The Lord’s Empire

Vol 2 Chapter 2531: 26


A huge tiger cub rang, and the huge tiger made a huge roar. The black and white light waves with the power of terror, spread rapidly.


A huge noise was heard, and the three huge white arms that had been hit by the light were crushed and broken into pieces, which turned into countless pieces scattered.

The terrible light wave quickly attacked Zhao Wei with great power.

Many pale roots grow in front of Zhao Wei, forming a semi-circular hood that exudes a powerful demon power.


The light wave hit the semi-circular cover, and the semi-circular cover cracked a crack, but it successfully resisted the terrible light wave.


The black and white tiger suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Wei, shook his tiger's claws, brought out five sharp arcs, and grabbed the semicircular cover formed by numerous roots and turned them into countless rhizomes.

The black and white tiger opened his mouth and fiercely rushed to Zhao.

Zhao Wei’s body was hiding next to him, and escaped the tiger’s blow. His eyes glanced, and the power of the more powerful evil spirits rushed out. The ground slammed numerous roots and quickly wrapped the black and white tiger.


A loud voice rang, the sly man rushed to the front of Zhao Wei, his fist was wrapped in flamboyant black and white arrogance, and a punch with a terrible power, hit Zhao Wei.

Zhao Yu extended a hand, a force of evil spirits emerged, forming a huge black flower bud, and then the flower buds slowly bloomed, revealing a piece of **** flower buds, emitting a faint evil light.


A loud noise came out, and a powerful punch hit the center of the **** rose. The **** rose turned into countless petals scattered, and the power of the smashing man was also blocked.

At this time, Zhao Wei kicked out with a kick, directly kicked the man's abdomen, kicked the man out, fell on the ground, spit out a large mouth of blood.


The black and white tiger made a roar, struggling hard, trying to break away from the innumerable pale roots.

Zhao Wei didn't look at it. He stretched out one hand and grabbed it. The numerous pale roots quickly tightened, and the black and white tigers were directly exploding, turning into countless black and white breaths.

The black and white tiger exploded, and the man’s body shook and spit out a large mouthful of blood.

Zhao Wei walked over to him and came to him. He said coldly, "Will you continue?"

The man said palely. "No, I admit that you are strong."

Zhao Wei snorted. "The voice is too small, and it is louder."

The man’s face is ugly, and he feels a shame. He can look at Zhao’s appearance. If he does not say that he will be beaten, some fearful shouts, “I admit that you are strong, don’t continue.”

Zhao Wei did not continue, turned and walked to the 22nd floor.

Then Zhao Wei set foot on the 22nd floor, 23rd floor, 24th floor, and finally the 25th floor.

The news also spread at the lower level.

"This person is really terrible. I thought he was up to twenty stories. Now he has reached the twenty-five floor, which is far stronger than I thought."

"Don't tell me, I thought he could only reach more than a dozen layers. With his arrogance and arrogance, he is likely to be thrown into a disability. I heard that he has repaid several core disciples in the upper class."

"Although I don't like this character very much, I still can't help but admire him. As a low-level disciple, he is so terrible and has long faces for our low-level disciples."

"Yes! In the future, those high-ranking disciples will not dare to look down on us, nor do they know that he can reach the first few floors."

"I feel that he may be weaker than a few peerless arrogances, and may reach thirty-one, but even if he can't compare the few peerless arrogances, I think those pro-disciples may not beat her."

"Well, I think so too, even if he doesn't have the peerless arrogance, he can also name the yin and yang."

"It’s a pity that I knew him before, but the relationship is very general. If I know that he can have such a day, I will definitely try my best to please him and become a good friend and a good brother."


The consciousness of Liusan is extremely excited. He has never experienced this kind of eye-catching, countless genius feelings of being trampled under his feet. Now he only wants Zhao Wei to be more brilliant, so that countless people are shocked and feared to worship him. .

Zhao Wei came to the 25th floor, where there are only 30 people.

A beautiful woman, said with a chuckle, "Hello! I don't know why your name?"

Zhao Wei replied, "Six three!"

The woman said with a smile, "My name is Baigu, and I am fortunate to be able to get to know you today."

Zhao Yuping replied faintly, "Well! Is there anything else? Nothing I can go upstairs."

The woman smiled. "There is nothing. We have heard of your power. I don't know if you have confidence in the first few layers?"

Zhao Wei opened the door and said, "The top layer!"

It’s a bit strange to say that a handsome young man can’t help but say, “I don’t know how high the earth is, and the bottom layer has not been able to embark on it for many years. Even the genius of the Yin and Yang Lingzong’s peerless arrogance is not there. may?"

Zhao Wei said confidently, "They are them, I am me, they can't do things, can't I do it?"

The handsome young man is cold-faced. "You don't want to be too confident. The terrible horror of those few celestial arrogances is not something you can imagine. You will know when you see them."

Zhao Xiao said with a chuckle, "Okay! I don't have time to chat with you. After you wait, you will understand, I have the ability to set foot on the top."

The handsome young man did not believe, "I am waiting for you, but you don't lose too much. It will be very shameful. I will persuade you to say that if you want to be a low-key person, you will not live for a long time."

Zhao Wei as the second king of kings ~ ~ seven emperor star owners, naturally have confidence, but Zhao Wei can not say to them.

Coming to the stairs of the twenty-sixth, the enchantment here has been materialized, exudes a very hard power, and it is very difficult for the heavens to break.

Zhao Wei gathered a force in his hand, his arms began to grow, and he grew roots.


Zhao Yu punched the enchantment and made a loud noise, but the enchantment only cracked a few cracks, but it was more than broken.

The people in the twenty-sixth floor are still somewhat surprised. They can stop at the enchantment and stay on the twenty-sixth floor. From the point of view of Zhao Yi’s punching and enchanting, Zhao’s power is definitely stronger than them.

The handsome young man is also serious, no longer underestimated Zhao Wei, but he still does not believe that Zhao Wei is so terrible that he has a peerless arrogance.

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