The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2501: Fairy

He had a great hatred with the eleventh generation of Xianyu, because the eleventh generation of Xianyu robbed him three consecutive scorpions, not one to steal three, but to **** one at a time.

If you steal three at a time, it is more acceptable, but he snatched three in a row, which did not put him in his eyes. His attitude was so arrogant that he was so angry that he felt extremely Insult.

He pursued the eleventh generation of immortals at all costs, and the empire was greatly humiliated because the young man was the emperor of the future, but he was robbed of three scorpions in a row, and they could not stand it.

He did not hesitate to send out all the power of the empire, and together with the powerful parties to pursue the eleventh generation of immortals, the momentum was a sensation.

In the end, many powerful people chased them to Cangwu Mountain and killed the eleventh generation of immortals.

The Jinyi youth also smashed the body of the eleventh generation of Xianyu into five pieces. The body of the hands and feet was fed to the dog. His head was also made into jewelry and was collected in his room.

As for the woman who was taken away by the eleventh generation of immortals, he also found it. There was not much hesitation and they directly killed the three of them. Although they were very beautiful, he did not like women who had been touched by other men.

After killing the eleventh generation of immortals, the spirit of the Jinyi youth has not disappeared. Now there is the twelfth generation of immortals. The young blonds have turned their anger into him, so the twelfth generation of immortals, he must kill.

He hopes to kill the twelfth generation of fairy scorpion and cut it down as a collection.

The black atmosphere filled, filled with a horrible palace, a voluptuous, beautiful face, purple lips, with a feminine and charming temperament of the beautiful woman sitting on the throne.

Standing below is a mature woman with a beautiful face, wearing this black palace dress, temperament cold woman.

The beautiful woman’s face showed a fascinating smile. “Daughter! The twelfth generation of immortals appeared. I think you brought him back here. He is also the inheritor of your father. Now he is not strong. It is easy to be killed."

The icy woman said, "Mother, what do you want him to do? Now all the forces in the entire spiritual domain are chasing him. We can't keep him with our strength. If the news leaks, the demon palace may perish."

The beautiful woman dragged her chin, put out her tongue and licked her lips, and said with a charming smile, "Then you will be hidden. Your **** father was killed for so many years, and it hurts me so many years. Now I want to experience the taste of your father. He inherits that kind of practice and should have that ability."

The cold woman frowned, and she understood what her mother meant.

The beautiful woman looked at the cold woman and said with a smile. "What happened to the daughter? Are you not happy? When you get him back, I can let you enjoy it first! That kind of feeling is definitely a feeling you can't think of."

The icy woman looks at the beautiful woman. "Mother, are you sure you want to catch the twelfth generation of immortals? If you have any consequences, don't blame me."

The beautiful woman smiled a few times, "Well! I know."

The icy woman was not talking about anything, turned and left the palace, and flew away with a few flies to the side disappeared.

The gaze finally turned into a restaurant, as the real twelfth generation of the fairy night, the face of the wrong, he did not understand what happened.

Since the last time six great energies were going to kill him, he was extremely careful not to reveal any information. He did not dare to go to some terrible places.

He understands how many people want to kill him. Now his power has no way to resist it. He can only wait for the strong time, the women who retaliate against those people and sleep over them.

Now he heard the news that the twelfth generation of Xianyu appeared in Hongming City. I really don't understand what happened. How do others stay here, how come in Hongming City?

This news must be fake. There must be someone who pretends to be a man. He hates not knowing that the villain dares to pretend to be him. If he knows his identity, he must be ugly.

In a woman in his arms, wearing a sexy, temperamental pure woman, this woman is the friend of the red dress woman, and now she has become a woman of the demon night, following him.

The pure woman cares and says, "People! What should we do next?"

I thought about it, "I want to go there and see if that person is pretending to be me. If it is a normal person, there is no such ability, because he does not have the desire to be evil, and I also have an instinct to go there. There is a great gain, and it is very helpful to my cultivation of the Six Devils."

Next to the Wang Hao, the worried reminder said, "People! But now that person's counterfeit goods caused such a big sensation, all parties are chasing you, going there will be very dangerous."

The pure woman also advised, "Yes! It is really dangerous now. We still have to wait for a while. The most important time is to ensure your safety."

The demon night said, "It’s dangerous to go there now. There are a few great powers in that place that have just been searched. Maybe that place is the safest place, and this may help me a lot. I must go. ""

Wang Hao sees that he can't persuade the night, he can only say, "We have to go with the public, you can't abandon us. We may help us at the crucial time."

The demon night is now teaching them some of the six desires to have the ability, and did not refuse, said with a smile, "then you have to be honest, never give me trouble."

The ladies smiled and said, "We know!"

At this time, Zhao Wei fled to a barren hill and snorted. After escaping from the roaring city, Zhao Wei immediately felt that several horrible momentum had chased him. Zhao Wei could only choose to escape.

As time passed, the people who exuded the horror of momentum did not decrease, but more and more, and even the power.

Zhao Wei did not know what was going on. Did he not cause anything? How did you just come here, so many people want to kill him, but also swearing him thief, the key he did not touch a woman.

I realized that I couldn’t figure out what happened. Now Zhao Wei thinks that she is unlucky. She plans to hide in this barren hill for a while, and wait for the sensation to come out.

At this time, Lan Yue, Long Qingqing, Jian January also came to the spiritual domain. They just heard of this thing when they came here, and they also looked wrong.

They just came to Zhao Wei to come here. I didn't think that Zhao Wei had done so many bad things, causing such great fluctuations. Now countless people in the spiritual domain want to kill.

Is Zhao Wei really the twelfth generation of Xian? They also have some doubts, and they are not sure whether they are right or not.

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