The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2513: Military commander

Such a dangerous thing, Qinghe let Zhao Wei to do, naturally there are things that give Zhao Wei, to avoid those who are spiritual and strong.

That thing is a colorful paper, called invisibility, which contains powerful power. As long as it is attached to the body, it can affect the body. It is difficult for people below the power to discover the whereabouts of Zhao Wei.

However, there is only one piece of paper, and it can only be used for a few hours. If it fails, Zhao will be extremely dangerous.

Zhao Wei quickly came to the city's main government. There are many very terrible people guarding it, and Zhao Yi’s real cultivation is not at all.

Now there are invisible characters, not only countless people can't see Zhao Wei, but also can't sense any information of Zhao Wei. Zhao Shuguang is right in the city's main government, and there is no movement for other people.

Zhao Wei came to a platform nearby. This platform is four meters high and has a height of a kilometer. It is engraved with a circle.

The most central floating of this metal ball, emitting a lot of golden light, writhing in the air, has its own life.

There are four people standing in the four orientations of the platform. These four people are the strongest people in the peak of the road, and the breath that comes out is terrible.

Although Zhao Wei posted an invisible character, he did not dare to rush directly in the past. After thinking about it, Zhao Wei left here temporarily.

When I came outside, Zhao Wei planned to create some riots and attract the eyes of the four people.

Zhao Wei didn't feel that he was directly involved in the city's main government. Because the four peaks were strong, it is still possible to detect Zhao Wei, so Zhao Wei came to the outside of the city.

Half a squat on the ground, one hand pressed on the ground, Zhao Yan's eyes turned into a demon flower bud, a huge evil demon power from the hands of Zhao Yu, quietly spread out to the surrounding.

A black breath poured into the bodies of nearby people, whose bodies were stiff and in place, and their eyes shone with black blood.

These ordinary people were repaired to about three or four steps, and Zhao Yi easily controlled them. Then they attacked other people around them, and they fell into chaos around them. They screamed and cried, and Haiper’s voice continued.

The fluctuations caused by this place quickly covered the whole city, making people all over the city fall into chaos.

This is also a matter of high-level attention to the city’s high-rises. It is considered to be the big things that the previous two attacks on the city, because they said that all the people in the city should be buried, and after they left, things happened.

The city’s high-level officials negotiated solutions, and they were unclear why those people suddenly went crazy. You can only let many people hide in the room and don't go out.

Zhao Yi was sneaked into the main city of the city and found that the four peaks of the strong are still here, the city is in chaos, and they have no intention to control or leave.

It seems that Jin San has issued strict orders to them and should not leave here no matter what happens.

Now that time is running out, Zhao Wei thinks about it, controls some soldiers, and launches a charge here.


A dozen or a dozen soldiers, with their eyes black and white, shouted loudly, exuding a powerful momentum and rushing over here.

Standing in four directions are the military commanders wearing armor, a total of three men and a woman, seeing these crazy soldiers who came from the frown, frowning.

The head is a white youth, with a cold eyes and no mercy. A powerful force emerges from the body and slams into the mad soldiers. The soldiers are directly smashed into countless blood fog, and there is no scream. issue.

Zhao Wei’s face is nothing. Continue to control these dozens of soldiers and rush out from the four to the four strong.

The four generals were very strong, and they did not move, they killed the mad soldiers.

Zhao Wei continued to control the soldiers to rush to them, and he carefully took the platform to the past.


A loud bang came out, and soldiers continued to rush forward, and then they were smashed into blood by a powerful force.

Zhao Wei also carefully came to the platform. Some of the four military commanders were attracted to the soldiers by the soldiers. Together with the strength of their own invisibility, the four military commanders did not find Zhao Wei.

There are four strong bans in addition to the four peaks, and there are many strong bans. If you force them in, you may be killed.

Zhao Wei has a solution to this, and directly put out a piece of paper attached to the body, this piece of paper is a ban. It can make the body fit into the ban and will not be discovered. Things are also Qinghe to Zhao.

Since she called Zhao Wei to vote for the Jintian Lingzu, she naturally prepared for not to injure Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei walked into the ban, and for the sake of safety, waited for a little while, then went on to the center of the platform.

In the end, Zhao Wei came to float in front of Jintian Lingzhu.

Jintian Lingzhu seems to have noticed the existence of Zhao Wei, and has slightly trembled a few times. This attracted the attention of a military commander. He turned around and looked around. He did not have any direction and his face was a bit strange.

Zhao Wei was shocked and hurriedly concealed all the breath. Jin Tian Lingzhu lost his sense and did not tremble. This did not allow the military commander to discover Zhao Wei.

Looking at this golden heavenly pearl, Zhao Wei feels that he can't act slowly. This Jintian Lingzhu is likely to find him, and thus a huge fluctuation. When Zhao Wei is attached to the paper, it will be discovered.

Kill and kill...

Zhao Wei controlled a large number of soldiers, with fierce momentum, rushed from the surrounding to the platform.

Looking at the large number of soldiers who suddenly burst out, the four military generals frowned. It seemed that things were more serious than they thought. So many soldiers were crazy.

As the first white youth, waved a huge force to wave out, countless rushing soldiers burst into countless blood fog, said, "You three continue to be here, I see what happened."

The three military commanders just started talking.

Zhao Wei took a step forward and grabbed the Jintian Lingzhu with one hand and took it into the storage ring. Then he quickly flew to one side.

Four military commanders sensed the disappearance of Jintian The heart was shocked, and there was no reaction. A loud explosion sounded, and the terrible explosion spread, the ground shattered and the stone collapsed.

Zhao Wei directly dropped a few crystals of destruction.

The volatility dissipated, and the four military commanders did not suffer any harm, but their faces were very difficult because Jintian Lingzhu was gone. What happened just now was that in an instant, they did not understand what happened.

Carefully sensing the surrounding, there is still no fluctuation of the Jintian Lingzhu, it is someone who took the Jintian Lingzu in front of them.

There was a huge anger in the hearts of the four generals, and they rushed straight in four directions. They wanted to find out the **** and arrogant thief.

At any time, the metal city pool disappeared, and the law was destroyed. The powerful momentum radiated quickly weakened.

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