The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2495: Emperor demon horse

"There was still a lot of things happening. The change of the world caused by Zhao Wei was more and more terrible. He finally became a person who feared the whole human world, but I did not expect his potential to exceed my imagination."

"I saw him so terrible now, and he became the inheritor of the Kowloon Emperor. I was also very shocked. He also knew him and his grandfather. The grandfather also knew Zhao Wei. He also prevented Zhao Wei from destroying the human world. ""

Long Qingqing’s expression was a glimpse. I didn’t think that my grandfather knew such a terrible figure. How did he not hear him mention this before?

Now, after listening to the evil nine, everyone has a certain understanding of Zhao Wei, but they are even more shocked.

The first is the blood of Zhao Wei, from a humble inheritance of blood, to the dragon's supreme blood.

The second is to cultivate, the other party has only spent more than ten years, from a person without any strength, to a strong heaven and earth, this speed is simply too scary.

The third is from a small person who they will not look at more and become a person above them. Zhao Wei wants to have a different place, and Zhao must have extraordinary talents.

Fourth, they think that Zhao's identity may not be simple. Evil Nine and Zhao Yuke have not seen it for many years. It is not clear what happened to Zhao Wei.

When Zhao Wei is weak, it can trigger such terrible fluctuations in the world. When it is strong, it will become more and more horrible.

And the strongest strength in his body is not the supreme dragon force, but a terrible force. As the strongest force of the dragon supreme is not the supreme dragon force, this makes many people unexpected.

At this time, they only knew part of Zhao Wei, and they were more curious about what happened to Zhao Wei and became such a powerful existence.

When Long Qingqing suddenly thought of something, he asked, "What happened to the nine-children who said that the dragon's lord is doing? You know?"

I don't know why, Long Qingqing is somewhat concerned about the word of the alien race. It feels very simple. She does not know that the Lord of the aliens is literally the master of the alien race, the second king of kings in the history of aliens.

The evil nine naturally did not know, shook his head.


A huge roar rang, I saw a demon family with a tiger head, a huge roar in the hair, and a lot of white air poured into the body. Like a gas column, a wave of horror spread.

This Yaozu is a white tiger family, with the blood of the Holy Beast and the tiger, the power is very powerful.

After this terrible power broke out, the demon had a horrible white arrogance, like a huge beast, rushing toward Zhao, and the ground could not bear the power and continually collapsed.

Zhao Yu looked at the rushing Yaozu with a pair of eyes and stood still in the same place.


The demon had rushed to Zhao Wei with a huge white arrogance, and punched Zhao Yu with a punch. The terrible punch seemed to destroy a world, and everything would collapse.

At that moment, Zhao Wei quickly injected a force into the arm and turned it into a ghost hand. A very cold atmosphere swelled and the temperature around it plummeted.

Zhao Wei grabbed his fist and slammed it with a punch.


A loud bang broke out, and the two fists slammed together with a huge force. A force that destroyed everything instantly spread, and the ground instantly collapsed and the stone collapsed.

In the next second, a demon body was shot by Zhao Yi, and the body flew out quickly, bringing out a flow of traces, and a strong wind hitting the wall of the audience, hitting a large pit, the audience They all vibrate violently.

The entire demon family of the tiger head is set on the wall, the blood flows out from the corner of the mouth, and the body also flows out of blood.


Countless people looked at the scene with a shocked look. I thought that the Yaozu was strong enough. I didn't think that this person was more terrible than him. It was also how the Ditian was so different.

"This seems to be the power of the six magic statues. Zhao Wei once summoned six magic statues, and almost destroyed the human world with six demons. Fortunately, it was stopped by the grandfather." The evil nine said to Long Qingqing.

Long Qingqing’s expression is awkward. “The six-way golem is the horror of guarding the six reincarnations. How can Zhao’s use of this kind of sinister supreme power, the other party is not simple, it may be more terrible than imagined.”

"If you think about everything, you will understand that Zhao Wei may have more terrible identity and strength, so he doesn't care about the power and identity of the dragon. How much horrible power he has and what is his more terrible identity? ?"

The more I understand Zhao Wei, the more I feel that Zhao Wei is mysterious and terrible. Long Qingqing also feels that she can't guess Zhao Wei's message.

Feng Baixue is also like this. I can’t think of Zhao’s true identity and what has become so terrible.

At this time, the referee came on the scene to announce that Zhao Wei won, and the seriously injured Yaozu was carried down, and then another person came up.

It is a big man with a strong dragon head and a long horn on his head.

Dahan was on the court and looked at Zhao Wei with a serious look. He had just seen the terrible power exhibited by Zhao Wei on the court and understood that Zhao Wei was very powerful.


The big man made a sound, the body quickly changed, a piece of red scales grew out of the body, and the height also increased rapidly. Finally, it became a three-meter-high, with a dragon head and a dragon-tailed dragon.


The body of Dahan disappeared instantly, bringing a strong wind to blow away, blowing a lot of dust.


The next moment, the big man appeared in front of Zhao Wei, with a fierce punch, as if he could crush the earth and generally beat Zhao.


A crisp sound rang, and the terrible punch was easily grasped by Zhao Wei with one hand. Did not cause any harm to Zhao Wei.

Dahan’s expression followed, and reacted. Zhao’s grasp of Dahan’s hand threw the big man out.

The big man slammed a big hole on the ground and spit out a angered from the ground and climbed up like a beast.


Dahan rushed to Zhao with a powerful force, and instantly disappeared in the same place, appeared in front of Zhao Wei, and grabbed Zhao Yi to the past, but he was kicked out by Zhao Wei.

The great man was angry and climbed up again, and rushed to Zhao with a terrible force. Finally, the great man could not be defeated by Zhao Wei.

The next few people were seriously injured by Zhao Wei. The most important thing was that Zhao Wei became the first place in this duel competition. He won the Emperor Tianma and got a high popularity.

Countless demon people saw Zhao Wei could not help but scream loudly, full of excitement and excitement, these Zhao Wei did not care, returned to the original room.

Now that the matter is over, it is time to bid farewell to the evil nine.

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