The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2488: Feng nationality

The person present heard this smirk, his expression stunned, and turned his head to look at the sound coming out to see who was dare to laugh at this time.

I saw a person wearing a black cloak, emitting a mysterious and dangerous momentum, appeared in front of them.

Feng Baixue frowned and said, "Who are you? Or don't care about the best."

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "I am! An ordinary person, but she is a friend of mine."

The dragons have a strange face and face to face. It is not clear who is a friend with this mysterious person.

Feng Baixue's eyes cooled down. "Then you insist on intervening? That is what you are looking for."


A phoenix sounded, and a powerful white force emerged from the body of Feng Baixue. Feng Baixue extended a stroke to Zhao Wei. The white power, like a huge stream of light, quickly hit Zhao Wei, as if No one can resist the general.

In the face of such a terrible attack, Zhao Wei stood in the same place, the sword pointed to the front wave, and a fierce arc flashed past, and the white streamer instantly broke away.

The crowd was shocked and felt that the person in front of him was so powerful that he could resist the terrible blow.

Feng Baixue was also a little scared in his heart. He felt that this person might be stronger than her.

Countless **** emerged from the power of Feng Baixue, and her heart was not willing to be weaker than the people in front.

At this time, Long Qingqing also radiated a blue power, and was about to attack Feng Baixue. It is obvious that Zhao Wei is the one who came to help them. He could not let Zhao Wei fight with Feng Baixue alone.

Feng Baixue said coldly, "You dragon people are despicable, two people want to deal with me together?"

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "I think you are too high to look at yourself. You are not strong to me, but weak."

Feng Baixue’s face was full of anger, and she was also a well-known strongman among the Feng people. She was told how she could bear it.


A huge phoenix sounded, and a huge white phoenix flew out of the body of Feng Baixue. With the incomparable strength of the side, it radiated countless white light shining on the square and flew to Zhao.


An ultimate force erupted from the body of Zhao Wei. As a huge flood destroyed everything, it rushed to the surroundings, and nothing could resist.

When Zhao Wei did not disguise his own power, the people present were caught in a shock. The horrible power pulls people into the endless abyss, and the heart can't help but burst into a fear.

The huge white phoenix continued to fly to Zhao with a huge force, and it was time to hit Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yu stretched out a hand and grabbed it. He grabbed the head of the huge white phoenix directly, and then grasped it with force. The huge white phoenix slammed into a myriad of white spots.

Feng Baixue's face became a little pale, and there was a trace of fear on his face. It was not because of the attack that Zhao Wei had just displayed, but that she had sensed the dragon's supreme blood in Zhao Wei's body.

Not only her, the dragons who were present also looked at Zhao Wei with a look of horror. Now they only feel that their blood is extremely fearful, and they are extremely excited and excited. The dragon soul can't control the surrender. The person in front is the Dragon Supreme.

In the face of the Dragon Supreme, there is absolutely no one, more familiar than their dragons.

The most important thing is that the dragons in front of the people have the blood of the dragons. They are the most terrible dragons in their cognition. No dragons can compare with the blood of the dragons.

Including the supreme blood of the Dragon Emperor, it is weaker in front of him.

The Dragon Emperor Hall is the place where the dragons are supreme, and they control everything about the dragons. There is no such dragon who dares to violate their orders.

The blood of the Supreme Dragon in this person is more terrible than the blood of the Dragon of the Dragon Emperor. It is likely to be more terrible than the Dragon King, or it is the supreme being among the Dragon Kings.

Feng Baixue and Long Qingqing, as famous among the races, have naturally seen the supreme blood of the Dragon Emperor, but they have not seen such a terrible blood, and they will show such a shocked expression.

Long Qingqing quickly responded and gave Zhao a bow, "See the Dragon!"

Many other dragons have never thought of meeting such a terrible person, and they also followed the ceremony with a nervous attitude.

Feng Baixue looked at Zhao Wei with a pale face, and could not say anything.

Zhao Wei looked at the people of Long Qingqing and chuckled. "You are welcome, I am not a dragon!"

Long Qingqing’s heart is strange. I don’t understand people who have such a horrible blood. Why do they say that they are not dragons, is it more terrible than the Dragon Supreme?

Zhao Wei then looked at him and looked at Feng Baixue and said with a smile, "I lied to you? You are not strong to me."

Feng Baixue is now convinced, without any opinion, nodded and admits, "You are indeed strong, stronger than me, blood is not something I can touch, I am not as good as you."

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "You are quite interesting!"

Feng Baixue looked at Zhao Wei’s nervousness and said, “How are you going to dispose of me now?”

Zhao Wei smiled and asked, "What do you want me to do with you?"

Feng Baixue replied, "I respect the existence of a level like you. This time I did something wrong. I sincerely apologize to you, I hope you can understand."

I heard that Feng Baixue said such a thing, but it was extremely rare, and she could not tell her character.

Zhao Wei thought for a moment and didn't want to make things big, because he still needs to participate in the next test and get the Emperor Tianma.

"I will plant a ban in your body so that you can't say what is going on now, and then you can go. If you don't want to, then I will kill you now."

Everyone feels a little scared, the horror of Feng Xuexue, almost no one dares to say killing and killing The identity of the other party is really terrible.

Feng Baixue pondered in the heart, and the other person who has such a horrible blood, if the news leaked out, it will definitely cause the whole demon field to vibrate, because no one has ever seen such a terrible Dragon Supreme blood.

The other party didn't want to make things big, so let them conceal this information, which she can accept, because it is better than being killed by him.

And by such a horrible person, her family did not dare to take revenge.

Feng Baixue nodded and said, "I promised!"

Others have no opinion. The people who are so honorable in Feng Baixue have agreed, and they can have any opinions.

Zhao Yi waved his hand, and a black stream of light shot at the body of Feng Baixue, which turned into countless prohibitions and spread, filling their bodies.

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