The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2522: disciple

After Zhao Yu got the news of Yin and Yang Lingzong, he began to prepare to sneak into the Yin and Yang Lingzong.


A dull voice sounded, an ordinary young man was kicked out by a kick, and poured a spit on the ground to spit out a blood.

A young man who looks arrogant, disdainfully said, "Six three! I said that you are not my opponent, or give me a honest, hand over the thing, or I can put a heavy hand, do not ask for it. ”

Sixty-three is the young man who was kicked out. He looked angry at the youth. He just exchanged a treasure from the Zongmen, and the savage youth came over and snatched it.

He also knows the arrogant young man, who is called Shang Mi. He often swears that he has the power to bully others. He has been bullied by Shang Mi several times. Now he really wants to kill Shang Mi, but he can't beat it.

I thought about it, although the treasure is important, but now security is more important, even if he does not hand it out, he will eventually be snatched away.

The last six or three can only come up with a piece of milky white jade. This piece of jade is called Tongling Jade, which can enhance the speed of cultivation. He took a long time to redeem it.

I will surrender it now, and I am extremely angry in the heart of Liu San, but I have to pay it again.

Shang Mi looked at the piece of white jade, smiled and held out a hand and grabbed it. The white jade flew into his hand. Then he did not look at the six or three eyes and walked straight to the side.

For him, the strength of the six or three is weak and the qualifications are poor. Even if he is practicing, he is not his opponent, so he is not put in his heart.

Liu San looked at the merchants who left, and thought in his heart that he would become stronger than him in the future and would return all the shame he received.

Subsequently, June 3 took the next task and left Zongmen.


A man in a black cloak was in front of him. Sixty-three sensed that his breath was weak. Now he is mad, his tone is very welcome. "What are you doing in front of me? Nothing to get out of me!"

Zhao Wei did not dare to sneak into the Yin and Yang Lingzong. It was too dangerous. Once he was discovered, Zhao Wei did not escape.

Therefore, Zhao Wei wanted to find a disciple of Yin and Yang Lingzong to control him, and then use him to sneak into the Yin and Yang Lingzhu to see if he could get Yin and Yang Lingzhu.

Now Zhao Wei met the person in front of him, with a smile on his face, and there is no need to speak. A powerful demon power emerges.

Sixty-three felt the horror of darkness, the body became cold, his face was pale, and he was scared to escape.

A huge pale rhizome flew out of the ground quickly, and then wrapped around the body of Liusan. Sixty-three fears continued to struggle, but they could not break away. A huge demon gas was injected into it.

The body of Liu San quickly stopped struggling, and the expression of fear became dull. Zhao Yu’s consciousness entered his brain and got all the information of Liu San.

Subsequently, Zhao Wei’s body was secretly hidden in an unmanned corner, controlling the body of Liu San to return to the Yin and Yang Xianzong.

According to the news, the Yin and Yang Lingzhu of Yin and Yang Lingzong was placed in a Yinyang Building.

This yin and yang building is divided into thirty-three floors and is divided into thirty-three layers. It is the place where the yin and yang Lingzong disciples practice. Each layer corresponds to different cultivation speeds. The first layer has the slowest cultivation speed, and the highest layer has the highest speed of 33 layers. fast.

The yin and yang spirit beads are placed on the top floor. As the core of the Yinyang Building, they absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth and help countless disciples practice.

Into the need to enter the points, Zhao Wei took out a token, looked at a little points, just can enter there.

Zhao Wei controls the body of Liu San and walks directly to the Yinyang Building.

After a while, Zhao Wei reached the front of Yinyang Building. This Yinyang Building was on a hillside. At the top, there was a Taiji figure, which slowly rotated, absorbing the aura of the heavens and the earth, surrounded by green grass. Such as carpets will generally cover the ground.

There seems to be no danger around, but in fact it is full of strong prohibitions. Whoever wants to enter it will be smashed into slag.

Zhao Wei held the token and continued to move forward.

The yin and yang floor shot a ray of light on Zhao Wei, and the points on Zhao’s hand-held token disappeared quickly, and then a ray of light covered him.

Zhao Wei continued to walk to the Yinyang Building. Because of the reason for the light, Zhao Wei was not attacked by the ban.

Entering the first floor of the Yinyang Building, there are many people sitting around the disk. There may be tens of thousands of people who practice with their eyes closed.

Zhao Wei touched his eyes and closed his eyes. The surrounding aura was quickly injected into everyone's body, which could improve the speed of cultivation, but it was too slow for Zhao Wei.

This time, Zhao Wei was not originally practicing, so he didn't care too much about these things and walked over to the second floor.

The second floor of the stairs has an enchantment. If you want to enter the second floor, you must break the enchantment.

For Zhao Wei, there is no difficulty at all. Extending a hand and grabbing it, the enchantment in front of him is shredded like a thin piece of paper. Zhao Wei directly stepped on the stairs to the second floor.

On the second floor, the number of people practicing here is reduced, but the number is still a lot, and the speed of cultivation here has increased.

Zhao Wei didn't care too much. He walked up the stairs to the third floor. With a wave of his hand, the enchantment in front of him was broken.

Then, Zhao Wei came to the third floor.

The number of people in the third floor is reduced, and the speed of cultivation is increasing faster.

Continue to the fourth floor.

When I came to the fourth floor, I just wanted to go to the fifth floor. An unexpected sound came up. "How can you come to the fourth floor in June 3?"

Zhao Wei turned to look to one side, only to see a savage young man, looking at himself unexpectedly.

Zhao Wei searched for the memory of Liu San and knew his identity. This person is the merchant who just snatched the six-three-way Lingyu.

Because Tongling jade can increase the speed of cultivation, he can't help but come to the Yinyang Building to see how effective it is when he grabs things.

As a result, he was very satisfied. With the psychic jade and the yin and yang building, the cultivation was extremely fast. He believed that he could break through to the next stage in the near future.

Originally, he was in a happy time, and found that the six-three who had just grabbed something had actually come to the fourth floor.

How did he have the strength to come to the fourth floor? With his power at the third level can not come to the fourth floor, so he will be so unexpected.

At the same time, dare to threaten, because the people who came to the fourth floor basically have the ability to fight him.

But he can't figure it out. People who have just been easily defeated by him haven't seen the power become stronger. This is too fast!

The consciousness of Liu San has not been erased, and now I am looking at the anger of Shang Mi.

Zhao Wei controls the mouth of Liu San to rise, revealing a stern smile. "Do you have any opinions on the fourth floor?"

Shang Mei’s face changed. He felt that the six or three images in front of him changed like a person. He was overbearing and dangerous. He had never dared to talk to himself before.

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