The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2494: Heir

Zhao Wei looked at the two of them. "I know what you think. If you have this idea next time, the consequences will be very serious."

Feng Baixue and Long Qingqing nodded and said that they understood.

Then, Zhao Xiao left the room with a smile and came down with a group of Feng and Long.

Feng Baixue remembered the thing just now. He looked at the dragon people in front of him and snorted with a hint of sarcasm. "Congratulations! You have a dragon family owner, but unfortunately others are not interested in going to your dragon family."

Long Qingqing said with a smile, "At least we will have a dragon owner in the future, and it is still a very terrible dragon master. Now he does not want to go to the dragon, but in the future, maybe he will become the owner of the dragon. When your phoenix died, I was looking forward to that day."

Feng Bai Xue angered, "Don't be too proud of Long Qingqing!"

Long Qingqing said with a chuckle, "Now you still worry a lot about your phoenix. Since you had that peerless arrogance, there are no people like her. You can't resist our dragons in the future."

Feng Baixue looked angry, but could not refute it, because Long Qingqing’s words were facts.

Evil nine did not want the two sides to quarrel and said, "Well, my sister will not say it, I will soon go to the time of Zhao Wei’s game. I want to see what the real battle is like."

Wen Yan, Long Qingqing nodded with a smile.

Feng Baixue did not say anything. He came to the window and wanted to see how Zhao Wei fought with others, but she already had some expectations in her heart.

Zhao Wei has already stood in the duel field at this time.

The arena is quiet, and the people around are nervously watching the duel field. Now it is the battle of the emperor level. The horrible degree is far more terrible than the previous battle. I believe it will be even more exciting.

Opposite, a young man with a pair of snakes and squirts came out, and the momentum was strong. He was a strong man of heaven.

The young snakes and eyes of the snakes stared at Zhao Wei and made a hoarse voice. "The kid will admit defeat soon, or he will die!"

Zhao Wei said with a disdainful smile, "Hurry up, my time is limited."

The snake's youth face was angry and exudes a powerful force. The body twists like a snake and instantly disappears in the same place. The next second appears in front of Zhao Wei, and one arm becomes a big snake. The speed is fast to Zhao. Bite the past.


Zhao Wei’s body instantly disappeared in the same place, leaving a residual image. The big snake penetrated the residual image left by Zhao Wei and attacked the sky. The young snake’s heart was shocked, what was sensed, and looked up into the sky. .

I saw Zhao Yu fell from the air, one foot with a huge force to step on him, the snake youth did not respond, was Zhao Yi stepped on his body.


A huge voice sounded, the snake-snake youth was stepped on the ground by Zhao Wei, and the terrible force hit the ground, and the ground suddenly burst into a large pit.

The snake-snake youth was stepped on by Zhao Wei, and there was blood in his mouth, and he was deeply injured.


The countless people present were shocked and looked at Zhao Wei. The battle only ended in an instant, and the strength of the two sides was too different.

The original quiet venue, countless people shouted excitedly, like a thunder, shaking the Quartet.

Everyone in Longqingqing came to the window and looked at the battle below. There was nothing unexpected in their hearts, because both of them were strong in the realm of the emperor, and they could easily fall into the hands of Zhao.

They are not the opponents of Zhao Wei, let alone the young snake.

The referee smiled and stepped forward to announce Zhao Wei’s victory. Zhao Wei was waiting for the next opponent.

Long Qingqing regained his gaze and looked at a pair of eyes focused on Zhao Wei’s evil nine. After thinking about it, he smiled and said, “Nine children! How did you know such a terrible person? I remember that you did not come from a New into the world?"

Now Zhao Wei is the owner of the Dragon, and Long Qingqing wants to know more information.

Next to Feng Baixue, I also want to know a lot about the information related to Zhao Wei, so I erect my ears and listen to it.

Evil nine turned to look at Long Qingqing and said with a smile, "Well! I was born in a new world, Zhao Wei is also a newcomer to the world, we are still in a place, so it is very simple to know."

what? The one who has such terrible power and blood is just a newcomer to the world?

Upon hearing this, everyone only felt that they were hit by a giant thunder, and the body almost did not stand firm and fell to the ground.

Although Long Qingqing was very convinced of evil nine, he did not believe it at this time. "Nine children! Are you talking about real? Is that person really a newcomer to the world?"

Evil nine strangely nodded and replied, "You green sister, do you think I will lie to you?"

Long Qingqing also believed in the words of evil nine, but the heart is still very shocked. How can a newcomer to the world master such a great power, but also have the supreme blood?

Generally, people who are new to the world are most cultivated and have no ability to go to the center of the Tianyu.

But now it is in the Tianyu area. It is a terrible place for the emperor. It is also much more terrible than the general emperor. What happened to him? How come there are such amazing changes?

Long Qingqing looked at the evil nine seriously. "Nine children! This is really important. You will tell me all the information you know."

The evil nine smiled sweetly. "Okay! But I left the human world very early, and I don't know why Zhao Wei became so terrible."

Long Qingqing nodded. "Nothing, tell me about the information you know about him."

When I remembered the past, I smiled happily. "At the time, I was a lord of the region. I lived carelessly every day. In a certain day, there was a terrible vision of heaven and I only know that a national inheritor appears in my territory."

I heard a little accident on the face of Long Qingqing and Feng Baixue. I did not expect Zhao Wei to be the heir to a country.

Evil nine continued, "The power of the land that the country inherits is extremely violent, and I am worried about it every day. I am afraid that people from the inheritance of that country will come and crusade against me."

"After a while, Zhao Wei went to the place where I slept, collected a kind of grass, and then we got to know."

"At that time, his strength could be weak. Only two-level repairs were made to the third-order repair. I felt that I could slap him with one paw, but the breath he gave out was terrible. I didn't dare to do it."

"The facts also prove that I have not done anything wrong. The power of Zhao Wei and his forces have grown rapidly. The power of Zhao Wei soon surpassed me. His territory has also engulfed countless forces and become a very powerful force."

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