The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2516: Reincarnation

"Is it true? If he has six reincarnations, how can he still have six reincarnations? What is the relationship between him and our vaginal supreme, is it the son of six demon?"

"Hah? You are shocked by this statement, but it may be possible to think about it, and explain why he has such terrible potential."

"You said this, is he a ghost person? Now people who go to the spiritual domain are divided into three categories, one is to protect him, the other is to kill him, the other is to watch the fun, what do we do? ?"

"I can now anticipate the fierce picture of the wars between the parties. I don't want to participate in it, just look at it from a distance."

"I have to go and see this terrible person. I want to talk to him about the six blood circulations. I want to know the secrets of him."

Alchemy World!

"This person has finally appeared. We must get all the information of this person, and if possible, kill him at all costs. This person may threaten the entire alchemy world in the future."

"When you say this, is it too exaggerated? I admit that he is terrible, but he can really threaten the entire endless alchemy world, I will not believe it."

"I will support what he said. Alchemy stars are also in our world. We don't have to be a weak star in the world of apocalypse. We have such a star, and we all attach great importance to it because he is the supreme of the future."

"But now he has seven supreme stars, and the power of seven emperors is not equal to seven separate Supreme Stars. I think he is too horrible and must die."

"I agree with this statement. The last time the other party caused the mirror to come, our alchemy world is in the collapse of the element. I remember that scene, maybe he has the ability to use the mirror, which will definitely threaten our alchemy world."

"I have a plan, that is, the strongest in our alchemy world, quietly sneak into the apocalyptic world, find the right opportunity to kill this person."

"Well! I want to do this too. I just want to go to the Apocalypse world to learn more about it. If I can kill him, it will eliminate the biggest trouble for our alchemists and defeat the morale of the Apocalypse world."

"This matter is very important. We must be prepared. It is best to ask for the existence of our alchemist family and the semi-classical level. There is such an alchemy sacred beast that uses the supreme level to avoid any accidents."

Chaos world!

"This person has appeared again. We also need to go into the Apocalypse world and look for a chance to kill that person. We must not let him live, or no one knows what he will become."

"Right! Now I think he feels a trace of fear. Such a person has never seen the world of chaos in history. I don’t know what is special about the Apocalypse world. It is such a terrible person."

"Well, I am afraid of this kind of existence in my heart. There is even a feeling that the chaotic world will be destroyed in his hands. I am very much in favor of using various means to kill him."

"Actually, I don't kill him. I care about the flesh and blood of him. It is definitely the rarest and most flesh and blood in the world. If you can swallow it, you will get the supreme power."

"I also seem to devour his flesh and blood, even if I can't be as terrible as him, but it will become a supreme in the chaotic world. This is the treasure of the anti-day level."

"Then we sneak into the world of Apocalypse! Let the person find the kill, and then split it apart, how do you feel?"

"Good! I will go, miss this treasure and I will regret it for a lifetime. I must go to the Apocalypse world. I must get flesh and blood, even a little finger."

"I am going too, now I am hungry, I really want to devour his flesh and blood."

Because the card world just hit the Apocalypse world, many things are not known, but they also have news of collecting the parties in the Apocalypse world, and they also learned the news in the first time.

"Who is that person? How to cause such a big sensation, not only the entire apocalyptic world, the chaotic world and the alchemy world attach great importance to this person, it is a bit terrible."

"Well! We must investigate this person very well. We didn't know anything when we first came here, so be careful. This person is definitely not simple."

"I am very curious, who is this person, what can be tolerated, how terrible it is, why it caused such a big sensation."

"Now all parties pay such attention to this person. We might as well sneak into the world of Apocalypse. We can't fall behind when they are involved in this matter."

"Good! I have to sneak in and see. I am very curious about this apocalyptic world. I have long wanted to look at it."

In June of the sword, Lan Yue learned that the news frowned, and the heart was very surprised. How did Zhao’s news in the spiritual domain leak out? And the speed of communication is really scary, as if all people know it in a flash.

Now that the situation has become complicated and difficult, they have no way of anticipating what will happen. They have to be involved and are likely to be in danger.

Blue Moon seriously thought about it, and decided to continue to look for it because she felt that Zhao Wei was the only person she liked, even if it was very dangerous.

The sword sighed in January and Sword June, and they knew that once the news leaked out, it would cause such a large fluctuation, so they did not leak the news of Zhao Wei.

Now they have thought that all parties are looking for the whereabouts of Zhao Wei. The two of them are facing great power, and they are still innumerable powers, and there is no resistance.

Sword June looked at the sword and said seriously in January, "Sister! Are we going to continue?"

Sword thought about it in January and said, "I have followed him to the spiritual domain. I don't want to give up. I must get that kind of sword. June is too dangerous. Go back!"

Sword shook his head in Seriously said, "Sister I want to be with you, and I don't want to give up halfway."

The sword showed a smile on his face in January. "Let's go!"

Shannon did not hesitate to continue to choose to find the whereabouts of Zhao Wei, and did not want to endure the suffering of Acacia.

Long Qingqing and Feng Baixue heard the news, and they were shocked. They did not think of the second king of the king, and the seven emperor owners actually came to the spiritual domain.

They have already heard the horror of this person. Now they can just be excited and excited in the spiritual domain. I really want to see the terrible characters in this legend.

Now they do not know, Zhao Yi, who has been pursuing them, is the second king of the king, the owner of the seven emperors, the first person in the world of the Apocalypse.

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