The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2518: Fairy

The charming woman said with a smile, "He died for so long, why can't I find other men? You all know that we will not have any interest except those who practice the Six Devils."

"I have also been looking for the tenth generation of immortals, but the guy has no use at all. There is no way for me to make my heart move. Now I am a person who is more exciting than the ninth generation of immortals. How can I give up?"

"In the end, I want to be present, now that one doesn't want to rain with him once?"

It was said that all the women had a faint blush on their faces, including the cold woman.

Qing Yao is also unable to refute, and now she has been tough, and she has fantasized about it a few days ago.

The charming woman said with a smile. "In fact, we don't have to **** him. There is no need to fight. If you do that with that, whoever wants to stay a little longer, who is he? How do you see it?"

You cat licked his lips with a pair of eyes and said with a smile, "I have no opinion!"

The cold woman was a bit shy, "I have no opinion!"

The three men looked at Qingyao and Qinghe.

Qing Yao's face was red and her heart beat faster. She wanted to agree, but she was ashamed and made her want to refuse.

Qinghe looked angry, and she naturally refused to share her things with others.

Zhao Wei feels very helpless. In the face of strong strength, there is no qualification for speaking. They are used as a plaything and a tool to vent their desires.


A roar of buzzing sounds constantly, and people who radiated a huge momentum came to this place. The volatility of a horror spread, and the terrible power was eclipsed by people, and people felt strong despair.

Feeling the power of this powerful force, the faces of the Qinghe people became difficult to look at and looked at the people around them.

There are men and women, old and young, and there are more than 30 people.

They sensed that there were several great powers gathered in this place, thinking that they discovered the second king of the king, so they rushed over.

A pair of eyes looked at the Qinghe people in the middle, feeling that they did not find the king of the second generation king, as if they were quarreling.

The bald old man exudes a strong momentum and said, "What are you doing here?"

The charming woman said with a smile, "Nothing, some personal things."

A young man next to him said angrily. "It’s okay not to get together at this time. We have to be excited about it. I thought you found the whereabouts of the second king of kings."

Qinghe strangely asked, "You are all for the second generation king of kings, the owner of seven emperors? When did he come to our spiritual realm?"

You cat smiled and explained, "Do you not know? The second king of kings has appeared in the spiritual domain, and its purpose is likely to awaken the spiritual star. Now all the powerful people are gathered in the spiritual domain. So there will be so many strong people here."

Qinghe and Qingyao understand what happened, and such a terrible person appears in the spiritual domain, no wonder it will cause so many strong people to come.

Zhao Xin is extremely nervous in his heart. Now he is surrounded by more than 30 powers. If you divulge your identity, you don't know what is dead. It is terrible.

At the same time, my heart is very strange, when is my identity leaked out? How do you not know yourself?

Many people who could see the Qinghe did not know about this. They didn't want to waste time here. They flew away directly. Some people swept Zhao Wei and felt very ordinary. They didn't care too much.

But the last couple of men and women stayed here. The man was a moderate middle-aged man who had said that he would kill the twelfth generation of immortals. The name was Su Fei, and the woman was a gentle woman who had a relationship with the ninth generation of Xian. The name is Bai Dandan.

At this point, Bai Dandan a pair of beautiful women are watching them.

Qing Yao and charming woman, watching Bai Dandan nervous, they sensed that Bai Dandan has the power of the ninth generation of Xian, and should be the woman of the ninth fairy.

Now she should sense that Zhao Wei is the twelfth generation of immortals. If she says this, then Zhao Wei will die, and they are unable to protect Zhao Wei.

Although Zhao Wei can't compare the second king of the king, the owners of the seven emperors are attractive, but there are still too many people who want to kill Zhao Wei, and they are already gathering because of the second king of kings. Together.

Once they discover the identity of Zhao Wei, they will not come one by one, but will come in groups, how can they resist?

Su Fei turned to look at his wife and asked gently, "Nanny! Do you know them?"

Bai Dandan nodded. "They are people I have known before. I want to talk to them alone. Can you go back first?"

Su Fei thought for a moment. "Then I am waiting for you in the Lingcheng, and there are things about Xianxie. You also want to open a little. You don't want people like this to continue to harm women."

Bai Dandan replied, "Well!"

Su Fei’s face showed a smile, flew to one side and disappeared.

Now only the people who are related to Xianyu are left behind. Everyone is relieved and not as nervous as before.

The charming woman said with a chuckle, "Thank you for not revealing his identity, or he may have died at that time."

Bai Dandan looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes, chilling a face and replied, "No! I don't want him to die."

Zhao Wei was watched by her, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Bai Dandan stepped forward to Zhao Wei and raised one hand. A slap in the face of Zhao Yan, a clear sound.

Zhao Wei was beaten with a look, and she did not understand why she suddenly hit herself.

Bai Dandan looked at Zhao Wei and said coldly. "This is for the time of the year. Although the ninth generation of Xianyu is dead, you should bear as his descendant."

Zhao Xin didn't know what to say in his heart. He was not the twelfth generation of Xian.

However, these immortals have caused too many things, so that so many people want to kill them, they have no good results one by one, and finally killed by others.

Qinghe looked at Zhao Wei and was slap in the face. The angry one would stop in front of Zhao Wei and stop Bai Dandan from harming Zhao Wei.

Bai Dandan is also a big man ~ ~ Zhao can not stand her fight.

But Qing Yao suddenly stretched out and grabbed Qinghe and said, "Don't go!"

Qinghe turned his head and looked at his sister strangely. He asked, "Why? How can you see Zhao Wei being beaten by her?"

Just talking, Qinghe heard a crying voice, turned his head and looked at Bai Dandan looked at Zhao Wei, cried out, tears continued to flow from the eyelids, slipping through the white face and dripping.

Qinghe stopped and did not say anything.

The charming woman sighed deeply. "It’s a woman who has been hurt by the fairy. Sometimes I really want them to die all the time. I don’t want them to harm women in this way."

:. :

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