The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2530: Yin Yang

This person is so powerful that he can go to the thirteenth floor. Some people do not believe it. The 33rd floor has not been on for a long time.

Qiu Li also thinks that Zhao can't set foot on it, because Yin and Yang Lingzong can't do a few peerless arrogances. They have great fame in the spiritual realm. They can't do things. How can this person be able to do it? ?

Zhao Yu’s purpose is to go to the 33rd floor and get the yin and yang spirit beads. He smiles and says, “Well! Then you wait, remember what you said.”

Autumn scorned, "I will remember, if you can't step on, you have to lift the prohibition in my body."

Zhao Yu lightly screamed, and the 20th floor went.

The enchantment is now very thick, almost like a wall. Zhao Wei clenched his fist and slammed it out. He punched the enchantment and set foot on the stairs to the twenty-story.

When Zhao Wei’s body disappeared on the 19th floor, others began to say.

"Who is this low-level disciple dressed up? I am not surprised to say that he is a pro-disciple, and is much stronger than us."

"I don't believe that he is a low-level disciple. The strength of his disciples will not be so strong. He must have other identities."

"I feel that he is a disciple who is secretly cultivated by a strong man in Zongmen. He has always hidden his identity. Now he is only showing it. The purpose is to shake the Quartet?"

"There is this possibility! The strength of this person is too strong, but unfortunately the power in the Zongmen almost went to chase the twelfth generation of the fairy, and did not stay in the Zongmen, or you can ask is That powerful disciple."

"Now the spiritual domain can be very messy. Not only the twelfth generation of Xianyu appeared, but I heard that the second generation of the king of the king in the legend, the owner of the seven emperors came to the spiritual domain, all parties I can find them both."

"Well, now the Zongmen have issued orders, and it is forbidden for us to leave these sects, that is, afraid of getting into a big deal."

"It’s been a while after the time, the two people can really hide, so how much can they find them and they have not been discovered."

"I ask you, do you feel that the twelfth generation of immortals is terrible, or is the second generation king of kings terrible?"

"Oh! Is this still more useful? I am sure that the second generation king of the king is terrible. Now the strong people of the great universe of Apocalypse have gathered for him in the spiritual realm, and even many powerful people in the realm of the gods and the celestial world come. It is."

"Well, although Xianyu may be afraid, it is still inferior to the second generation of King of Kings. That kind of horror exists and is shocking the world level."

"Oh! Unfortunately, the Zongmen let us stay in the Zongmen, otherwise I really want to see the second king of the king."


The current topic is completely attracted to the king of Xian and the second generation of King Wan. No one is talking about whether Zhao can set foot on the thirty-third floor. They are even less likely to know the sensational fairy and second generation Wan. The king of the king is Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei came to the twentieth floor, and the people on the twentieth floor looked at Zhao Wei.

Without paying attention to them, Zhao Wei directly broke the enchantment to the 21st floor and went out to the 21st floor.

A burly man came out and looked at Zhao Wei with a pair of eyes. He said with a scornful smile, "I heard that you are very crazy. Now I want to see how powerful you are!"

Zhao Wei stopped and turned to look at him with a cold eye. He said provocatively, "If you want to find abuse, it will be faster. My time can be limited."


The man's face was angry, his body ignited a black and white arrogance, his muscles bulged, and a black and white tiger appeared behind him, attached to his back, exuding an amazing momentum.


Another roar suddenly sounded, and the man rushed directly to Zhao Yu, like a runaway beast, which caused a strong fear.


At that moment, Zhao Yan's eyes turned into a **** rose, and a powerful demon force spread out. A huge pale rhizome grew out from the ground, and with a powerful force, shot at the man.


In the face of these ferocious pale roots, the man slammed his fists and punched out a powerful punch, directly breaking a pale root.

Zhao Wei extended a hand, a powerful demon power poured out, a few huge pale roots grew out, forming a huge arm, with an amazing power, hit the man .

The man screamed and gave off a powerful momentum, punching the arm with one punch.


A dull voice sounded, and the huge arm formed by the rhizome was split by a punch. The man also stepped back a few steps.


One hand stretched out by Zhao Wei, and a huge force of evil spirits emerged. Countless pale roots continued to emerge, forming three pale arms, and hitting the man with amazing power.

The man's face also became serious, with a black and white arrogance, and the black and white tiger attached to the back, which was integrated into the man's body, and the man became stronger.

It also changed and became a tiger-like body.


The three pale arms continued to slam the man, and the man continued to punch his fists. The fists and arms slammed together, making a loud noise, and a strong wind spread.


The huge pale palm, with a strong force hit the man, the man slammed out with a fist, the fist and the palm hit together, the palm back a few meters, the man also back a few steps.


The other pale arm from the other side, with a strong force, hit the man from the other side.

The sly man quickly hid to the side and escaped this terrible blow.


A dull voice sounded The man's body was hit by a palm, and the body was quickly shot and flew out, hitting a wall and falling down, and a blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

The people around him saw this and was surprised to think that the power of this person was so strong that there was no rumor about it.

The man climbed up from the ground, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a cold face, "Your strength is very strong, but you should not think that I will lose to you as simple as this."


A huge roar sounded, and the man broke out with a more stable and terrible power. His body ignited a huge black and white arrogance. The arrogance changed constantly, forming a huge tiger with two tiger heads. A powerful force.

Zhao Yan looked at the man with a cold eye and controlled the three arms with great strength. They shot the man together.

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