The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2519: Spirit

Yu Mao also nodded with a trace of sadness. "Sometimes I also have this kind of idea. I hope that all the immortals will die, and that will be the same woman as us."

Qing Yao seriously looked at her sister Qinghe and said, "Now you see it! This is the woman who is related to Xianyu. I hope that you can not participate in this matter, and go back now."

Qing Dan looked at the front of Bai Dandan silent, if Zhao Wei and other immortals died in the future, then in the future she will be like Bai Dandan, like herself, always miss him, alone until death.

Although Zhao has made a promise, he will not die like other Xianyu, but no one can say anything about the future. No one can guarantee 100% of the future.

But now it’s already late, she’s already caught up in it, and she says, “Sister! I’ve had a relationship with him, it’s his woman.”

Qing Yao looked stunned and didn't expect it to be like this, but then there was a anger on her face and she walked over to Zhao Wei. She was looking for Zhao Wei to settle her bill.

Qinghe hurriedly took Qingyao and pleaded, "Sister! I am willing to do so, don't blame Zhao Wei."

Zhao Wei looked at the beautiful woman in front of her eyes and looked at her tears. She couldn’t bear it and went forward into her arms.

Bai Dandan's body was stiff, but in the next moment, his hands clasped Zhao Yu and cried, and all the emotions that had been suppressed in his heart for a long time were released.

Zhao Wei said with a soft voice, "Don't cry, I will take care of you in the future."

Bai Dandan looked up and looked at Zhao Wei with tears in his face, sobbing and saying, "Who wants you to take care of you!"

Now Bai Dandan just vented the emotions of the ninth generation of Xianyu, and did not want to think about Zhao.

Zhao Wei chuckled and bowed her head to her mouth. Bai Dandan immediately struggled, but she forgot to forget that she was a powerful powerhouse. She could not break away from Zhao Wei, and the depths of her body broke out instantly.

Bai Dandan fell into it, crazy and Zhao Hao doing that.

After a while, Zhao Wei released Bai Dandan, Bai Dandan's face was blushing, his eyes covered with a layer of water mist, and Zhao Wei gasped.

Zhao Wei took her directly to the ground and flew down on a green meadow, and then could not describe it.

Su Fei, who is waiting in Lingcheng, can't think of the direct wife and the man who didn't care too much about him before. The look of a slutty and happy look is something he has never seen before.

The charming woman looked at the fierce scene on the ground, her face showing a smile, and flew to the ground to join.

Yu Cat and the cold woman also flew.

In the end, only two people, Qing Yao and Qing He, stayed in the air. Qinghe gasly watched Zhao Wei and other women doing this.

Qing Yao's face is blushing, how does it seem that Zhao Wei is still very serious, how to do such things in front of others.

Qinghe looked at his sister and said, "Sister, let's go down! I know that you also want to think, we can't let the guy be taken away by other women."

Qing Yao shook his head with a blush. "I still forget it. I will help you watch it and prevent others from disturbing."

Qinghe took Qingyao and said, "Sister! Don't insist on it. What do you think of you now? I won't mind this."

Wen Yan, Qing Yao did not insist, was pulled to the ground by Qinghe, joined the unspeakable.

I have been chasing the Xuanzang of the twelfth generation of immortals, and I don’t think that he is a woman who can’t ask for help. He is doing the most thing about his atmosphere with another man, sitting on a man and being like a slut.

Because they have been suppressed for a long time, now venting everything, things continue until the next night, the grass is an unspeakable trace.

A bright moon hangs in the deep blue sky, emitting a soft moonlight shining on the earth, a breeze blowing, and the grass is wading.

Zhao Wei lay on the ground and looked at the bright moon in the sky. The other women were lying on both sides of Zhao Yu. The nearest ones were Bai Dandan and Qing Yao. Now they are leaning on Zhao Wei’s shoulders.

The cold woman and the charming woman, Zhao Wei also knows their names, an ice cold, a Lu Qianqian.

Bai Dandan looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of beautiful eyes. "What plans do you have next? You can't continue to stay in this place, because the second generation of King of Kings will attract countless powers once you move. May be involved."

Zhao Wei said with a chuckle, "Is it comfortable now? Don't cry, I still worry about my safety."

Bai Dandan's face was blushing, and he said softly, "I am talking to you, can you be serious, and you have made me like this, and I have to make fun of me. At that time, I should take you off." ""

Zhao Xiao smiled.

Qing Yao said, "We used to help Zhao Yu collect Tianlingzhu. In order for him to awaken the Lingzuo star, I did not expect this kind of thing to happen. Now because the second generation king of kings appeared in the spiritual domain. The situation has become very difficult."

The excellent cat lying on the other side, surprised to hear this, "Wait! You mean that you are helping Zhao to awaken the spiritual star of the spirit? Is Zhao Yu’s potential to awaken the spiritual star of the spiritual elite?"

Bai Dandan also looked at Qing Yao with a pair of eyes.

Qing Yao said with a smile, "Well! If Zhao Wei does not have such great potential, how can Liu Xianxian be able to kill him at all costs, and other forces will not want to kill him so madly because Zhao Wei is already serious. Threatened to them."

Bai Dandan looked at Zhao Xiao’s chuckle and said, “It seems that I still underestimate you, the supreme of the future!”

Lu Qianqian said with a happy smile, "Zhao Wei has such a terrible potential, as long as it becomes a supreme world, it is difficult to have the power to kill him. At that time, we will not worry that he is dead!"

There was a smile on the cold face of the ice. "The most important thing now is to help Zhao Wei awaken the spirit star."

You cat worried about but now it is very difficult, because the second generation king of kings appeared in the spiritual domain, countless powers are gathered in the spiritual domain, it is really dangerous, accidentally Will be discovered. ”

"And I am still worried that Zhao Yu’s chance to awaken the spirit star will be taken away by the second king of the king. The emperor awakens this kind of race, which consumes a lot of racial air and awakens one after the other. It’s hard to wake up in a decade."

Qinghe is also worried. "I am also worried about this. Even if we have escaped the eyes of countless powerful people, Zhao Wei may not be able to compete for the second generation of Wang Wang, and the awakening of the spiritual star of the Lingzu will be taken away by him. ""

Zhao Wei smiled and looked at the women around him. The power was high and there was a man who destroyed the earth. Zhao Wei was obedient and respectful. He did not expect to enjoy so much power today.

However, it should be like this, they cultivated much higher than Zhao Wei, and the six desires could not control them. Zhao Wei did not dare to reveal his true identity.

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