The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2527: White

Zhao Wei came to the 16th floor.

The crowd is now sitting on the ground, all eyes are open, and a serious person looks at Zhao Wei, they have already perceive Zhao Wei's terrible.

Zhao Yiben did not care about these people, but inadvertently swept away and found that one person he knew, but also some grudges.

The tall man, wearing a red dress, looks a little pungent woman, this woman is the person who mistakenly recognized him as the twelfth generation of immortals, but also he has been chased by countless people.

The sultry woman looked at Zhao Wei’s eyes and looked at her, frowning, and she didn’t know the man at all.

Zhao Wei thought about it. Now she only has the power of evil spirits. She should have no way to find her identity. She took a smile and walked over to that woman.

The red dress woman looked at Zhao Wei and walked over to her. She frowned and said, "What do you have?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I want you to be my maid!"

The red dress woman said coldly, "You dream!"

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "You can't blame me, who told you to offend me first."

The woman in the red dress had a strange face. She didn't know the man in front of her. When did she offend him? Said the opening, "You are looking for the wrong person! We don't know each other."

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I don't care, you have only one choice now, become my maid, and listen to my call in the future."

The red skirt woman stood up from the ground and said with some anger. "Your strength is very strong, but don't think that I will be afraid of you. I am angry that I still want you to look good."

Zhao Wei said with a provocative smile, "You can give it a try!"

The woman in the red dress was angry and extended a hand. A huge force emerged from her hand to form a black long whip.


The red skirt of the woman's hand, the black long whip with a powerful force, pumped to Zhao Hao, the air was blasted.

Zhao Wei stood still in the same place, his body radiated countless black light, forming a black energy cover, wrapped around Zhao Wei's body.

The black whip slammed on the defensive hood with a powerful force, making a sound, but did not cause any damage to the hood.

Some women in the red skirt did not believe it. They waved the whip in their hands and beat Zhao Wei. However, they could not cause harm to Zhao Wei.


The woman in the red dress looked angry and violently waved the whip in her hand. The whip brought out a residual image, and continually slammed on the defensive hood, making a loud noise, and a strong wind blew.


A cracking sound came out, and the hood was finally crushed under the constant blow of the red skirt woman.

The red skirt woman's face showed a surprise smile, and immediately swiped the whip in the hand, the black whip with a terrible power, quickly rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Wei, this is a little planting of the arm, and stretched out a hand to catch the long whip that hit the past.

The woman in the red dress smiled and tried to pull out the long whip. But Zhao’s power was so scary that she couldn’t move.

Zhao Wei disdainfully chuckled, grabbed the long whip and pulled it hard. The whole body of the red skirt flew over to Zhao Wei. Zhao Yan held out a hand and a red dress woman was in her arms. "Now you run Not lost!"

The red dress woman looked angry and struggled and said, "You let me go, bastard!"

The people around them looked at the scene in front of them, and their faces were angry. Some of them had already heard that Zhao Wei was playing a female disciple downstairs, and now he is more angry with his own eyes.

Simply overbearing, unscrupulous, and arbitrarily, when you see beautiful women, they openly sway, and they all put the sects in their eyes. They have never seen the low-level dare to do so.

"you can not do that!"

A young man who looks like Sven, has a courage to stand out from the crowd and speak to Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yan, a woman in a red dress who is constantly struggling, said, "It is better to take back this sentence, otherwise I will interrupt the bones on your body, and you will regret it later."

Sven’s youth was a little scared, but he said nervously. “There are rules in the Zongmen. You must be punished in doing so. I am also kind enough to advise you.”

Zhao Wei chuckled, "I am not afraid of the rules!"

The red skirt woman said with anger, "Don't think that you have a little strength to do whatever you want, and when things are reported to the elders, you will know the wrong, I will not let you go, I will kneel down your hands."

Zhao Yan smiled and held out a hand and pinched the face of the woman in the red dress. "Do you believe that I will light you now and then invade you?"

The red skirt woman angered Zhao Wei, watching Zhao Wei so arrogant and arrogant, it is really possible to invade her here, the red skirt woman is also somewhat afraid, she does not know when to offend such a terrible person.

The anger of all the people around him, both fists were shook. This scene is too irritating, and no one can see it.

Zhao Wei began to inject the evil spirit into the red skirt woman. Now she has made Zhao Wei like this, Zhao Wei is unlikely to let him go.

The red skirt woman felt that the force was eroding her body, and she struggled with panic. "What do you want?"

Zhao Yan said with a smile, "I have said, I want you to be a maid."

The woman in the red dress was mad at her face. "Who wants to be your maid? You are killing you with this **** scum."

Some people around him saw this scene, and some of them couldn’t help but wanted to shoot.


A horrible momentum broke out from Zhao's body. As the flood spreads out, the 16th floor was inundated in an instant. The people only felt that the body fell into the ice water and could not help but tremble.

The people who originally wanted to shoot, looked at Zhao Wei with a look of fear, did not dare to do it, and underestimated the power of the man in front of him.

The woman in the red dress who struggled hard, felt the power of Zhao’s body bursting out, and there was a fear in her heart that she was afraid to struggle.

Zhao Yi’s eyes glanced at them Do you dare to do it to me? ”

Everyone is afraid, not afraid to say a word, this person is too strong, you can crush them.

"Great voice! I also saw someone so overbearing for the first time!"

A woman wearing a white robe and wearing a graceful, neutral look, came down from the upper level, and looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes, with a hint of dissatisfaction.

Everyone looked at the white woman’s heart, and the white woman named Baiyun Yun was the core disciple of Zongmen. She was strong and now she has been practicing on the 19th floor. With her strength, she might be able to stop this bastard.

Zhao Wei looked at her and said, "You'd better be interested, don't be idle."

. m.

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