The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2503: Air transport

This is to see if there is any way to obtain a huge spiritual air transport. Now Zhao Wei has not thought of it, and plans to collect all kinds of spiritual beads to solve this problem.

In addition to these, Zhao Wei now has the yin and yang soul fire, the body of Muling, the bone of Jinling, the heart of the fire spirit, the blood of the water spirit, and the power of a kind of earth spirit, you can get the Yin and Yang Five Elements.

Having a yin and yang five-line body can better integrate into the spiritual beads and enhance their own spiritual power. Therefore, before Zhao Wei, it is necessary to find a fusion of things with strong earth power.

This place is the spiritual domain. It has a variety of spiritual treasures. It is not very difficult to find a treasure with a strong earth spirit.

In the past few days, the storm outside should have subsided. Zhao Xiao smiled and floated in front of several Lingzhu to close up, intending to leave this barren hill, to find out where the treasures of the earth's attributes.

A few hours later, Zhao Wei did not dare to go to Hongming City, flying to a big city pool, inquire about what news, it is best to go to the big city pool will be more convenient.


A beautiful woman dressed in a white palace dress, with a long black hair, a black veil, and a veil, exudes a fairy temperament, in front of Zhao Wei, a pair of beautiful women watching Zhao Wei.

When Zhao Hao was shocked, he hurried to the side and flew over.

The purpose of this beautiful woman is obviously Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei feels that he is the one who comes to kill him, and the atmosphere is still very strong. He must escape from here.

At the same time, my heart is strange. Other people have not found themselves. I don’t know how this beautiful woman finds herself. I feel like I am waiting for myself.

"Wait, I won't hurt you."

The beautiful woman looked at Zhao Wei to escape, and she made a moving voice, feeling that she would attract people.

Zhao Wei thought for a moment, stopped, this beautiful woman did not want to hurt him, or he had already shot, and asked, "Do you have anything to look for me?"

The beautiful woman like a fairy said seriously, "I want you to leave the spiritual domain, don't come back in the future, I will guarantee your safety."

Zhao Wei’s heart is strange. He just came to the spiritual domain and did nothing. How to let himself go, but he came to awaken the spiritual star, how could he just go.

"I won't go! I have my own business and need to stay in the spiritual domain."

The white-dressed woman frowned. "Do you want to avenge your predecessors? You can't do it with your ability. Now the whole spiritual domain doesn't know how many people want to kill you. If you don't leave, you will definitely die." Here, like your predecessors."

Zhao Wei also reacted. This beautiful woman should be the wrong person. She said, "Sorry! I think you are looking for the wrong person. I am not the one you are looking for."

The white-dressed woman said, "You don't have to lie to me. I am not the other person. I rely on my body to sense you and find you. There can be no mistake."

Zhao Wei is speechless. Now his head is in chaos. He doesn't know what is going on. This beautiful woman doesn't know him at all. How does the body feel about himself?

The white-dressed woman continued to say, "I know that your qualifications are extraordinary. It may be the best qualification of the celestial beings. The six desires are so powerful and much stronger than your predecessors."

"I also believe that you will become a peerless powerhouse in the future, and you will be shocked by the world, but you are too weak now. You need to be patient to ensure your own safety. Listen to my words and leave the spiritual domain."

Zhao Wei now understands that it is related to his own desires and smirk. "I think you really are looking for the wrong person. I am not a spiritual person. Now I am coming to the spiritual domain for the first time."

The white-dressed woman’s face was angry. “Since the eleventh generation of immortals will be passed on to other domains, how dare you are so big, dare to come back here, don’t you know what your predecessors had provoked?”

Zhao Wei feels helpless. I don't know how to explain it. It is impossible to tell her the true identity. That is the act of finding death.

There are still six things that can't be explained. This is a terrible practice of the immortal level. Even if the power is strong, Zhao Wei is worried that the beautiful woman in front will **** it. I will think about it, no longer defend my identity, and wait for opportunities. Leave to say.

Zhao Wei showed a smile. "My predecessors are in the spiritual domain, so I also want to see it here."

When I heard Zhao’s identity, the white-dressed woman’s face slowed down. “Is there any good-looking here, is it important to have your own life? And why are you so careless, leaking your identity in Hongming City?”

In Hongming City, I really can't blame Zhao Wei. Zhao Wei doesn't know that it will lead to such a big thing. His face is awkward and he smiles. "I didn't think that these things would happen, and I didn't think of that woman. There is something in my body."

The white dress beauty explained, "Now the six desires have understood that your potential is terrible, threatening the six desires, so they are determined to kill you, so free to give you the beads that can sense you."

"This kind of bead is the magic of the six desires in your body. Even if you hide the breath and don't leak, there is no way to avoid it."

Zhao Xin was shocked. Isn’t he now extremely dangerous? And this is really related to the Six Desserts. It seems that I am destined to come here once.

However, it seems that the kind of bead touches itself and reacts. If you don't touch your body, it is difficult for others to recognize themselves if they hide their breath.

A beautiful woman in a white dress looks at Zhao Wei. "Now are you willing to leave the spiritual domain?"

Zhao Wei shook his head and said affirmatively, "I don't want to! I have a very important thing to come here, I can't leave like this."

The white-dressed woman frowned. "I have said that with your ability, there is no way to avenge your predecessors, or to be honest in other places."

Zhao Wei thought about Suddenly said with a smile, "I don't want to revenge for them to come to the spiritual domain. I want to wake up the spiritual star, and I risked such a big danger before I came to the spirit. area."

In front of the beautiful woman, the breath is very terrible, it is likely to be a terrible figure of the big energy level. Now the spiritual domain is so dangerous, it should be much simpler if she has her help.

Therefore, Zhao Yucai is willing to tell the story of the awakening of the spiritual star.

"What? Can you wake up the Lingzu Emperor?" The white-dressed woman heard Zhao’s words and looked at Zhao Wei with a look of surprise.

The ethnically supreme star is a very rare and horrible thing, representing the supremacy of a race, and even affecting the destiny of a race. There are not many races of all races, and they are valued by the whole world.

The Lingzu Supreme Star is more difficult to wake up than other ethnic stars, and the number is even rarer.

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