The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2828: Holy Land

Volume One Chapter 275

After the people left for a while, the sky was dark. Several people sat by the fire and roasted the wild boar a few days ago.

Zhao Fu is still the same, sitting next to him without speaking, comprehending his blood.

After the wild boar was roasted, Wolf Lulu handed a piece to Zhao Fu with a smile. Today Zhao Fu rescued her. Wolf Lulu was not only grateful, but also fell in love with the mysterious Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu reached out and took the wild boar, "Thank you!"

Wolf Lulu smiled lightly.

Wolf Blue said, "I'm going to the witch holy land soon, how about you after the spirit?"

Several people looked at Zhao Fu, because Zhao Fu only promised to be their teammates on the road, and if he went to the Mausoleum, it was when Zhao Fu left.

Zhao Fu replied, "Of course it is to participate in the witch festival!"

Wolf Lulu asked with concern, "Will there be separated from us?"

Zhao Fu thought and replied, "I don't know this, I need to wait for the Matriarch's Holy Land to know."

Wolf Lulu stood up from the ground and blushed, said softly, "You come with me, Wuling, I have something to find you."

Zhao Fu nodded.

The two came to an open space, Zhao Fu asked, "What's the matter?"

Wolf Lulu threw Zhao Fu into his arms, "I want to be by your side, I don't want to be separated from you."

Zhao Fu chuckled and understood what she meant without hesitation.

Several people next to the fire, after waiting for a while, did not see Zhao Fu and Wolf Lulu coming back, there was something strange in his heart, Wolf Yueqing said softly, "I'll go and see."

Several people nodded.

Wolf Yueqing walked to the open space, watching his face turned red in the sight, Wolf Lulu watched Wolf Yueqing also came, and smiled and Wolf Yueqing joined in.

Originally wolf Yueqing hesitated, but was directly pulled by a force.

After a while, seeing the wolf Yueqing did not come back, several people seemed to understand what, Zhao Fu could not be in danger, other things should have happened.

At this moment, some faint sounds floated over, and several people finally understood what was happening.

Wolf leisure stood up and asked, "Do you want to go wolf green?"

Wolf blue blush.

Wolf Wuli looked at Wolf Green with his eyes, and hoped that Wolf Green would not go. It means that the relationship between Wolf Green and Zhao Fu happened.

Langye was silent, and a strong man like Wu Li, a woman who could be regarded as their small tribe, was already lucky, and they would usher in a big opportunity for the tribe.

Wolf blue blushed and said, "I'll go and see."

Wolf's heart fell into the valley and felt a violent pain. He said, "Can't Wolf Blue go?"

Wolf Green blushed and didn't know how to answer. At first, Wolf Green had some affection for Zhao Fu.

Lang Xian said, "I'm leaving now!"

For wolf leisure, Zhao Fu will bring a lot of benefits to her, she does not mind becoming a person of Zhao Fu.

Wolf Blue didn't hesitate, said sorry, and kept up with Wolf Wolf.

Wolf and witchcraft were in pain, and their eyes were wet, and some could not accept the result.

Langye comforted and said, "Do n’t be too sad. Everyone has been together for so long. Although you like wolf green, you ca n’t even be without witch spirits. Wolf green just treats you as a friend.

Wolf and Wu Li felt even more uncomfortable, and tears came out of their eyes.

Late at night, the sky was starry, and the four girls lay beside Zhao Fu. Several women smiled and looked at Zhao Fu. Now Zhao Fu did not hide his appearance from them, nor did they expect Zhao Fu to look so perfect.

Wolf Qing happily hugged Zhao Fu and looked at Zhao Fu's face, "Will you still be separated from us now?"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "No!"

Lang Xian asked with great concern, "Is the truth you said to Xuan Yu before Wu Ling?"

Zhao Fu asked with a smile, "What's the matter?"

Langxu said, "That's how you become the chief of the young patriarch!"

Zhao Fu gave a cry.

Wolf smiled a little, "I believe you have the strength to fight for the young patriarch."

Langqing reminded, "It is almost impossible for foreigners to become the young patriarch of the witch, because it requires the purest blood and witch power."

Zhao Fu has the power to smelt thousands of blood, so naturally do n’t have to worry about this, and said with a smile, "Well, I know."

A few women saw that Zhao Fu was so confident, and they also believed Zhao Fu.

the next day.

The crowd came to the holy land of the Matriarchs, and a majestic holy city was also built here, and now the crowd is very busy.

Wolf youths looked at the luxurious and tall buildings around them, with some excitement and excitement in their hearts. People from their small tribe rarely saw such buildings.

Several people from Zhao Fu walked to the registration site of the Wuji Festival. Because each tribe of the Wuji Festival would receive various rewards, it is necessary to verify the identity of the witch of each tribe.

Several people came to a building, which stood a wooden staff, engraved with many spells, giving a mysterious feeling. There was a three-meter ring on the ground, and there was a common-looking youth.

This is the place to register the information of the witch. There are many buildings like this. Because the number of witches participating in the witch festival is very large, the Langqing tribe is ranked at more than 200,000.

The young man looked at Zhao Fu who came in and said with a smile, "Go forward and enter the circle, the wizard's staff will automatically record your information."

Wolf Blue said, "I will go to record first. UU reading books"

Zhao Fu gave a cry.

I saw Wolf Blue walked into the ring, the ring lit up directly, the wooden staff also radiated a lot of light, and a strong momentum spread.

On the top of the wooden staff, there is a one-meter white wolf, and a line of small characters appears below. The white wolf tribe ranks 283445, the white wolf tribe witch, the witch mark level 1, and the qualification level is excellent.

The white wolf and the displayed small characters merged together to form a round ball and flew into the body of Wolf Blue.

The young man next to said with a smile, "Now that you are registered, you can leave the circle."

Wolf Blue sensed the ball in his body, nodded with a smile, and left the circle.

Zhao Fu asked curiously, "What is that ball?"

Langqing smiled and said, "This thing is the key to enter the Holy Land. Without this thing, you cannot enter the Malay Holy Land."

Zhao Fu yelled and walked into that circle.

That ring lit up at once, and everyone looked at Zhao Fu curiously, because the wizard's staff would show the qualifications of the witch and the mark of the Wu Yin. They wanted to see how high the qualification of Zhao Fu was, and the level of the Wu Yin. How high.

Waited for two minutes, everyone looked at the staff strangely, "How come there is no reaction?"

The youth also looked at the staff strangely, "How can't it be shown?"

There are only two reasons. The first is that there is a problem with the wizard's staff. The second is that people are not wizards. The wizard's staff has just been used, indicating that it is not a problem with the wizard's staff. .

The young man looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "What kind of witch are you?"

Zhao Fu replied, "I have no tribe!"

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