The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2496: Spiritual domain

Zhao Wei smiled and looked at the evil nine. "Now things are done, I will leave here soon, and I will see you in the future."

The evil nine-one big eyes looked at Zhao Wei, and said, "Is it so urgent to leave? I still want to stay with you for a while."

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Well, that thing is very important to me,"

Evil nine curious asked, "What are you doing? So anxious?"

Zhao Wei simply replied, "Nothing is to go to the spiritual domain to awaken the supreme star of the spiritual family."

When I heard this, everyone was shocked and awakened the supreme star of the race. It was a terrible event. How did Zhao Wei say so easily, and Zhao Wei is not a human race? How can you wake up the spiritual star of the Lingzu?

If the average person says this, they must think that it is a fake that is bragging, but if Zhao Wei says it, they will remain skeptical, because Zhao Wei is so terrible that he can really do it.

Evil nine believes that Zhao Wei’s smile said, “When you go to the Lingzu to awaken the spirit star, you have time to go play with me.”

Zhao Yan smiled and nodded.

Long Qingqing looked at Zhao Wei, who was about to leave. He couldn’t help but say, "Long Zun adults, we want to know more about you, don’t know if you can say something, and you really go to the spiritual awakening emperor. Star? This is not something that anyone can do."

Zhao Wei looked at her with a pair of eyes and said, "You know too much can be very bad for you."

Long Qingqing understands that Zhao Wei is not simple. It is more and more mysterious. He just said that the awakening of the Lingzuo star is a terrible word. For the sake of the dragon, Long Qingqing made a decision.

"Dragon Supreme! I am willing to be your maid, follow you, and please be able to promise."

Everyone looked surprised and did not think that Long Qingqing would suddenly say this.

Feng Baixue guessed the intention of Long Qingqing, and also thought about the Feng nationality, but also to stop the dragon green, and smiled and said, "Adult! I can also be your maid, willing to follow you."

Evil nine said happily, "I am with Green Sister, Zhao Wei, we go to the spiritual domain! Just I have not gone to the spiritual domain, where you can have fun."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "No! I don't want to bring so many people."

Evil nine face disappointment, grinning, "Why? It is boring to go there alone, you see Green Sister so beautiful, how good it is with you."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I really can't, well, I have to go."

There is no way for evil nine. "Okay! You must remember to go see me and see me!"

Zhao Wei nodded lightly, then left the city and turned into a stream of light to the horizon.

After Zhao Wei left, Long Qingqing said to the dragon people in a moment of meditation. "You should go back first, remember that this thing should not be leaked out, or the power of the Dragon Lord to stay in us will kill you in advance."

Evil nine strangely asked, "Green sister, let's go back to you?"

Long Qingqing seriously replied, "I want to follow the dragon statue, his identity is too mysterious, too horrible, I must figure it out, and he is the future leader of our dragons, I must convince him to go to the dragon. ”

Evil nine thought about it and said, "My sister, I have to go, Zhao Wei, that guy, you don't look very gentle to me, but he is only like this to his friends. In fact, he is really a very Horrible people, I am worried that you are in danger."

Other dragon girls and teenagers quickly said, "We have to go!"

Long Qingqing thought for a moment and showed a smile. "Evil nine, you go with me, others don't go, I don't know what will happen this way."

The evil nine nodded happily, while others looked lost.

There is no way, who is called evil nine and such a powerful person as a friend, if she is there, Zhao Wei will not hurt Long Qingqing, but also help Long Qingqing to convince Zhao Wei to go to the Dragon as the Dragon Lord.

Feng Baixue saw Long Qingqing follow Zhao Wei and made a decision in her heart, but she did not say anything.

Because of the Feng family, in addition to her, she has six maids, the last Feng nationality youth.

That Feng nationality youth only knows her, and there is not much good relationship. What he wants to choose is no longer within her concern.

The youth themselves are also very conscious. They are going to wait for someone to leave and bury this thing in their minds. They must never say anything.

He did not think that he would only teach a few dragon teenagers, but he could even lead to a dragon master.

Subsequently, Long Qingqing chased the direction of Zhao Wei with the evil nine.

Feng Baixue looked at the disappearing figure of Long Qingqing, and his face showed a smile. He said, "We also keep up. I really want to know how terrible the identity of that person is, and whether it really can awaken the spirit of the emperor. star."

The maid next to me reminded me, "Missy! Are you sure? That person can be very We are likely to anger him if we chase it, maybe we will lose our lives."

Feng Baixue said with a smile, "If we follow him directly behind him, it will definitely annoy him, but we will follow the example of Long Qingqing. If he wants to get angry, he will first be young to them."

The maid chuckled. "Missy is really smart."

Subsequently, Feng Baixue took six beautiful maids and turned them into a streamer to chase after Long Qingqing.

After a while, a beautiful woman with long purple hair came to the city, and her appearance caused a scream, because she was really beautiful, so that countless men wanted to take possession of her, even if it was a woman. Will envy her.

Blue Moon ignored these hot eyes, and asked with a smile, saw a person with a cloak that looked mysterious.

Then Blue Moon also learned about what happened here, laughing and chasing the past in the direction of Zhao Wei disappearing.

After waiting for nothing, another pair of beautiful sisters came here, causing countless surprises at one time. Sword January and Sword June followed the breath to follow here.

They also asked if they saw the person with the cloak, and then they got Zhao’s message and quickly chased Zhao Yu.

Finally, Shannon came here because her strength is not as strong as the previous two teams. I dare not come here with a huge strength. I can only rely on induction to chase after Zhao’s disappearance.

At this time, Zhao Wei did not know that the five teams had followed him, and that the dragon and the green were nine teams. Feng Baixue and her six maids were the first team. One team was the blue moon, and the other team was the sword January and the sword June. The last team is Shannon.

Zhao Wei’s speed flew to the spiritual domain, and he continued to transmit through the transmission array. He finally came to the spiritual domain.

Because it is a spiritual domain, it feels a little more aura than other places, and the aura has a hint of spirituality.

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