The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2512: Jinling

Qinghe said, "Then we go to find Jintian Lingzhu, but this Jintian Lingzhu is a very important thing. We can only use the method of stealing to obtain it. Otherwise, we won't get the Golden Pearl."

Zhao Xiao smiled and said, the three quickly came to an area.

There is something special here. The ground is all metal, the flowers and trees are also metal. It is like coming to a metal world.

The three continued to fly forward and came to a huge steel city pool. The walls and houses were built of steel, giving off a huge and strong momentum, as if nothing could destroy it.

Qinghe reminded, "The Golden Heaven Spirit Pearl is in this city. The city owner is also a powerful powerhouse. He also has a good relationship with several major forces. Generally, the power does not dare to offend him."

"And he also hates Xianyu very much. If you appear in front of him, then he will definitely kill you directly, and there will be no hesitation."

Zhao Wei said clearly, "Well! Then how do we steal the golden pearl?"

Qinghe said, "My sister and I will lead the strong one. If there is such a strong person, there is no way to steal the golden pearl. After we lead the strong one, the next thing is given to You deal with it."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Let's be careful!"

When Qinghe heard Zhao’s concern, his face showed a happy smile. “You guys still know how to care for us, and we don’t care that our sisters pay so much to you.”

Qing Yao looked at her sister and Zhao Wei intimately, and there was a little worry in her heart.

After a while, Qinghe and Qingyao put on another dress and covered their faces with veil. The two of them helped Zhao Wei to be his own private affairs, and did not want to reveal his identity to Linghe Zong.

boom! boom!

Two roars sounded, and Qinghe and Qingyao flew to the huge city with a strong momentum.

The momentum of the two of them exudes, but it is the momentum of the power, directly making the world change, the situation is surging, the huge pressure on the people, people feel a fear.

A middle-aged man wearing a armor and wearing a stiff face quickly emerged from the wall, giving off a horrible momentum.

The middle-aged man named Jin San is the city owner of this metal city. He has been trained to achieve a powerful environment, which is much stronger than the general power. Therefore, Qinghe and Qingyao are so careful.

Jin San coldly looked at the two people who were not good, and said, "I don't know what happened when I got to the door?"

Qinghe said coldly, "We naturally come to seek revenge. When you killed our loved ones, now we want you to be buried with people in your city."

In fact, there is no hatred in Qinghe and Jinsan. Qinghe only pretends to look like a revenge, to cover up his true identity.

As such a powerful person, it is impossible to have no enemies, so Jin San has no doubts, but his face is serious, because it is not easy to deal with them because of the existence of two big energy levels.


A huge roar sounded, Qinghe raised a hand, a terrible force erupted from the body of Qinghe, and numerous water vapors condensed into a single spear. The number is not clear enough to cover the entire sky.

Not only is Jin San within the scope of the attack, but the city is also within the scope of the attack.


The Qinghe lifted up its strength, and a spear condensed by water, with an amazing force, quickly flew to Jinsan and Chengchi.

Jin San's face changed slightly, and he took out a silver-and-white knife and tried it for a while. A huge knife shadow took all the power and opened it to the front. Nothing could stop it.


Countless shots of water spears were smashed by the huge knife shadow, turning into countless splashes of water, like a heavy rain.


Qing Yao also shot at this time, a huge water dragon condensed, with fierce strength rushed to Jin San, the speed is also very fast.

Jin San blocked his long knife in front of him, and an amazing force was injected into it. The long knife emitted countless knives.


A huge sound sounded, the huge water dragon hit the long knife of Jin San, turned into countless water flowers scattered, and Jin San also retreated a few steps.

The power of Qing Yao is stronger than Qinghe.

Jin San was cold with a face, giving off a powerful momentum and rushing to Qing Yao.


A loud voice continued to ring, and the three men fought fiercely in the sky, and the horrible fluctuations continued to spread.

Everyone in the city pool looked at him with a look of horror. The three big-level storms were really terrible.

Jin San and Qing Yao and Qing Yao were taken to other places. Here is his place. There are countless people below. If there is a fierce battle here, the city may be destroyed. I don’t know how many people will die and scruples.

He did not know to lead Qinghe and Qingyao to other places, just in the middle of the Qinghe.

The eyes of countless people in the city are also attracted by the battle. Although they also believe in their own city owners, they are two big powers after all, so they send people to watch the battle in the distance, and invite other powerful forces to come and help.

Zhao Wei also understands that he can't waste time, hide the breath and quickly sneak into the city.

Before Qinghe told Zhao Wei, Jintian Lingzhu is the core of this metal city. Many large arrays in the city are centered on a golden sky. If Jintian Lingzhu is lost, it will have a great impact on a city. .

In fact, if you can use Xiantao to exchange, Zhao Wei is willing to exchange with Xiantao, without such trouble, risking such a big danger.

There are more than 30 fairy peaches in Zhao Wei, and there is no problem in consuming one.

But this Jintian Lingzhu is very important to the city. Jinsan may not be exchanged for and the strength of Jinsan is much stronger than that of Qinghe Qingyao. It is in his place, taking out such precious things. It will be a very dangerous thing.

Moreover, Qinghe also reminded Zhao Wei that the matter of Xiantao should be kept secret as much as possible. Do not leak the news, or it may cause the semi-class level to be robbed.

As for the cold young man who first exchanged Xiantao, although he had a bad relationship with Qinghe Qingyao, he was also a Zongmen person and would not leak this news.

Jin Lingzhu is in the city's main government. Zhao Wei is directly lurking in that direction. Now, because of the fighting, there is a little chaos in the city, and his eyes are attracted to the past, which is good for Zhao Wei to sneak into it.

However, Zhao Wei did not dare to care about it. Although there are no powerful powerhouses in the city, the strong spirits and strong roads should have.

If discovered by these powerful people, Zhao Wei is also a dead end, and there is not much resistance.

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