The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2523: Yinyang Building

what is the problem? It’s just that I’m not seen in the blink of an eye. The strength of the Six-Three has not only become stronger, but the temperament that has been emitted has also changed. It feels like a change.

Now when I heard the provocative words of Liu San, Shang Mi was quite used to it. I was very convinced in my heart and said coldly, "Don't think that you can beat me on the fourth floor. I advise you to be honest, otherwise I It won't let you go."

Zhao Wei chuckled and said, "You can try it!"

In the heart of Shang Yi, he was angry and directly exuded a powerful momentum. He rushed forward in a few steps, and punched the force with the power of crushing the rocks to Zhao Zhao’s head.

Zhao Wei stood in the same place, his eyes scorned, and slowly extended a finger.


A loud bang sounded, and a powerful wind blew away and blew it to the Quartet. Shang Fei’s fierce punch was blocked by Zhao’s finger, and Shang Mi’s face was unbelievable.

Other people who had closed their eyes and practiced were affected by the wind, and they opened their eyes and saw the scene in front of them. They couldn’t help but open their mouths. "Good!"

The consciousness of June 3 saw this scene and said with excitement, "I don't know what you are doing in my body, but as long as you can help me teach this person, I am willing to give it to you."

Now that Liu San is so strong in June 3, I really want to retaliate directly. Although it is not easy to do it myself, but I also use his body to teach me, and my heart can also vent.

Zhao Wei did not care too much about the words of Liu San, because this six-three did not have any resistance, Zhao Wei can now obliterate his consciousness at any time, a pair of eyes looking at the Shangmi.

In the face of Zhao Wei’s eyes, Shang Mi was somewhat afraid of instincts, took his fist back, and took a few steps back.

With a sly smile, Zhao Wei walked over to him. "Why don't you continue?"

Shang Mi said with some fear, "I just missed it, I want you to apologize!"

Now Shangmei knows that he can't beat Liusansan, and he has a strong fear of the current June 3rd. He can't think that Liusan will become so terrible.

Zhao Wei chuckled, "Apologize naturally, you must be sincere, now give me a kneel down!"

Wen Yan said, Shang Mi said angrily, "You don't want to be too much!"

Zhao Wei ignored the words of Shang Mi, and stared at him with a pair of eyes. "I am giving you a chance, kneel!"

Shang Mi's face is very difficult. On the one hand, he doesn't want to be too humiliating. One side has the fear of Zhao Wei's terrible power.

Zhao Wei didn't want to waste time, stretched out a hand to make a finger movement, and a powerful force gathered in his hand.


As soon as the finger slammed, a loud roar sounded, and a powerful force fiercely rushed to Shang.

Shang Mi was shocked and kept his hands in front of him.


Shang Mi’s body was blown out by that huge force. He fell to the ground and spit out a large amount of blood. His hands cracked out of a wound, and the blood flowed out constantly. It was a bit miserable.

Sixty-three hearts are extremely happy, he is always thinking about revenge,

Other people looked nervous and serious, and did not dare to say anything. They understood that Zhao Wei’s strength was far stronger than them, and he was afraid that he would accidentally anger Zhao Zhao and fall to the same end as Shang Mi.

Shangmi lay on the ground and looked at Zhao Wei with a look of fear. He took out a few things and said, "These are all your things. Now I will give it to you, please let me go once."

Zhao Wei glanced at the things in his hand, naturally not seeing it. Without any interest, he waved a force to fly out at a time, and spit out blood in his mouth. The things in his hands are also scattered.

Shang Mi bears this blow and looks pale and indifferent. Zhao Wei did not continue his thoughts and planned to go to the fifth floor.

At this time, a strong young man just came down from the fifth floor and looked at Zhao Wei coldly. "I heard that someone bullied my younger brother, that is you guy."

Shang Mi looked at the strong young man who appeared, and cried in surprise. "You must help me out. You have made me like this, but I have to squat, this is insulting you and Master."

The strong young man’s face is even colder, and his eyes are a bit stunned. “What did my teacher just say is true?”

Zhao Wei said disdainfully, "Now! I don't want to waste time."

When the people present heard this, they were shocked and realized that this battle could not be avoided. The young people of the strong had some understanding and strong strength. They practiced on the seventh floor and they did not dare to offend this guy.

The strong young man said fiercely. "Look at your appearance, you are a minimum disciple. You can talk so arrogantly. You don't abandon your hands and feet today. You really don't know how to be tall."


A huge momentum broke out from the body of a strong young man, and the atmosphere around him became dignified at that moment, and everyone dared to have a trace of fear.

Strong young people with this terrible momentum rushed to Zhao, as a fierce beast, I feel no one can resist.


A clear voice sounded, facing the fierce young man who rushed over, Zhao Yu extended a hand, a simple wave, a terrible power fan on the youth's face, directly flew the youth fan out and hit the crowd In the middle, it caused an exclamation.

The strong young man fell to the ground, his left face was swollen, and a blood flowed out of his mouth.

Shang Mi looked fear, what happened? The original six or three of his original, how to have such a terrible power.

The people around him looked fearful. They just underestimated Zhao Wei. They didn't think that the strong young people who were slap in the face were not hurt.

Zhao Wei looked at the strong young man lying on the ground and said disdainfully, "A waste can dare to talk to me like this!"

The strong young people felt a huge shame, shouted, climbed up from the ground, and exuded all the power. The body ignited a huge black arrogance and rushed toward Zhao, the momentum was terrible.


A crisp sound made another Zhao Wei waved a hand, a huge force swung out, fan on the other side of the strong youth, the strong youth was fanned far away, hitting a wall . Spit a big blood, then fainted.

Everyone was scared, only to feel that the opposite person crushed the strong youth, not a level of battle.

Shang Mi looked scared and bowed his head and dared not say anything.

Zhao Wei did not continue to waste time here and went on to the fifth floor.

Everyone looked at Zhao Wei and disappeared on the fourth floor. He breathed a sigh of relief and then boiled up. They all talked about what had just happened, and also asked about the identity of that person, and they were full of curiosity about that person.

The news also spread quickly. There was a low-level disciple who beat high-ranking disciples, and the power was simply unfathomable.

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