The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2514: Disturb

Zhao Wei soon left the city of metal and flew far away, allowing people in the metal city to find it, and could not find traces of Zhao Wei.

Jin San, who fought in the distance, felt the heart of the change of the metal city, and realized that he seemed to be in the middle of the count. He immediately broke out a powerful force, flying a clear river and Qing Yao, and the body flew to the city of metal. .

The two people in Qinghe understood Zhao’s success. In order to prevent Zhao’s from being found to be dangerous, the two men radiated a powerful force and continued to attack Jin San.

Jinshan’s face was angry and unscrupulous.

Qinghe two people attacked with all their strength.


A loud roar continued to sound, a terrible wave of volatility spread, the ground instantly collapsed, and numerous stones smashed like a disaster.

Finally, Jin San still returned to the city, with a blood in his mouth.

Qinghe and Qingyao also suffered some injuries. The Qinghe suffered a relatively minor injury. Because Qingyao’s strength is strong, she and Jinsan face each other, the injury will be heavier, the mouth will flow out of blood, her face will be pale and her breath will be weak.

The two of them immediately returned to the agreed place.

Zhao Wei looked at the two of them who were injured and returned. They were shocked and hurriedly asked to ask, "You have nothing?"

Qinghe said, "I just suffered some minor injuries. My sister is hurting a little and needs immediate treatment. You should get the Jintian Lingzhu?"

Zhao Wei nodded.

There was a smile on the face of Qinghe. "Let's get out of here and find a safe place to heal."

Zhao Wei replied, "Yes!"

Later, the three left here and found a secluded ravine. Zhao Wei stood on the side of the police, Qinghe and Qingyao sat on the ground to treat their injuries.

On the other side, Jin San returned to the city pool and looked at the chaotic city. His face was angry and burst into a terrible pressure. He blocked the entire city, and the originally chaotic and noisy city became a piece of land. Dead.

Jin San returned to the city's main government and looked at the four military commanders in front of his face, and asked, "What is going on? Isn't Jin Tian Lingzhu not guarded by you?"

The four military commanders told Jin San in detail about what had just happened.

I heard someone silently stealing Jintian Lingzhu. Jin San roughly guessed that the incident passed. The two great powers were to lead him, and then let other people come to Jintian Lingzhu. The purpose of their most open is Jintian Lingzhu, not Come to seek revenge.

Who are these people? I even hit the idea on him.

Jin San thought for a while, and couldn’t guess who it was because the other party did not disclose any information, and then heard the soldiers in the city madly attack other people, and asked with a serious face, “What is going on? Find the reason No?"

Bai Jing’s youth replied respectfully, “The adults we found were a kind of force that invaded their bodies, and made them mad to attack other people, and this power should be the power of the people who stole the Golden Pearl.”

"When the person walks away, the maddened soldiers and the people are back to normal, but the power that invades them is not easy to remove."

There are also some doubts in Jin San’s heart. I want to see what power it is. I said, “You bring a few controlled people to show me.”

"Yes!" Bai Jing Youth listened.

Then, the Baijing youth brought a few people who had been controlled before, and those few people returned to normal, and respectfully paid a tribute to Kim. "See the city owner!"

Jin San simply "hmm", a powerful sense of force enveloped several of them, as if to see through every part of their body.

When Jin Sansen controlled the power of several people, his face changed and he extended a hand. A force poured into the bodies of several people, and concentrated the black blood power in them.

At this time, Jin Sanshou pulled, the concentrated black blood power was pulled out, floated to Jin San, and gathered in front of him to form a black flower like a rose.

The white young man looked at the black flower like a rose and asked with amazement. "What power is this power?"

Jin San said seriously, "This is the power of the evil spirits!"

Bai Jing’s youth was shocked. “It turns out that they are controlled by the power of the evil spirits. No wonder so many people are controlled without the power of resistance, and this power is so difficult to remove.”

"The power of the evil spirit of the city owner is a terrible force in the demon domain, and it has disappeared for a long time. How can it appear here?"

Jin San solemnly said, "You said it is wrong. The power of the evil spirits has already appeared in the world, and this thing is still a major event that shakes the world of the apocalypse."

Bai Jing’s youth thought for a moment and asked with doubts. “Is this big event as if I have not heard of it?”

Jin San gave him a look. "Have you heard of the awakening of the Mozu Supreme Star in previous years?"

Bai Jingqing replied, "Know! It is the king of the second generation king, the owner of the seven emperors awakened the magic star in the magic domain, thus shaking the whole magic domain, and finally attracted countless powers to go."

Jin San continued, "The king of the second generation of kings, the owner of the seven emperors, relied on the power of the evil spirits to unfold the evil stars to awaken the supreme star of the demon."

Bai Jing’s youth thought of what his face was shocked. “The city owner! You said that the person who steals the golden pearls is the king of the second generation king, the owner of the seven emperors?”

Jin San nodded solemnly. "It should be him. Now he has awakened the supreme star of six races. Now it is only our spiritual and aquarium. This time he should come to the spiritual domain to awaken the spiritual star." ""

The white youth face has also become very serious. "What should we do now? This matter is already very important."

Jin San was cold with a face. "Since he dared to put his idea on me, he should not blame me. You spread the news directly, saying that the second generation king of kings, the owner of seven emperors ~www has appeared in the spiritual domain."

Bai Jing’s youth nodded and turned and left the hall.

The news spread out, and the apocalyptic world that had calmed down was set off.

Not only the eight great domains of the Apocalypse world, but also the upper gods and the lower eccentrics caused great sensation.

Especially in the realm of the gods, the last time Zhao Zhen awakened the emperor star, the terror fluctuations caused by them, they still remember now.

Even the chaotic world and the alchemy world are paying attention. Since the endless power of the celestial mirror, they have attached great importance to Zhao Wei, a terrible person, and have been collecting news about him.

Now this person is finally there.

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