The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2520: Ice field

Qing Yao thought for a moment and said, "There is only one way to let Zhao Wei wake up the Lingzu emperor in the fastest time. If the second generation king of Wangwang awakens the spiritual star, then Zhao has no chance. ""

You cat worried and said, "The second generation king of kings is so terrible? It is very easy to awaken the spiritual star, can we earn him?"

The ice was cold and nodded. "The king of the second generation king of kings may have begun to awaken the spirit of the emperor. Although Zhao Hao is talented, the future will become a supreme, but worse than the king of kings. One point, in the face of such existence, the Supreme also has to bow."

Lu Qianqian said dissatisfiedly, "Now Zhao Wei is our man. Don't underestimate him. Even if the second generation of Wang Wang is awakened to the Lingzu Emperor, it will be fine. We and Zhao Wei are looking for a place to be happy for ten years. After ten years. Zhao Wei will definitely awaken the spirit star."

"Under this time, it is very dangerous. The parties in the spiritual domain are looking for Zhao Wei. If they want to kill him, they can take this opportunity to avoid them."

Yu cat’s face showed a smile. “I feel this way. Now we will choose a place to go. We can do it every day, and how happy it will be!”

Bai Dandan was blushing. "I am listening to Zhao Wei. If Zhao Wei thinks about this, I can accompany him."

Now Bai Dandan has not thought about it. She originally came to see it, and may not even stop others from killing the twelfth generation of Xianyu.

But when she saw Zhao Wei, the silent heart couldn't help but beating. I really wanted to get the care and comfort of Zhao Wei. Now the body and mind are occupied by Zhao Wei.

This feeling was not given to the ninth generation of Xianyu, and her husband did not give it.

A pair of beautiful women in Qingyao looked at Zhao Wei. "What are you going to do with Zhao Wei? If you want to avoid the edge of the second king of kings, we will not look down on you. We will choose a place to stay with you for ten years. ”

Zhao Yu’s heart is helpless. He is the second king of kings. Can’t he compare himself? But he can't say his identity.

"I don't want to hide for ten years. I want to wake up the Lingzu emperor now. I don't think I will be worse than the second king of the king."

Qinghe smiled happily. "I really didn't look at the wrong person. I also believe that my man will definitely not be worse than the second king of kings. Now we will continue to collect Tianlingzhu, and we must be in the second generation of Wangwangzhi. The front of the king awakens the spirit star."

Qing Yao chuckled. "I have no opinion. I also think that I can give it a try. If it doesn't work, I will choose the second one."

Bai Dandan looked at Zhao Wei and said with a smile, "I respect Zhao Wei's choice!"

Lu Qianqian smiled and said, "I have no opinion, as long as I can do it every day and now."

Asked the cold and cold, "How many gods do you collect now? How many more?"

Zhao Wei replied, "Now we only collect three Tianling beads, which are Jintian Lingzhu, Mutian Lingzhu, Shuitian Lingzhu, and the most basic Jinmu Shuiyin and Yangyang seven attributes of Tianlingzhu must be collected. ”

"The second is that Tianleizhu, which has other attributes of wind and thunder, is also needed. The more the number, the better."

There was a smile on the cold face of the ice. "The ice that I am in is a natural pearl. Now we can go there to get it."

Zhao Wei had some surprises. They originally wanted to inquire about the whereabouts of other Tianlingzhu. I didn't expect it to be so simple.

"Then let's go now!" Zhao said with a smile.

Later, everyone dressed in clothes and flew to one side. After two days of rushing, everyone came to that ice field.

It is white everywhere, the ground is thick ice, growing a little ice-producing plants, the temperature here is very low, the climate is very cold, ordinary people may freeze here.

The people here are rare, and there are no signs of biological activity. There is only one wind around them.

The ice said coldly and plainly, "I will come here with a small number of people. If the plan fails, you can hide here for ten years."

You cat looked around and said, "You can't be too cold here, nothing, or go to me better."

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "These things are waiting to say, where is the ice **** Lingzhu?"

The ice replied coldly, "In the deepest part of the ice sheet, where the ice is cold to the extreme, even if the power goes, it may be frozen."

Qinghe laughed. "Now we have six great powers, and there should be no difficulty for us."

The crowd then flew directly to the depths of the ice sheet.

A few hours later, I came to a huge ice crack, which was in the deepest part of the crack.

There are countless extremely cold white air in the cracks, and now a strong person in heaven and earth enters it, and in a short time it may be blocked by ice.

The women stood around Zhao Wei and held out a hand. A powerful force emerged to form a colored defensive hood, which exudes a terrible force. The extreme cold did not cause any damage to it. influences.

This is a defensive hood that is condensed by six powerful energy. It is very hard and extremely powerful. It can withstand the full blow of the power.

Zhao Wei stays at the center of the defensive hood and does nothing.

The crowd flew in the crack, and the chill of the cold with all the power of the ice, rushing to the crowd, the defensive hood blocked all the cold, and did not feel a trace of cold inside the hood.

Continue to fly below the crack!

As the crowd continued to deepen, the surrounding area became colder and colder, and a strong defensive hood also had a layer of hoarfrost.

Finally, everyone fell to the bottom of the ice crack, as if coming to an ice world, where the thick ice everywhere can reflect the way people look.

At this point it was extremely cold, and the defensive hood seemed to be frozen, with a layer of ice on the surface. If you stay here and do not use a defensive cover, Zhao Wei may be frozen.

The crowd walked forward!


A loud roar rang. A huge ice bear consisting of ice, with a terrible momentum, rushed over to everyone.

In the face of so many terrible ice beasts, the expressions of the people are very relaxed and there is no progress.

The ice was cold and a hand was extended, and a powerful force of ice spread out and then grabbed it with force.


A huge ice cone emerged from the ground, very fast, and one root penetrated the body of the ice bear. The ice bears screamed and screamed for the innumerable ice.

Ice and cold have a very powerful ice spirit, and the advantages here are great.

The people continued to move forward, and then ran out more ice beasts, but they did not have any influence on Zhao Wei. All of them were killed by several of them. Zhao Wei did nothing.

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