The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2514: Demon area

As for the reason why he appeared in the spiritual domain, everyone does not have to think about it, it must be to awaken the spiritual star of the Supreme Empire.

If he awakens the spiritual star, he will have eight supreme stars, not the seven emperor owners, but the eight emperor owners. I feel shocked.

Human domain!

"I have heard about his name and felt the fluctuations caused by his emperor's awakening, but I have never seen it again. This time I can't miss it."

"Oh, I have to go, see the first person in this world of apocalypse, see if he is so terrible in the rumors, there was no chance to go before, now I have a chance."

"I heard that the owner of this seven emperor star is very likely to be our human race. If he is really a good person in our human race, our Terran will usher in the most brilliant era and become the head of the eight races."

"Well! I think so too. At that time, we were not afraid of Protoss, Mozu, and Yaozu, and we would not be bullied by the suppression of their tribes."

"We are going to determine his identity. If it is really our human race, he is the hope of our human race. Can't let him suffer a little bit, and he must do everything to protect him."


"Ha ha ha, our king of aliens is too strong. The first king of kings is really very visionary and far-sighted. I chose him as the king of the second generation king. Now we just wait for him to return to our aliens. The supreme throne."

"No matter what race he is, since he has a different alien star, he certainly has the pure blood of our aliens. I also recognize the identity of his king."

"It’s a pity that when so many strong people attacked the inheritance, we indifferent people could not protect him. They were almost killed by other racial elites. How much loss would we have to the aliens?"

"In fact, we still had the ability to protect him in the past. Unfortunately, many foreign strong people are not unified. Many strong people are not willing to help our alien kings in such a dangerous situation."

"Yeah! At that time, the people of the 10th Yuanyuan were helping him. The old dean of the 10th Yuanyuan also resisted the strong men of all races. Now I only hope that he will not hate our aliens, or our hopes will be shattered. ""

"Now those interracial strongmen who have not shot, it is estimated that they are very regretful at this time. I did not expect that he will become a person today and become a person who attracts the whole world."

"Well! There are only two choices for such a terrible person, either trying to please him or trying to kill him."

Magic domain!

"The little boy finally appeared again. This time he must kill him. At all costs, he must not let him grow up, or we will all die very badly."

"Well! Now that person is really too horrible, even if the immortal is not horrible, if he is awakening a supreme star, it is the eighth supreme star, now I imagine it is difficult to sleep."

"If I knew that it would be like this, then I would never shoot him. The things of the demon ancestors can only be tolerated, and this will not happen."

"I was also because of the evil demon flower ancestors. I only wanted to kill him at the beginning. Now I regret it. After all, I have a hatred with the evil spirits. I am not enemies with him. Now I have to pay such a big price."

"Okay! It’s useless to regret now. This time we know that he is already in the spiritual domain, then you must not let him go. Only by killing him can we get security."

"Yeah, regret is useless. This can't blame us. Who told him to be the descendant of the demon flower ancestor? It was his involvement in this matter. When my brother was killed by the evil demon flower."

Holy area!

"Although the man did not come to our domain, but what he caused in the realm of God, everyone must know that he not only possesses the power of the mirror, but also has the strongest power in the apocalyptic world. I think his protoss identity. ”

"Well! At the time when the mirror was coming, it was not only our apocalyptic world, but the chaotic world and the alchemy world were greatly shaken. Now he has the power of the mirror and should be called the Protoss."

"I also agree with this statement. Now the blood of the Protoss on his body is more pure than ours. The power of possession is also the strongest power among the Protoss. There is no magic power to compare with him."

"Ha ha ha, or my daughter is sensible, I wanted to let her go to the realm of the gods to prove the strength of my **** domain, to obtain the position of the Lord of the gods, although it is in the hands of the gods of the gods, but can find such a husband, I still I am very satisfied."

"Okay! Can you not say it? I am annoyed when I hear you say this, but the reality of the kid is amazing. This time I want to awaken the eighth supreme star. No one can imagine him in the future. Achievement."

"Actually, my daughter looks much better than your daughter. Unfortunately, he didn't come to the gods, or he will be fascinated by my daughter."

"Hey! Your daughter looks good. Your daughter has the potential of my daughter? Is there a Protoss star? I still want to be more ridiculous than my daughter!"

"Your daughter is this one is stronger than my daughter, and my daughter is also qualified. In the future, I can awaken the Protoss star. At that time, your daughter can't compare with my daughter. Besides, men always like beautiful women. ”

"Well, you don't want to argue. Now that person is in the spiritual domain, everyone in the whole world of Apocalypse already knows, and they are all rushing to the spiritual domain. You said that we should go and see."

"I definitely want to go, I have heard about his name. Now I have to see for myself how extraordinary he is, why there is such a terrible potential."

"I have to go and see the scarcity of my future son-in-law."

"Now the spiritual domain may be lively, I don't know how many strong people will go there, and I don't know what will happen~ Ghost domain!

"This person is really terrible, but unfortunately he has awakened the ghost to the emperor star, it is impossible to come to our ghost domain, I really want to see what he looks like, and I am looking forward to what terrible fluctuations can be caused in our ghost domain."

"Giggle, I also feel that this is very good, our ghost domain has always been dead, lacking some vitality, feeling so boring, I also welcome him to come here."

"I heard that this person still has six reincarnation forces. I don't know if it is true. How can he have the power of the Supreme Extreme? I am very surprised."

"What is strange about this, everyone else must awaken the eighth emperor star, nothing is strange, I also tell you that he can not only have six reincarnations, but also has a pure six reincarnation."

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