The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2487: Dragon

"Stand up evil nine!"

The Dragon Ball girl just left the Colosseum, and several dragon girls were behind, and a dissatisfied look called her.

The dragon girl turned to look at them and said, "What do you guys have?"

A young boy said angrily, "You are just too heavy to start the evil, and the white dragon is seriously injured. We are all children of Grand Dragon. Don't think that Grandpa Qinglong likes you."

The dragon girl snorted. "That is in the gladiatorial field. I definitely can't keep my hands. Otherwise I will lose. And if you guys have opinions on me, I am not afraid of you."

A girl with a blue dragon horn, said coldly, "Oh, your strength is very strong, but you should not be too arrogant. Do you think you can resist us? You better give me a little more honest."

The dragon girl said that she was not afraid of arrogance. "I am not afraid of a few of you. I have the ability to beat me now."

A few dragon girls and teenagers are even more angry, with a pair of eyes licking the evil nine, and seeing that the two sides are really going to fight.

"I really didn't teach!"

A voice with disgust and disdain sounded, a young man in white, with a beautiful face stood on the side and looked at a few dragon girls in front of him.

There is a phoenix in his body, which should be the biggest opponent of the dragon family.

The two groups of people have always dislike each other, and the other side is facing each other, the relationship is extremely bad.

The evil nine and several dragon teenagers and young girls all perceive that the other is a Feng nationality. When they hear his words, they look angry at the Feng youth.

The dragon boy said directly, "You are not educated? What is the matter of our dragons? What is your phoenix?"

The Feng nationality youth said disdainfully, "Oh? Still dare to give up, really do not know how to live and die, do you know my strength?"

It is said that the Feng nationality youth exudes a very large force, quickly covering the surrounding, so that the air is instantly dignified, it is a force of extreme heaven.

Several dragon girls and teenagers feel this momentum, their faces become a little pale, and some of them have just broken through the day, and the power of the extreme heavens is very different. It is not the opponent of the Feng youth in front of it.

The Feng nationality youth looked at them and showed a proud smile. "A group of useless waste, the dragon people are like this."

This is a popular look of the dragons, but the other side is a strong natural person, they simply can’t beat,

If you start with him now, maybe he will be killed by him.

These cities with the Colosseum are both strong and powerful. The average person does not dare to fight in the city. Therefore, the Feng youth have not directly killed them.

Evil nine angry, "You don't want to be too much!"

The young phoenix of the Feng nationality smiled a few times. "Oh? How do you dare to do it to me?"

The evil nine screams and screams at the Feng nationality youth, and can't help but radiate a dragon force.

"Hey! It’s a matter of bullying a few kids here. I see that the talents of your Feng nationality are rebellious."

A moving voice sounded, I saw a pair of dragons with a pair of blue jade, a long blue hair, beautiful face, tall figure, giving a sister's temperament, wearing a cyan dress, the atmosphere is very strong.

When the dragons saw the woman, they had a happy smile on their faces and shouted, "Green sister!"

The face of the Feng nationality youth is somewhat difficult to look at. He knows the identity of the woman in front of her. She is named Long Qingqing and her status is very honorable. She is one of the most concerned geniuses in the dragon family. The family behind her is also very strong and is a famous family among the dragons.

The key to her cultivation is the emperor's natural environment, which makes the Feng youth youth feel a little powerless. He is offended and can't afford Long Qingqing, just want to turn and leave.

Long Qingqing looked at the Feng nationality youth who wanted to leave, and said, "If you bully me, I want to leave."

The Feng nationality youth is ugly, "What do you want?"

Long Qingqing said, "Apologize to my brother and sister, let them forgive you to go, or don't blame me."

Several other dragons showed a happy smile, and then looked at the Feng nationality youth, the gas that has just received can now be released.

The Feng nationality youth is under tremendous pressure. He certainly does not want to apologize, but he is very afraid of the dragon green, thinking for a while, enduring the anger in his heart and opening his mouth, "just sorry!"

After the completion of the Feng nationality, I wanted to leave. I lost my face here today. I don't want to stay for a moment.

Long Qingqing stopped him. "I let you go?"

The Feng nationality youth turned to look at Long Qingqing with anger. "What do you want?"

Long Qingqing said with a smile, "My brother and sister have not forgiven you, how can you go?"

"Dragon Green! Are you afraid of you when I am a Phoenix?"

Another strong female voice, one with long black hair, perfect face, mature, wearing a white dress, exudes a noble, generous, and a strong woman.

She exudes a strong momentum, and is also a strong Tiandi, surrounded by six beautiful and very beautiful maids, they all exude a phoenix atmosphere.

Long Qingqing looked at the woman in front of her face and her face became serious.

That woman is named Feng Baixue, a famous genius among the Feng nationality. His identity is also extremely honorable. His strength can rank fifth among the Feng people, and his strength is stronger than her.

Long Qingqing, a pair of beautiful eyes, looked at Feng Baixue and said, "Since you come out, this thing is here, and you will manage your people in the future."

Feng Baixue chuckled. "Dong Qingqing, haven't you figured out the situation yet? It's not that you have the final say, but I said that I am a bully in the Feng nationality. How do you want to be?"

Long Qingqing has a cold face. "Dare to bully my brother and sister. I will teach him anyway."

Feng Baixue said with a smile, "Hehehe, let me see your strength now?"


A huge roar sounded Feng Baixue exudes a horrible momentum, such as a gust of wind blowing open, so that all around the people into a cold, the body could not help but tremble.

A few people in the Dragon family, including the evil nine, were afraid to look at Feng Baixue because the power of Feng Baixue was really terrible.


A huge roar sounded, and Long Qingqing also exudes a huge momentum, which will block the imposing manner of Feng Baixue, but it is obvious that the momentum of Long Qingqing is weaker.

Under these two huge momentums, there is no sound around the atmosphere, and the atmosphere has become more heavy.

Feng Baixue looked at Long Qingqing with a strong smile, and stretched out a hand, just want to display the attack.

A chuckle suddenly sounded,

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