The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2497: Spirit

After so many days of rushing, I finally came to the spiritual domain. Zhao’s body relaxed and a smile appeared on his face.

The next plan is to go to Six Desserts.

The position of Six Desserts is close to the celestial domain in the spiritual domain. The distance from here is not very far. The main reason for going there is to solve the exercises and collect information on the awakening of the spirits.

Because Zhao Wei knows the location of the Six Desserts, it is not difficult to go there. It is difficult to awaken the Lingzu Emperor. Zhao has not obtained any information.

Now, without the hurry of the road ahead, you can slow down, Zhao Wei also slowed down, and did not quickly fly to the six desires, but flew to a city.

Almost all of them are spiritual, there are all kinds of wood people with skin like wood, there is fire and fire, a high-temperature fireman, and a muddy atmosphere, the face is like a soil made of clay. people……

Their attributes are mainly based on ten attributes of yin and yang, gold, wood, fire, earth, wind and thunder, and they clearly represent an attribute.

Zhao Wei was interested in watching a few eyes, and then strolled around in this city.

At this time, the city where Zhao Wei is located is not a small city pool, but a very huge city, called Hongming City. It is famous all around, and the city owner seems to be a strong road. Almost no one dares to cause trouble here.

Zhao Wei now looks like on the street, watching the things that the hawkers sell, ordinary food, and toys Zhao Wei did not care.

The focus is on those materials and elixir.

These spiritual medicines can help Zhao Wei understand the spiritual domain, and maybe he can find something useful to Zhao Wei.

After walking for a while, Zhao Wei found an interesting thing. Before coming to a street vendor, there were floating transparent **** floating on the vendors. Each one had the size of an egg. The material was like crystal, emitting different light. .

The light is not strong, there are cyan, green, fire, ice, blue, black, white and so on.

They radiate different radiances and also emit different attribute powers, but they are not very strong.

In addition to these crystal **** that emit a single color, there are two kinds of crystal **** of three colors, three of them, the light they emit, and the strength is stronger than other crystal balls.

The stall owner was a ruddy, old-looking old man who saw Zhao Wei squatting in front of his booth. He was very interested and said with a smile, "Guest! This is a pseudo-spirit. Do you want to buy a few?"

Zhao Wei took a fake spiritual bead and said curiously, "What is this, what is the role?"

The old man’s face was awkward and explained. “The pseudo-spirit is the thing that is made according to the spirit of the pearl. It has nothing to do except play.”

Zhao Wei continued to ask, "What is Lingzhu?"

The old man smiled and explained, "Lingzhu is something unique to our spiritual domain. It is made up of the heaven and earth aura. It is a very powerful and rare treasure."

"Lingzhu also has different attributes. For example, Jinmu Shuihuo is the longest-looking attribute, and there are some more rare attributes, such as the star spirit of the star, the dragon spirit of the dragon attribute, the magic spirit of the magic attribute. God's attributes of the gods."

"Many spirit beads are also divided into three levels: the heavenly spirit, the earthly spirit, and the human spirit. The strength of the human spirit pearl is the weakest, the spirituality is general, and it is the longest-looking spiritual pearl. The second place is the spiritual spirit, possessing the power and Spirituality is better than the human spirit."

"The last is the extremely rare, unseen Tianlingzhu, this day Lingzhu has a strong spiritual power, a world has experienced countless years, can only breed one, has a very strong spirituality."

"The role of Tianlingzhu is also very powerful. If it is used by an ordinary person, the ordinary person will immediately have the innate spirit, the speed of cultivation, and the ability to comprehend will be greatly strengthened and become the genius that everyone admires."

"In addition to being used by people, there are other functions of the spirits, such as being integrated into the city, making weapons, and setting up the arrays are very powerful."

After listening to the explanation of the old man, Zhao Wei looked down at the pseudo-spirit in his hand and asked, "Do you have a way to make fake spiritual beads?"

The old man said with a smile, "This thing is not rare, of course I have it."

Zhao Wei put the pseudo-spirit in his hand on the booth and took out a large bag of purple gold coins and handed it to the old man. "I want to buy the method of making the pseudo-spirit."

The old man took over and looked at all the purple gold coins in the bag. The heart was pleasantly surprised, but after thinking about it, he said, "Guest, this thing is very cheap and can't use that much money."

Zhao Wei didn't care, "It doesn't matter, you can explain the reward of the spirituality for me."

The old man heard that he was not polite, smiled and took out a book and handed it to Zhao Wei. "This book records the manufacturing method of pseudo-spirit beads, and some of my years of experience in making fake spirit beads, I hope to be useful to you. ""

Zhao Wei took the book, simply flipped it over and closed it, then left the booth and went on.

At the same time, Zhao Wei thought in his heart that this spiritual pearl has such a powerful spiritual and spiritual nature, and may help himself to awaken the spiritual star of the spiritual family. The ordinary spiritual pearl is naturally not good. At least it is the heavenly pearl. If there is more than the heavenly spirit, Pearl grade is better than Lingzhu.

Now that I have finally got some gains, I have found a way to awaken the spiritual star, and Zhao Wei continues to look around with interest.

"Sexual thief! You give me a stop." A cold drink rang in front of Zhao.

Zhao Wei stopped and looked strangely behind him. He saw a red dress behind him, dressed in a tall, carrying a hot woman, holding a long whip and staring at himself with anger.

The people around him immediately retreated to the side, revealing an open space. A pair of thieves looked at Zhao Wei and talked about Zhao Wei stood in the center of the open space, feeling a little embarrassed, although he is not What a good man, the woman who violated is simply not counted, but he does not know the woman in front of him.

"Are you sure you are talking about me?" Zhao asked.

The red dress woman pointed her hand at the whip and pointed at Zhao Wei. "I remember your breath and never forget it. Don't think that you brought a cloak. I can't recognize you."

Zhao Wei said silently. "I think you are really mistaken. I am not looking for someone. I am here for the first time today."

The woman in the red dress said angrily. "You still want to argue. You don't hide your body. You want to lie, and today I will get a fair for my good sister."


The red skirt woman waved the whip in her hand and slammed it to Zhao Wei. The whip was very powerful and felt that a huge stone could be broken.

Zhao Wei directly reached out a hand and grabbed the long whip that was hit.

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