao Zhao saw her, she had to detour, and her identity was six eyes. .

The six-eyed enchanting regional lord of the horror forest belongs to one of the most terrible creatures in the region.

At that time, in order to collect the grass, Zhao Wei went to the depths of the horror forest to meet with the six-eyed dragon and became a friend.

After the six eyes enchanted to leave Daqin, and then disappeared, at that time Daqin was still very weak, Huaxia North seems to have no unity.

It seems that there are more than ten years now. Zhao Wei can't think of meeting her here. Zhao Wei has always been strange. Six eyes have gone there. How can it seem to disappear? Now Zhao Wei understands that she came here.

If it wasn't for this time, I might not be able to meet her.

Now the six-eyed enchanting is not a jealousy, but a dragon, the name is the evil demon dragon, belonging to the king lord's monster.

She became a human figure. If she did not condense the black dragon, Zhao Wei might not recognize her. It has been so many years.


A huge dragon rang, and a white dragon emerged from the juvenile's palm. The white dragon formed a white dragon-shaped long knife, giving off a terrible destructive power.

This dragon-shaped long knife belongs to a weapon that is condensed with strength. It is not a real weapon, so it can be used.

The dragon boy holds the dragon knife and rushes to the dragon girl with fierce strength. The momentum is terrible, just like a beast.

The dragon girl stood cold in the face, a powerful evil force radiated from her body, and six huge blood-colored eyes appeared behind her, emitting **** light.


Six blood-colored eyes shot six huge blood-colored beams, with evil and terrible powers like bamboo, and the speed was extremely fast, and the ferocious dragon teenagers shot past.

The dragon boy injects a powerful dragon force into his hand. The white dragon knife emits a terrible knife light, and pushes forward with a force, and a huge white knife shines out.


A loud noise came out, and the blood-colored beams collided with the knife light. A terrible energy cover spread out, covering the entire playing field, and the ground collapsed at that moment. The ground is violently vibrating and numerous sandstones are falling apart.

Quiet all around, looking at the venue with a shocked look, this battle is really terrible, both people are very strong,

Who is winning now?

Countless people looked forward to the scene, everything drifted away, the dragon girl stood in the field, and the dragon boy fell to the ground, blood flowed out of his chest, and the clothes were dyed red.

Countless people couldn't help but scream and excite. The scene was boiling at one time, and the dragon girl won.

The dragon girl has a smug smile on her face and looks at the dragon boy on the ground. "Now do you know that I am amazing? I will be honest when I see you later, otherwise I will teach you once."

The dragon boy's face is ugly, and he didn't say anything because he lost in the hands of The strength is not as good as others, and he is not qualified to refute.

There were a few dragons and teenagers in the stands. I watched the somewhat proud Dragon girls on the field a little angry. Obviously they didn't like the dragon girls.

The referee ordered the dragon teenager to be carried down and announced the victory of the dragon girl.

The dragon girl was happy to jump to the side, the two little scorpions swayed back and forth, plus her terrible face, it looked very cute.

The referee activated a squad, and a huge force came out. The ruined playing field, which was quickly and automatically repaired, returned to the previous one without any damage.

Zhao Wei looked at the left dragon girl with a pair of eyes, a smile on his face, left the room on the top floor, and walked toward the direction of the dragon girl.

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