The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2498: Famous earthquake 4

The woman in the red dress had a faint expression. She did not expect Zhao Yu to resist her attack as easily as she could, but pulled the whip in her hand, but she could not pull it out from Zhao Wei’s hand.

Zhao Yan frowned and looked at the woman in front of him and said, "I am really not the person you are looking for. If you go on like this, I will be you."

Others saw Zhao Wei said a few times to admit the wrong person, and did not take the initiative to attack others, the attitude is better, shouted, "Miss! Do you really admit the wrong person? I see him is not like a thief."

Hearing these voices, the red skirt woman felt mad, and she was very clear about the breath. It was this person who tarnished her good friend. Now her good friend is missing, and it is very likely that she will be killed by the thief.

Such a person who is wicked and sinned for death, there are still people who speak for him, how the red dress woman is not angry.

However, in order to prove that he was not mistaken, the red skirt woman took out a jade bead and reached for a throw, and the jade beads slowly flew over to Zhao.

The woman in the red dress said, "If you have the ability, you will take this jade bead. This jade bead only responds to the sinister thief. If you don't dare, you are the thief."

Zhao Wei snorted. "How can I not dare? I don't know you at all. I will wait to prove that you are looking for the wrong person."

The red dress woman said with anger, "You don't want to be sophistry. If you have the ability, you will take the jade bead. If I really find the wrong person, I will dispose of it at will, and it will be no problem to apologize to you."

Zhao Wei has a cold face and is not talking about anything. Now she only has to let the facts speak. When she waits, she will know the mistake. Zhao Wei can be sure that he absolutely does not know him.

Looking at the jade beads floating in front of him, Zhao Wei confidently extended a hand and grabbed the jade ball. As a result, the jade ball did not react at all.

Zhao Wei said coldly, "You see no, this jade beads have not responded, I said that I am not the person you are looking for."

The woman in the red dress smiled and her heart was strange. She remembered very clearly that the breath that the person in front of him was the scent of the thief, but how the jade beads did not respond.

The people around him also understood that the red dress woman was mistaken.


Numerous strong radiances came out, and everyone saw the jade beads in the hands of Zhao Wei, emitting a strong light.

The woman in the red dress was extremely angry and shouted. "I see what other thief you can argue with? I almost got cheated by you."

Zhao Yu’s face was wrong, and he couldn’t think of how such a jade would react so strongly to himself.

The red skirt woman said loudly, "Everyone! I will tell you now that the true identity of this thief is notorious in the history of the spiritual domain, tarnishing countless women, and the most desperate disciples of the six desires, you still speak for him. ?"

Surrounded by a sigh of relief, I did not think of this person in front of him, that is the famous thief.

"I am really a bastard. I just spoke for such a **** person. Now I regret it and want to smoke my mouth."

"I don't know how to know people. I just thought that I was mistaken. I don't think he wants a thief. I didn't think it was such a hateful person. Now I want to kill him."

"Yeah! No one has thought that such a miserable, infamous person will appear next to us."

"It feels so disgusting that this person is obviously a very bad person. He also pretends to be innocent and has no face."

"Now the people of Six Desserts have been chasing him. There are even a few great powers to personally shoot. He dares to run here. It’s hard to kill, and maybe he will tarnish the woman, so People can't let him run."

"This personal crime should be dying. The things that his predecessors did were simply anger and anger. He did not die and was not angry with the civilians. He must kill him and hang his head on the wall to show the crowd."


The red skirt woman saw the angry look of everyone, and she was a little happy in her heart. She shouted. "Yes! This kind of person is damn, everyone will take this person with me."

The people around him looked angry at Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan’s face changed, and now it’s useless to explain it. He can only leave here first.


A huge roar sounded, and Zhao Hao broke out with a terrible force. A huge momentum surged like a flood, and all the people around him were shot and fell to the ground.

Zhao Wei quickly fled to the gate of the city.

Here, the sky is full of bans, mainly the strong people sitting in the town, Zhao Wei does not dare to be hard, can only leave here by leaving the city gate.

Seeing the disappearing Zhao Wei, the people lying on the ground, the expression looked surprised, the power of this thief is too horrible, right?

The red dress woman's face pale, feeling underestimated the sinister thief, how does the power of this thief increase so much?

How long did the people not lie on the ground, immediately climbed up from the ground, chased after Zhao, and shouted, "Catch the thief!"

People on the street didn't know what was going on, but when they watched a large group of people chasing Zhao Wei, they also shouted to catch the thief in the mouth. The person in front of him must be a very abominable thief.

Everyone also rushed over to Zhao, and wanted to take Zhao Yi’s thief away.

A group of people directly blocked in front of Zhao Wei, looking confident. "You can't run the thief today."

Zhao Hao snorted and slammed his foot on the ground. The body rushed forward with extremely fierce strength, and the speed was very fast, bringing out a trace.


The people in front of Zhao Wei were directly smashed out by Zhao Wei, and fell to the corner of the ground to shed blood. Some of them directly fainted.

Zhao Wei did not waste time and continued to run toward the gate.

Many soldiers at the gate of the city looked strangely at the sight of so many people chasing Zhao what might happen, I was about to stop Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei did not have any meaning of staying. With powerful strength, he slammed everyone in front of him and finally rushed outside the city wall. Zhao Wei directly turned into a streamer and shot at the horizon.

The red skirt woman and everyone rushed to the gate of the city, watching the disappearing Zhao Wei's indignation, did not expect to let the thief ran away.

But now they have no way, the strength of a thief is so strong, they are sent to die in the past, no more than a terrible strongman and soldiers in the city.

Zhao Wei stopped flying for a long time and stopped. His heart was full of doubts. "What the **** is going on? Isn't it the first time to come to the spiritual domain? How do you seem to have done a lot of bad things, just like everyone who beats the street mouse?" ”

The news that the sin of the Sixth Emperor Xianzong appeared in Hongming City spread, causing a huge fluctuation.

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