The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2493: Disturb

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "Things are not as simple as you think. Now the forces of the parties are intricate. If you don't have the self-protection strength, you will definitely suffer the crime. Others cannot fully protect your safety."

"And I am not interested in the Dragon Lord. This time I just passed by here, in fact, I have other things to do."

This time, the task of Zhao Wei was mainly to go to the spiritual domain to awaken the spirit star, instead of going to the demon domain to inherit the position of the dragon master.

Obviously entering the demon domain will be a very troublesome thing. I am nominally the owner of the dragon family, but there will be countless people who are not convinced. In the back, some means are used. These Zhao Wei are unable to solve it alone.

Those dragons and emperors are half-class horrible characters. They certainly will not let Zhao Wei become the dragon master above them. Zhao Wei faces this kind of terrible level, and the result is not to be thought.

In the end, the Feng nationality will definitely participate, and even other powerful races of the demon domain will participate, which is obviously a super whirlpool.

Therefore, Zhao Wei does not want to enter the demon domain, do not want to get into this big trouble, or else can not get away from it, there may be life threats.

I heard that Zhao Wei said that he was not interested in the Dragon Lord. He was unwilling to go to the Dragon. Everyone really couldn’t figure out how to be interested in the position of the Dragon. If ordinary people would be madly robbed.

Everyone in the Feng nationality was relieved. Fortunately, this is not interested in leading the dragons. Otherwise, his terrible existence became the owner of the dragons, and their Feng nationality will be miserable.

Long Qingqing is still not reconciled, because Zhao Wei is likely to become the first dragon master in the history of the dragon, to lead the entire dragon, the dragon will become a collective, the strength will be very strong, the dragon will certainly usher in a strong period.

At that time, what Fengzu, Qilin, Xuanwu, Jiuzu, and Zhuque, all tremble under the dragon, fearing the existence of the dragon.

Longqing Qinglan is on the ground and continues to plead with the saying, "Dragon Supreme! You are the dragon owner of destiny, we all need you, and please return to the dragon to rule us!"

Other dragons are also squatting on the ground, pleading for directions, "Dragon Supreme! Please also return to the Dragon to become the Dragon Lord, leading us to the glory of the Dragon."

The evil nine also squatted on the ground, and a pair of big eyes looked at Zhao Wei, and said with a loud voice, "Zhao Wei, you are going to sit on the Dragon Lord! It’s good to be your family at that time. You want me to do anything. ""

The Feng nationality looked at the way the dragons were pleading on the ground, and they couldn’t help but be nervous.

However, Zhao Wei said with a smile. "You don't have to say much. I don't have any interest in the alien leader. I naturally won't go to the Dragon Lord."

"The Lord of the Alien?"

Everyone present at the scene heard this word, and his face was puzzled. He didn't understand what Zhao Wei meant.

"The adults are the time for you to play the duel, you have to prepare." The sound of the young sheephead suddenly appeared outside the door.

Zhao Xiao replied with a smile, "Well! I know."

After saying that Zhao Weizheng wants to get up and leave the room, participate in the next test.

Long Qingqing called Zhao Wei and reminded him, "Wait, Long Zun adults, now these Feng people know that you are so terrible, do you put them here? If they leak the news, it will definitely cause A big sensation."

Feng Baixue was shocked. Zhao Wei is very likely to kill them and prevent them from leaking the news because this is really terrible. Said in a hurry, "Adult! Please believe us, we will not reveal your identity."

In fact, Feng Baixue now wants to go back and report the matter to the Feng nationality. It is so important to decide the fate of the entire Feng nationality. She must report it to the upper level.

As long as her body is banned, she believes that the power of the Feng nationality should be lifted. Now, just wait for Zhao to leave, they can immediately return to the Phoenix.

Zhao Yu looked at the Feng people with his eyes, which made the Feng people feel nervous. Suddenly felt a threat of death.

Feng Baixue couldn't help but continue to speak. "Adult! Not only us, but the dragon people will certainly leak your news and pose a great threat to you."

There is nothing wrong with this statement. It is so important to determine the fate of the dragon. Long Qingqing feels that he is desperate to sue the news to the upper level, so that it is worthwhile to die.

Zhao Yu’s eyes looked at the dragons.

Evil nine said angrily, "We are not such a person, Zhao Wei, we will not reveal your identity, you are the owner of our dragon."

Now I can't fight together, Feng Baixue looks at the complex face of Long Qingqing, and continues to say, "Long Zun adults, as far as I know, the Dragon King, the most powerful dragon, always wants to be the owner of the dragon, but nothing Opportunity, if he knows your existence, definitely use all means to kill you, the dragon is not as united as you think."

Other dragon girls and teenagers are afraid of Zhao Wei, naturally they will not say that the evil nine as a friend of Zhao Wei will not say that there is only the remaining dragon green.

Seeing her complex face, she didn't want to tell lies to deceive the future Dragon Lord. Obviously she would ignore the news.

The evil nine looked at Zhao Wei’s eyes and looked at Long Qingqing. He held Zhao Wei and said, “Zhao Wei, you can’t hurt my sister!”

Zhao Wei chuckled, a powerful and evil force, from the body of Zhao Wei, a pale rhizome emerged from the ground and shot at the crowd in the room.

Others were shocked and just wanted to respond, but their body was banned and their bodies were kept in place.

Everyone was scared because Zhao wanted to kill all the people.

The evil nine thought it was like this. A pair of big eyes flashed and this tear was angry and glared at Zhao Wei. "Zhao Wei said that I don't want to hurt them. You hurry up and stop."

Zhao Wei said with a I am relieved that I will not kill them. Now I am only setting a ban in them to prevent the news from leaking out. ”

"Really?" Evil nine looked at Zhao Wei and asked.

Zhao Xiao smiled and nodded. The power of the huge demon was injected into everyone's body, and their bodies were completely controlled. Then countless pale roots slowly retracted to the ground.

The bodies of the people quickly recovered their freedom, and the heart they mentioned was released. Zhao Wei did not kill them.

Zhao Xiao said with a smile. "Before I said, you will pay the price when you come here. Now your body is under my control. You can't leak the news."

Feng Baixue and Long Qingqing's face are a bit ugly. They just have the idea of ​​telling the news to the upper level, and the body is stiff and can't move, like losing control.

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