The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2528: Yin Yangzong

The white woman replied fearlessly, "Oh? If I want to intervene, how can you?"

Zhao Wei looked at her and said, "That is, you are looking for bitterness!"


A huge demon power emerged from Zhao's body. Zhao Yi's eyes turned into blood-colored roses, and several huge pale roots grew out of the void and quickly shot at the white woman.

The woman in white changed her face, grabbed a hand and grabbed it. A powerful black and white force emerged, and a black and white sword was formed in an instant.


A sword rang, and the white woman waved the sword in her hand. A sword light smashed out the few pale roots and stalks.

Zhao Wei’s look is a little serious. The woman’s strength is very strong. After thinking about it, she released the red skirt woman in her arms.

The woman in the red skirt immediately ran to the other side and did not want to stay with Zhao Wei. Now she is still a little afraid.


Zhao Wei’s body disappeared instantly and appeared in front of the woman in the red dress. The fist of a huge evil spirit came out. Zhao’s fist seemed to grow a black blood flower, with a powerful force to the woman in white. Hit the past.

The white woman injects a powerful force into the sword in her hand, and with a wave of force, a black and white sword light stuns Zhao with amazing power.


Two terrible forces collided together, a strong explosion occurred, and a shock wave spread.

The light just spread out, and a pale rhizome sticking out from the ground, shot at the white woman, very fast, wanting to tie the white woman.

The white woman slammed the sword in her hand, and a sword flashed through, breaking the countless big roots.

At this time, Zhao Wei had already appeared in the sky, punching from top to bottom, with a terrible power to the white woman.

The white woman was shocked and her body was filled with countless black and white rays. A Taiji figure floated in front of her, slowly rotating, emitting a hard yin and yang.


Zhao Yi punched the Taiji figure and shattered the Taiji figure directly into a piece of debris. The white woman was defeated several times.

The white woman's face was dignified, and a strong yin and yang power poured out. A dozen light swords of one meter long, one black and one white were formed around her, emitting a powerful sword.


A black and white light sword exudes a sharp force, and quickly shot Zhao Yu to the past, bringing out a stream of traces.

Zhao Yu stretched out a hand and turned into countless pale roots, and shot the white woman with fierce momentum.

Puff puff……

A light sword quickly flew forward, cutting off the pale roots, but the roots were too much, entangled in the lightsaber and then smashed, and countless pale roots continued to fiercely shoot at the white woman.

The woman in white changed her face and raised her sword. A huge force was injected into it. The sword exudes a strong black and white sword, and an amazing sword spreads.

Zhao Wei also injected a huge force into his arms. Numerous pale roots exuded countless demons, and more fiercely shot at the white woman, as if the white woman was drowned.


The white woman also raised the sword, and a huge sword light with all the power of the open, smashed forward.

Numerous pale roots were smashed by black and white swords, and numerous roots and pieces were broken, but more ferocious rhizomes of pale roots were shot at the white woman.


A dull voice came out, and the woman in white was shot by countless pale roots and fell to the ground, with a trace of blood flowing from the corner of her mouth.

Numerous pale roots continue to fiercely shoot at the white woman, each head's head is sharpened, giving off a cold, with a strong power, as if a white woman shoots through.

The white woman’s body hid next to it, avoiding countless pale roots.


The ground was also extremely hard, with a pale root of roots shining on it, Mars splashing, leaving no trace on the ground.

Zhao Wei looked at the woman in white, and countless pale rhizomes immediately turned in the direction, and shot at the white woman on one side.

The white woman injects a huge force into the sword in her hand. The sword emits a strong black and white light. With a wave of force, a dragon with two colors of black and white, with terrible power, hits countless rhizomes.


Numerous pale roots and the black-and-white dragon smashed together, numerous pale roots were broken, numerous pieces crashed, and more pale roots penetrated the body of the black-and-white dragon, crushing the body of the black and white dragon.


The white woman appeared in front of Zhao Wei, a sword with a terrible power, quickly stabbed Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei stood on the spot and showed a sneer, suddenly bursting out of his body, turned into a monster of a tiger head, with a huge force hit the white woman.

The white woman has not reacted yet. The body was hit by a huge force and fell to the ground and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Zhao Wei said with a sneer, "You are looking for it. I have said that I don't want to find something."


Countless pale roots and strong momentum, continued to shoot at the white woman, the speed is very fast.


Zhao Wei sensed the danger, extended a hand and grabbed it to the side, grabbing the long whip that was hit. Turned to look at the red skirt woman.

The woman in the red dress looked at the woman in white and was hurt for her. She couldn’t help but shot and wanted to help the woman in white.

However, Zhao Wei’s strength is too strong. She simply can’t make much impact. Now the long whip is easily caught by Zhao Wei.

Numerous pale rhizome speeds did not slow down, and the rapid shooting of the woman in white, wrapped the body of the white woman, Zhao said before the red skirt woman, "Do you still have to resist now?"

The woman in the red dress is angry, she doesn't know what to say, she doesn't want to be the maid of the man in front of him, but the man is she can't resist, she really doesn't know, when is offended Such a terrible person.

The people around him were equally astonished, and the powerful core disciples were defeated in his hands. The strength of this person is strong, but fortunately they have not just shot, or they may be beaten.

The white woman who was entangled in countless rhizomes said, "You better let me go. My current master is a yin."

Zhao Yu naturally didn't know the moon, but other people heard the name and was shocked.

The six-three consciousness in the body hurriedly reminded, "This adult! That yin-moon is the daughter of our lord. Now she has become a disciple of the lord's daughter. I don't want to offend her."

Zhao Wei looked at the woman in white and said, "How is that? Do you think I will be afraid of you?"

. m.

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