The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2517: Power

Zhao Wei did not know about these things, and he was always on the side of the police, waiting for the recovery of Qinghe and Qingyao.

After a long time, the injuries of both of them have recovered. Qinghe does not look like a little injured. Qingyao’s face is still a little pale.

Zhao Wei asked, "How is it?"

Qing Yao said with a smile. "There is nothing wrong with it now. I am just a little weak."

Qinghe looked at his sister and said, "We still have to take a day off! When your strength is fully restored, I will just collect some information. I just know the whereabouts of the three Tianling beads, the other attributes of Tianlingzhu, I don't. Know where there is."

Qing Yao thought, nodded lightly, "Good!"

Zhao Wei is not in a hurry. Now he is very satisfied with the three kinds of Tianling beads of water, gold and wood. He smiled and asked, "What should we do next?"

Qing Yao replied, "We will go to Lingcheng first, where it is one of the largest cities nearby, and we should get the information we want."

Then the three flew over to the spiritual city.

In the middle of the road, Qingyao and Qinghe both frowned, because they sensed a lot of people who were terrible around them, and each one was not weak, and some even stronger than them.

"What happened? How suddenly have so many strong people?"

Qing Yao and Qing He looked confused and didn't know what was going on, but it was definitely not simple. It must have been a terrible thing, otherwise many powerful people would not appear here.

Qinghe thought about it, was it caused by their stealing of Tianlingzhu? But this is unlikely. Although Jin San has a good relationship with several major forces, he can't please so many strong people.

Qing Yao said with a serious face, "Qinghe! There may be terrible things happening here. Do we have to go to other places to collect intelligence?"

Qinghe also feels that it is very dangerous. They may not have the power to protect themselves. "Well! We go to other places to collect information, there is no need to participate in this matter."

Then the three flew to another place, but it didn't take long to stop and a serious face.

Because they also feel a lot of terrible atmosphere here.

What exactly is going on? Even before that place, how come this place has gathered so many terrible strong people?

They realize that what is happening now is far more terrible than they think.

Qinghe asked seriously, "Sister! Are we going to other places? Or first ask what happened, what are so many terrible people?"

Qing Yao thought for a moment, "I still have to inquire about what happened, I feel that this thing may be a big thing to alarm the spiritual world."

Qinghe replied, "Good! We continue to fly in this direction."

Zhao Wei also frowned, not knowing what happened, and he did not expect his identity to have been leaked out.


When the Qinghe trio wanted to continue flying, a powerful streamer shot from a distance and blocked in front of the three.

The radiance is a **** figure, with a short black hair, a pair of cat ears, a woman wearing a tights, the momentum is very strong, it is estimated to be the power of the powerful level.

Qinghe didn't know the woman. She looked at her in front of her. It was uncomfortable. "Who are you? Why are you blocking us?"

The woman smiled lightly. "I am a good cat. You don't have to worry. I don't have any malice. I am here for him."

Yu Mao’s eyes fell on Zhao Wei’s body.

Qing Yao understood her identity and said, "Are you a person related to Xianyu? Come here by induction?"

You cat smiled and nodded. "I used to be the eighth generation of a woman!"

Qing Yao continued to ask, "So, what do you have?"

You cat said with a smile. "I heard that he came here and I came here. He is also a man of my man. I don't think he has anything."

Qing Yao said, "Now he has our care, and you have seen that he has nothing to do, you can rest assured."

Yu cat said with a smile, "But I want to take him away. The situation here is too dangerous. His weak strength can easily die."

Qinghe heard that Yu Mao had to take Zhao Wei and said directly, "No!"

You cat showed a fascinating smile. "Why not? Did your sister taste his taste and wouldn't let him go with me?"

It was said that there was a little blush on the faces of Qinghe and Qingyao.

Qinghe, a pair of beautiful women, looked at the excellent cat and said, "Now he is our person. Do you think you want to take it away?"

Yu Mao looked at Qinghe and Qingyao, and it was impossible to forcibly steal Zhao Wei with her strength. She said one step back, "I can use something to make him good, how do you feel?"

Qinghe definitely said, "No, you don't have to say anything, we can't hand him over."

You are also a bit embarrassed in the heart of the cat.

boom! boom!

Two huge roars rang again, and two powerful tempers came here. One was wearing an ice-colored long coat, a long-haired woman with cold hair and a cold face. One was a tall, wearing a light red dress. A temperamental woman.

The momentum they radiated is also terrible, and both are powerful.

Qing Yao looked at the two of them and their faces became serious. The current situation can be very unfavorable. I asked, "Do you both are women associated with Xian? Is it for the man next to me?"

The icy woman nodded lightly. "I have something to do with the seventh generation of immortals. I want to take her to my place, so that there will be no danger, and you will not be able to protect him."

The charming woman said with a smile, "I am also the ninth generation of the fairy woman, you and I both have his strength in the body ~ also have some relationship, this time I also want to take him away from the spiritual domain Go to an uninhabited place for a while."

Qing Yao has a cold face. "Do you have a woman who has nothing to do with me, but he will not let you take it away."

You cat chuckled. "Now your sister's advantage is not too good? I advise you to give up on him, or three of us will join hands."

Qinghe's face is a bit ugly, because the strength of the three people on the opposite side is not weaker than their sisters. They do not have much advantage in fighting, and Zhao Wei may be taken away by them.

A pair of beautiful women seduce Zhao Wei. "The atmosphere that you exude is even stronger than the ninth generation of immortals. It’s really exciting and you want to have a relationship with you right now. Now you can come over with us. That thing."

Such a shameful statement made Qing Yao somewhat angry. "How can you count his woman, how can it be so debauchery!"

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