The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2511: Inoki

Subsequently, ten emperors and wood spirits stood in the sky surrounded by Zhao Wei, including men and women, each with a strong breath.

Although ten of them can't compare with the young man, they are also the younger generation, the most outstanding ten people.

At this point, they looked serious. They just saw how Zhao Wei easily defeated the young man. He understood that Zhao Wei’s power was terrible and he did not dare to have any great intentions. If they lost, they must surrender Mutian Lingzhu. .

However, they are not without a little preparation.


A roar of sound rang, and a person's body broke out with a powerful force. The body ignited a green arrogance, and a huge force such as a gust of wind continued to spread.

Numerous plants and trees swayed hard, and some sand and gravel were blown away. The terrible power made the heavens and the earth cold, and there was also a fear in the hearts of countless wood spirits.


Ten Muling hands began to print, strong green light from their hands, and their backs grew a branch of green light condensed, giving off a powerful force.

At this moment, they finished their hands and printed their hands, pushing their hands forward, and a huge force emerged.


A huge roar sounded, and a green ring appeared, with a terrible force quickly shrinking, and Zhao Wei was standing in the center.

They did not intend to compete with Zhao Wei, but chose other means to trap Zhao Wei. If Zhao was trapped, they would win.

Nowadays, the ability of the ten people to jointly display it is called Pangmu Prison. It is the strongest spell in the forbidden land. The imprisonment is very terrible. The average person can't break free.

This is the means to deal with Zhao Wei.


The green ring quickly shrunk with amazing power, and Zhao Wei directly broke out a powerful force to withstand the narrow green ring.

The ring constantly radiates powerful power and wants to shrink continuously, but it is resisted by Zhao Wei, and the two sides are deadlocked in the air.


Ten people were serious in their faces, and their outstretched hands were pushed at once, and a stronger force emerged. The green ring became much bigger, emitting a more terrible force and attacking Zhao Wei. .

The force that Zhao Yu radiated slowly could not resist, and the green ring continued to shrink.


Ten people are still not satisfied with this speed. The branches behind them emit countless lights, and a more powerful spiritual power emerges. At one time, two rings are formed, and Zhao Yu is narrowed down. One is located in Zhaotoutou. Department, one is located in Zhao Wei's feet.

The two rings were also resisted by the power from Zhao Yu, but it is obvious that the ring is constantly shrinking rapidly, and Zhao Wei can't resist it for a long time.

Ten people were relieved a little, and there was some joy. They could immediately put Zhao Wei in the same place.

The old man showed a smile on his face and thought that Zhao Wei had just been arrogant, thinking that the people here were really bullied, and now it is too late to regret.

Qing Yao frowned, and from the current situation, they are likely to lose on this side.

Qinghe, a pair of beautiful women, looked at Zhao Wei and did not say anything.

Looking at the three ever-shrinking rings, Zhao’s face was not panicked, not even nervous, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he snorted, “Imperial Mode...Open!”


A force that surpasses the spirit of heaven and earth emerges from the body of Zhao Wei. This horrible force directly smashes three green rings and turns into countless spots to dissipate. Ten people around Zhao Wei are also a force. Hit out.

A colorful arrogance ignited from Zhao Wei’s body. Zhao’s eyes and hair turned into seven colors. The eyebrows showed a taiji five-line figure, and the black and white spirits were ignited. A terrible pressure shrouded the square. Inspired by the Quartet to a pressure.

The current immortal model is no longer the former immortal model. Because Zhao Wei obtained the yin and yang five elements, the immortal model also advanced into a higher-order immortal model with a more powerful Xianli.

Zhao Wei glanced at the ten people who had been shot and flew out, and reached out a hand. A huge force poured out and was about to attack the ten people.

The old man sighed and interrupted Zhao Wei. "Enough! I am willing to give you the Mutian Lingzhu."

When Zhao Wei broke out this terrible power, the old man was shocked and felt that they had to lose again. As a great power, he understood the terrible power of this kind of power. The result was no accident. They really lost. There is no need to continue the battle. Go on.

The old man also understands that Zhao Wei’s origins are extraordinary, otherwise it is impossible to have such a powerful force, and it is very likely that it is a peerless arrogance of a race.

Giving Mu Tian Lingzhu to him is also a matter of selling a person and improving the relationship between the two parties.

Zhao Yan’s face showed a smile and he took the power back.

The other ten Emperor Tiantian strong people are somewhat afraid of their faces. Although they are all strong in heaven, why is the difference so great.

The old man took out a green ball of light. This ball of light also has only one egg size. There is a small tree inside, which gives off a strong life atmosphere. This is the wooden sky.

The old man throws a hand, and a wooden Tian Lingzhu flies to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei carefully checked the Mutian Lingzhu, and now I have two Tianling beads, showing a smile, "Thank you!"

The old man’s face also showed a smile. “Wooden spirit beads are important to the forbidden land, but such treasures are still handed to the hands of such extraordinary people, and they will exert their due value.”

Zhao Yu said with a humble smile, "You have a reputation for your predecessors. I remember this personal feeling, and he will definitely repay his predecessors."

The old man showed a smile on his face. This is exactly what he wanted. He continued to ask with a smile. "I see your power is so terrible, I don't know where it came from?"

This Zhao can of course can't say chuckle said, "I just came from a remote place, and there is no big force."

This is how the ghosts believe that a person in a remote place has such a terrible power? How can a person in a remote place be protected by two more powerful people?

However, Zhao Wei is not willing to say that the elderly are not reluctant. Anyway, the potential and identity of such people are terrible. It is definitely not a bad thing to make friends. He said with a smile. "I don't know what else you have. If there is nothing, it is better to go. Sitting in the depths of the forbidden area, let me wait for someone in the forbidden area to entertain."

Zhao Wei thought that he would look for other Tianlingzhu, and refused with a smile. "I am very sorry, we have other things, and we will come to visit in the future."

The old man did not insist, smiled and nodded.

Later, Zhao Wei and the three left the forbidden land and flew in the sky. Zhao Wei asked with a smile. "The second master is going to go there?"

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