The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2502: Lingzhu

A few days later, Zhao Wei sat on a rock, floating in front of a few crystal beads, emitting a variety of light.

When Zhao Wei was hiding in the barren hills, he did not waste time and put his mind on the manufacture of pseudo-spirit beads.

Mainly Zhao Wei is very curious about this aspect, just there are other things to do.

Because of the manufacturing books given by the elderly and the various experiences recorded, Zhao Wei learned the method of making pseudo-spirit beads in these few days. Now several pseudo-spirits in front of him are what Zhao Yu created.

In fact, the method is very simple. The first is the gathering of spirits. This has a special law. By relying on this method, you can gather together, not through the legal array.

The meaning of gathering spirit is to gather the aura and spirituality around, and gather the aura. This can be done by anyone, because cultivation requires aura. If the aura cannot gather, it must be impossible to cultivate.

It is easy to gather aura, but it is difficult to gather spirituality.

Spirituality is an invisible and similar spiritual power. It is not like aura. Spirituality cannot exist alone, for example, relying on certain objects.

Although the spiritual aura has a very weak spirituality, if you don't understand the method, the aura that comes together will not contain spirituality.

If you want to gather spirituality, you must first have inspiration. Inspiration is a kind of induction to aura and spirituality. The spirits are born with inspiration, so they are easy to unite aura and spirituality.

If you are a different race, you need to learn to master, and some people will have inspiration as they continue to improve.

With Zhao Wei’s current strength in the realm of heaven, he certainly has inspiration.

And Zhao Wei also found that when in the immortal mode, this kind of inspiration will be extremely strong, dozens of times the normal state, and can easily sense the aura and spirituality around.

After getting inspiration, you use the inspiration of inspiration to use your spiritual power to gather spirituality.

As I said before, spirituality cannot exist alone, and it needs to rely on something. The spiritual aura of the spiritual domain itself contains weak spirituality, which can gather aura and spirituality together.

After the aura and spirituality have gathered, it is to construct its structure.

The aura that comes together will have many attributes, generally the golden wood and the fire, and some rare and rare attributes. The structure of constructing a property will be relatively simple.

For example, to construct a structure of earthen beads, it is only necessary to gather the spiritual power of the soil properties and then construct the structure.

Structures can be constructed as circles, or squares, or triangles, but the structure must be very stable. Most people choose to build a circle because the circle is the most stable shape.

If you build a Lingzhu structure with several properties, it is difficult to compare, because there will be conflicts between properties and properties, it is difficult to fuse their properties.

Therefore, there are generally pseudo-spirits with several attributes, and the price is ten times that of the ordinary one.

If you want to create a pseudo-spirit of several attributes, you must have a strong understanding of the corresponding aura and spirituality.

After gathering the aura and spirituality, after constructing the structure, a small light group will be formed. After the small light group is incorporated into a crystal ball, this crystal ball becomes a pseudo-spirit.

It should be the case that the pseudo-spirits have no effect, because they only gather aura and spirituality, and they are still weak, not very strong.

The real spirit beads are very powerful spiritual and spiritual, they have a variety of powerful effects, they are not crystals themselves, some materials are wood, some materials are stones, some materials are water, some materials are fire, but they They are extremely hard.

Their structure is very stable, and it is a thing with a high degree of aura. So it will be very hard and will not break easily.

The pseudo-spirit is a man-made thing. The spiritual power and spirituality are extremely weak. It can only be played as a toy, and there is no other role.

But Zhao Wei thought of other uses. In the card world, Zhao Wei has let Elena form her own elemental Cavalry Corps.

The composition of the card world is made up of various elements, which is different from the apocalyptic world.

In order to manufacture pseudo-spirit beads, element beads should be made.

Such an elemental pearl can increase the strength of the cavalry if it has the power of a powerful element.

Element beads can be used not only for elemental cavalry, but also for other ordinary soldiers to enhance their strength.

If you only use the fake spiritual beads for powerful spiritual power, you can also use them for the Daqin soldiers. It can also enhance their strength. This method of making fake spiritual beads is useful to Zhao Wei.

However, things may not be as simple as a solution.

The first is the limited aura and spirituality of people gathering. It takes a lot of effort to gather a lot of aura and spirituality.

The structure of the second pseudo-spirit is a structure constructed by human beings, and is not a structure that is bred by the heavens and the earth, so it may be easily damaged.

The third is spirituality. Aura can be gathered without relying on people, or it can be gathered by strong law, but it is difficult to gather spiritual common law.

The fourth Daqin needs a large number of pseudo-spirit beads to be useful. Now Zhao can create a pseudo-spirit with weak strength, but Zhao Wei can't make much of it, and one day is more than a dozen.

But Daqin’s current strength is tens of billions. How many dozens of people can be built a day, and how long will the tens of billions of soldiers be used?

Therefore, it is necessary to make a large number of fake spiritual beads to have a role in Daqin.

If these four points cannot be solved, there is no way for the fake spirit beads to come in handy. Now Zhao can't solve it. Only after returning to Daqin, can we study it.

In the past few days, in addition to studying the manufacturing methods of pseudo-spirit beads, Zhao Wei also thought about what to do in the future.

Now Zhao Wei does not know what happened, attracting a large group of people to pursue him. In the future, he must be careful not to reveal his identity and breath.

There is also the most important thing Awakening the spirit of the emperor's star, Zhao Yu also has a very bad heart, is to rely on Lingzhu to awaken the Lingzuo star.

Zhao Wei needs to collect at least the yin and yang of Jinmu Shui, the seven kinds of Tianling beads. This is the most common seven attributes, and certainly cannot be lacking.

Secondly, the wind and thunder ice pearls are also needed, and there are also the star spirits, the space spirit beads, the time spirit beads, and it is best to get them.

The more pearls you get, the greater the chance of awakening Lingzhu.

In addition to these spiritual beads, Zhao Wei still needs a thing, that is, a huge spiritual air transport.

It is impossible to have all kinds of spiritual powers of the spirits, and it is necessary to have a huge spirit of the spirits of the spirits to awaken the supreme star of the spiritual family. Because the supreme emperor itself is a gas transport thing, if there is no huge gas movement, Zhao Yu integrates. It is also useless in Dolly.

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