The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2524: yin and yang

Zhao Wei went directly to the fifth floor and did not waste time to move on. He walked over the sixth floor and came to the seventh floor.

The people here have been greatly reduced, and the speed of cultivation is also faster.

Zhao Weigang came here, a group of people looked at Zhao Wei, some people face bad, some people face serious, some people look at the drama.

In the face of these people, Zhao Wei is not doing anything, and continues to go to the eighth floor.

At this time, a young man with a beard, his face said with dissatisfaction, "You as a low-cost disciple, see why we are not saluting? And the person you just hit on the fourth floor is our pulse." ”

Zhao Wei stopped and turned to look at the young man with a beard. "Oh? What about it? Just hurry up and find me, I don't have time to talk to you."

The young man with a beard, angered, "You don't want to be too arrogant. There are many people who are stronger than you in the Yinyang Building."

Zhao Wei chuckled. "Is it? But what about it?"

The young man with a beard was angry, but he did not shoot because he did not have the confidence to defeat Zhao Wei in front of him. He just saw Zhao’s arrogant look and couldn’t help but speak.

A tall, woman in a blue dress with a beautiful face and outstanding temperament stood up. "I want to ask for advice!"

Zhao Wei continued to walk to the eighth floor. "I am not interested!"

The woman's face was condensed, and a hand stretched out. A huge force turned into a white bird, and it quickly shot at Zhao, and it felt terrible.

Seeing that the white bird had a body that penetrated Zhao Wei, Zhao’s body instantly disappeared in the same place and appeared behind the woman.

The woman was shocked and hurried to retreat to the side.

Zhao can reach out and hold the woman in her arms. The woman struggles with her panic, but she can’t break away from Zhao’s hand.

The woman cried angrily. "Bastard! You let me go!"

Zhao Yu stretched out a hand and squeezed the woman's chin. He said with a smile, "It seems that you attacked me first. How does it seem that I am wrong?"

The woman’s eyes glared at Zhao Wei and said angrily, “I want to compare with you, but I don’t want to be teased by you.”

Zhao Wei chuckled his nose and gently sniffed at the woman, looking at the pretty face of the woman, and said in her ear, "I am teasing you now!"

The woman’s face was a touch of blush, and she was struggling with anger. “Here is the Yinyang Building. What do you dare to do, the elders will not let you go.”

Others are also angry, watching such a woman blocking their faces being swayed, and some people are known to women, the relationship is not bad.

Some people are still afraid of Zhao Wei's strength. They dare not say anything to offend Zhao Wei, but some people can't stand it. A beautiful woman in front of her eyes is being swayed by a very inferior person.

Standing out and yelling, "You let go of her! You are powerful alone, but don't forget, we have many people here."

"We are all high-ranking disciples. Even if you are disabled, you will not be punished. And if you are a junior disciple, you have already violated the rules. I advise you to be honest."

Zhao Wei looked at a few of them and provocatively kissed the woman's cheek.

The woman cried in a shy voice, "I will kill you!"

A few people who stood up and talked, and a anger burst into their hearts, directly emitting an imposing momentum to Zhao Yu.

Zhao Wei stretched out a hand and dismissed a wave of power, and a huge force waved out and hit a few people with an unstoppable momentum.


A few dull voices sounded at the same time. Several people who rushed past were shot and flew out, fell to the ground, spit out a large mouthful of blood, and paled.

The people around him were shocked. Now they see each other so terrible and even dare not say anything.

There is also a hint of fear in the woman's face. This kind of power is not something she can resist.

Zhao Wei held a hand on the woman, holding a woman's white chin in one hand, and said with a smile, "The next time I am honest, otherwise I will not let you go."

Then Zhao Wei released the woman and walked over to the eighth floor.

The woman stood in the same place, looked at Zhao Wei with a look of anger, did not dare to say anything, and at the same time, the heart is strange, what is the identity of the other party? She will not be detailed Zhao Wei is a low-level disciple, how can a low-level disciple have such a powerful force?

Zhao Wei went to the eighth floor. The people here also opened their eyes and looked at Zhao Wei. They also knew what happened below.

They looked at Zhao Wei like that, and they didn't do anything. They were very jealous of Zhao Wei and didn't want to have any conflict with Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei glanced at them and continued to walk to the ninth floor.

When I came to the ninth floor, Zhao Wei saw only a few people glaring at themselves in an angry way. It seemed to be like a hatred. It should be related to the people below.

Zhao Wei looked at the few people and said contemptuously, "How? How many of you have opinions about me?"

The young man in white, screamed, "You hit our people, and I played in the face of my sister. Do you have any opinion on you?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "Well! Then you will avenge your sisters soon, and your sisters can be very fragrant."

The white-haired youth was extremely angry and said to Zhao Wei, "I know that it is not your opponent, but there will be people on it to pick you up. When that time, I will let you kneel and apologize to others."


A clear sound sounded, Zhao Yi waved his hand, and a force waved out on the face of the white youth, and directly flew him out.

Zhao Wei said with a sly smile. "Do you know if I can beat me?"

The other few people couldn't bear to endure, shouting, and a powerful force broke out against Zhao Hao from different directions.

Being able to stay on the ninth floor means that these people are not weak, far more powerful than the previous Shang Mi.

But for Zhao Wei, they are still a little The first person rushed over to Zhao Hao, his palms were straight, and a powerful force was injected into it, and the palms emitted black light. A sharp knife.

The man rushed to Zhao Wei, the hand like a sharp knife, fiercely stabbed the throat of Zhao Yu, the speed is very fast, bringing out a flow mark.

For a move, there is still a lot of confidence in that person's heart. Even if he can't hurt this person, he can also suppress his arrogant arrogance. Don't think that he seems to be invincible.

The next second, he looked at Zhao Xiao’s eyes with cold eyes, and he couldn’t be surprised.

At the moment, Zhao Wei extended a hand and grabbed his arm. He grabbed it with force and slammed the sound of a broken bone.


The man felt a violent pain and made a scream of screaming.

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