The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2829: Wizard Staff

Volume One Chapter 276

The youth explained, "You are not a witch of the tribe, you are not eligible to participate in the witch festival."

Zhao Fu said, "Although I don't have a tribe, I have inherited a strong Matriarch and become a witch."

Asked the young man in doubt, "Really? Then you are qualified, but why can't the wizard's staff show?"

Zhao Fu didn't know what went wrong.

The youth said, "You go to another place to try, maybe there is something wrong with my staff, and I can't register a special witch."

Zhao Fu nodded.

After several people left, they found another registration point. The result is still not showing.

Wolf Blue asked suspiciously, "Why the wizard staff can't show your message? The impossible staff of both registration points is broken."

Others also looked at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu frowned, "I don't know."

Langqing smiled and said, "Then we go to some more advanced registration points, maybe you can display your information."

Zhao Fu replied, "Uh!"

Several people walked to the more advanced registration point, there will be more people there, but it should be able to show Zhao Fu as a special witch.

Walked to a larger registration point, where there are a lot of people, now lined up.

Zhao Fu walked to the end of the team and prepared to line up.

Wait for a while, a burly man stepped into the building directly, not planning to line up, intending to register directly.

This caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the people. They all followed the order and lined up. Some people shouted, "Can you follow the rules? Go to the queue!"

The burly man disdainfully said, "The rules are made for you weak, I don't need to follow the rules."

Hearing this, everyone felt a little angry, and someone shouted, "Then your power is stronger than us? Do you want us to try it? You are too arrogant, really looking for a lesson. Saying we are weak, I look at you Not strong. "


A powerful force broke out from the burly man, forming a coercive pressure on everyone. The original noisy surroundings immediately calmed down, and everyone looked at the burly man with some fear, but did not expect the burly man to be so powerful.

Looking at the silent crowd, the burly man disdainfully laughed and walked towards that circle, and no one dared to stop it.

Everyone was dissatisfied, but in reality they were not opponents of the burly man, and they could only bear it, otherwise they would not change anything.

"You give it a try, I'll try it first." A voice sounded, the burly man was unhappy, and turned his head to look behind him, a man in a black cloak.

The burly man sneered, "You are talking about it again!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "Come on, let me give it up, I want to try if I can register here."

The burly big man snorted and appeared in front of Zhao Fu in an instant. One hand grabbed Zhao Fu with a ferocious momentum.


The burly man was blown out by an invisible force, fell to the ground and spit out a big mouthful of blood, and his face became pale.

Zhao Fu smiled and asked, "Do you have any comments?"

The burly man bowed his head and dared not speak. He didn't see how Zhao Fu was shot and was blown out. This shows that Zhao Fu's strength is far stronger than him, and he dare not have any opinions in the face of such a strong man.

Other people have no opinion.

Zhao Fu walked into the circle, and that circle radiated light, but he still couldn't show Zhao Fu's message. Zhao Fu frowned. If he couldn't show it, he wouldn't get the ball and he wouldn't be able to enter the witch. Holy place.

Others looked strange and curious when they saw that the wizard's staff could not display information.

Zhao Fu looked at the man next to him and asked, "Why can't my message be displayed?"

The man is the registrant in charge here, and he was puzzled and asked, "Are you sure you are a witch? Here will be displayed as long as you are a witch."

Zhao Fu said, "I'm getting the inheritance of a strong Mazu to become a Mazu!"

The man asked, "Which one is the strongest?"

Zhao Fu was a little hesitant to say his identity.

At this time, a figure came in and sneered, "Are you still running here?"

He is Hu Ming.

Watching Hu Ming coming here, there was some fear in the hearts of the people around, but this is the witch of the eight major tribes, they all look up to the existence.

Zhao Fu looked at Hu Ming and said, "Don't you dare?"

Hu Ming said with a smirk, "Now that my injury has recovered, shall we compare it?"

Zhao Fu chuckled and said, "I will not compete with someone who has lost my hand, because there is no need to waste time."

Everyone was surprised, "Who is this person? Hu Ming, who could defeat the Eight Witches."

Tiger Ming said angrily, "This round will not be rejected by you."

Hu Ming exudes a strong momentum, he will shoot Zhao Fu.

A woman in a green dress with a tall figure and an extremely beautiful face whispered, "Huming really humiliates our eight witches."

Hearing this sound, Hu Ming turned his head to look at the woman, "Die Ye, it's none of your business, you have little control!"

Dieye looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I don't want to take care of your business, but you are defeated by an unknown person, and it's not that you lose our eight witch's face? I will suggest you the poor tiger tribe to abolish your witch child."

Huming's unconvinced explanation said, "It's not that I'm weak. UU reading I was seriously injured before fighting Xuanzang before I was defeated by this person, otherwise I would never lose."

Everyone understood that Hu Ming was seriously wounded, and the talent had the opportunity to defeat Hu Ming, which made people accept some.

Dieye looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "Who are you?"

Although it was Hu Ming who was seriously injured, it was not that ordinary people could beat it, but Die Ye was also curious about Zhao Fu's identity.

Said, "I don't need to tell you!"

Dieye chuckled, "You still have such confidence to face our two witches, you should have a lot of support!"

Zhao Fu replied indifferently, "I still have things, I have no time to talk with you."

Now the most important thing for Zhao Fu is that if he registers to obtain the qualification to enter the Holy Land, if he cannot enter, he will not be able to obtain the inheritance.

Huming looked at Zhao Fu and wanted to go, and immediately stopped Zhao Fu, "Want to go? Did you get my permission?"

Zhao Fu also had some anger, a pair of eyes with a hint of coldness, he said, "Don't kill yourself!"

Hu Ming said in a cold voice, "I think it's you who is looking for death!"

When the two were about to break out, Xuan Yu walked in with a chuckle, "Wu Ling didn't expect us to meet again so soon."

Everyone was surprised, and did not expect that one of the three geniuses of the Wu clan, Xuanzang, also came, and knew the man in the cloak. Now things are more interesting.

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