The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2489: Dragon Supreme

The black light entered their bodies, and everyone felt a shock, because the power felt a power they could not imagine, the blood of the other party was so terrible, and the power was equally terrifying.

Now they are more nervous and afraid of Zhao, and they have a humble heart in their hearts.

Zhao Wei looked at the people of Long Qingqing.

Long Qingqing also understands that Zhao Wei does not want them to reveal his information. If his information leaks out, it is estimated that all the dragons of the Dragon King Hall will look for him, and the dragons will boil for this matter.

Therefore, the active opening said, "Dragon! Please put a ban on us, and we will not leak the news."

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile, and he waved his hand and shot black into the body.

The dragons also showed a shocked expression, and they were shocked by the terrible power of Zhao Wei. Such a ban was almost impossible for them to break free of their lives.

Evil nine eyes looked at Zhao Wei, Zhao Wei always gave her a familiar feeling. But she can't remember who it is.

Now Zhao Wei has planted a ban on both sides of their bodies. It is much easier for everyone, because it means that Zhao Wei will not kill them.

Zhao Yan’s mouth rose with a smile to the dragon and Qingqing.

Long Qingqing also remembered the words before Zhao Wei. One of them was his friend. It was really a enviable and extreme person who actually had this kind of horrible existence as a friend.

Feng Baixue is also very curious in the hearts of everyone, who will be Zhao's friend.

Long Qingqing looked at Zhao Wei and walked over to them. His heart was very nervous and he jumped very fast.

Finally, Zhao Wei came to the front of the evil nine, smiled and said, "I haven't seen it for more than ten years! Can't you recognize me now?"

Everyone’s face was unexpected, and I didn’t think that Zhao’s friend was evil.

Other dragons and teenagers are afraid of their hearts. They have never thought about evil friends who have such terrible friends. They just can talk to evil nine.

Long Qingqing did not think that when is the evil nine and a dragon supreme as a friend? She has never come back to hear the evil nine.

According to the truth, evil nine has such a terrible friend, it is impossible not to tell her.

Evil nine eyes looked at Zhao Wei, the more I saw Zhao Yu, the more familiar I was, but I thought it was something more than a decade ago.

More than a decade ago, she was still in a new world, and she did not come to the demon domain. In that new world, she did not have many friends, only a few, and one of them was the same as the people in front.

Evil nine understands the identity of Zhao Wei, and happily flutters into Zhao Yu’s arms. "Zhao Wei! How come you came here? I am so happy to see you!"

Everyone had a strange expression. I didn't think that the evil nine really knew Zhao Wei, and he also had a very good relationship with the other party. He even knew a lot of information about him. For example, the evil nine knew Zhao Wei’s name.

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "Is it? If I don't say you can't recognize me."

Evil nine is a little embarrassed to say, "I never thought I could meet you here, and there have been too many changes in these years, and the breath sounds are the same, so I didn't recognize you."

No one can think of it. A person who has just integrated into the Apocalypse world for more than a decade has caused such a big sensation in the Apocalypse world.

Zhao Wei looked around and was not suitable for talking about things. He said with a smile, "You come with me, I have something to say to you."

Evil nine nodded happily, still glaring at Zhao Wei, she did not know what power Zhao Wei had to attract her.

Zhao Wei is evil, and wants to go back to the previous room and talk to the evil nine about these years.

The rest of the people stood there a little embarrassed because they were not friends of Zhao Wei and did not attract the attention of Zhao Wei.

However, they are extremely curious about Zhao Wei’s identity.

Long Qingqing understands that this matter may be of great importance to the dragon. As a member of the dragon, she can't do anything, even if it is not for the dragon, but also for her family. I want to get some information about Zhao Wei.

"Nine children! I also want to know you friend."

Evil nine turned to look at Long Qingqing, understand her meaning, and did not refuse, because Long Qingqing is very good to her, but also her favorite sister.

"Zhao Wei! Green sister is going with us, she is very curious about you."

Wen Yan, Zhao Yi looked at the dragon green, I did not care very much, smiled and nodded, "No problem!"

In the heart of Long Qingqing, he said with respect, "Thank you for your respect!"

Feng Baixue also understands the purpose of Long Qingqing. The dragons are the biggest enemy of their Feng nationality. Now there is such a terrible figure among the dragons. She also wants to get the information of Zhao Wei, and it will definitely play a huge role in the future.

If such a terrible person leads all the dragons, it may destroy the entire phoenix. This is really important, and it is about the life and death of the phoenix.

"This adult! I admire you very much and want to know about you. I don't know if I can give me a chance."

Zhao Wei turned to look at Feng Baixue and said with a smile, "You want to come, but I will remind you not to regret it."

Feng Baixue was pleasantly surprised. It felt that Zhao Wei obviously would not kill them. At most, they added a few bans in their bodies to prevent them from leaking the news, so they nodded, "Well!"

Everyone was very happy. They were very curious about Zhao’s identity and hoped to have any connection with such a horrible person. This meant that they might step into the sky, so they all followed Zhao Wei.

When I came to the room, Yangtou’s youth looked strange and did not expect Zhao Hao to bring back so many people.

And there are two terrible characters. One is Long Qingqing and the other is Feng Baixue. Both of them are powerful competitors in this duel can Zhao Hao bring them together?

The key dragons and phoenixes are enemies. It is difficult to get along with each other. But now it seems that they are very respectful to that person. There is no hostile look. Isn't that person's identity simple?

This may be the only explanation. The attitude of Yangtou Youth is more respectful, and it is more people's tea.

When I came to the room, Evil Nine was very anxious and said, "Zhao Wei Zhao Wei, you are going to talk about why you have such a big change in the past ten years? And how did you become the Dragon Supreme. The power is so terrible. I was really too young to see you that year."

Zhao Wei said with a smile, "I will tell you after these things are waiting, you still have to talk about what happened in these years, why is it here, how suddenly disappeared in the past?"

The evil nine nodded happily and began to talk about things for more than ten years. For Zhao Wei to answer the doubts that have been plagued for a long time.

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