The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2832: Witch power

Volume One Chapter 289

Zhao Fu looked at the white wolf curse and smiled a little. Although this one is not as powerful as the poisonous witch, it also has some special features. If it is combined with the curse of each tribe, it will form a What kind of voodoo?

Wolf Blue asked in surprise, "How do you do Wu Ling?"

People outside the Holy Land are also very curious. How did Zhao Fu master this kind of white wolf curse at once, does he also have the blood of the white wolf tribe?

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "This is a secret, I will tell you later."

Wolf Blue did not ask much, nodded with a smile, and asked, "Now are we going there?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "I want to see people from other tribes."

The two left here, and quickly found a somewhat short young man with Zhao Fu's powerful perception.

When the young man saw Zhao Fu approaching him, he felt nervous immediately. He knew who Zhao Fu was and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "You can rest assured, I won't hurt you."

The young man heard that the body relaxed, but then Zhao Fu reached out a hand, and the young man immediately felt a strong suction force sucking away his bloodline power, and the young man panicked immediately, but he was not Zhao Fu ’s opponent. Not daring to resist, I can only watch the power of the blood in my body being drawn away.

Zhao Fu radiated a green light around him, and many green spells appeared in the void. Those spells gathered together and changed constantly, forming a swallow from a spell.

The young man looked shocked and couldn't help shouting, "How do you have the Muyan witch curse of our Muyan tribe?"

There was also an uproar outside the Holy Land.

It was understandable if Zhao Fu had mastered a tribe's witchcraft before, but now he has mastered two kinds of witchcraft, everyone cannot accept it.

Because tribal voodoo is very important to a tribe, it can affect the foundation of a tribe. Some powerful forces or mysteries that require control require the curse to be cast. The composition of the curse is also the hard work of each tribe.

The tribe's witchcraft can only be cast on the bloodline. People have never worried that the witchcraft will be stolen, but now some people can ignore the bloodline and master the witchcraft. How can they not be shocked.

They saw this ability for the first time. They have never heard of anyone who has this kind of ability before. How can this person do it?

In fact, this is also very simple. Zhao Fu directly inhaled the power of the bloodline in their body, and then activated the bloodline with witch power, so that the curse in the bloodline was revealed. These witches only need to condense, and they will automatically form a tribal witch. curse.

This is not the most surprising thing, the more surprising thing is behind.

I saw Zhao Fu's body radiating white light again, and tadpole-like white mantras appeared around him. The originally condensed mantras spread out and turned back into countless green mantras, floating around Zhao Fu, emitting a radiance. Shine.

Zhao Fu looked at these mantras, his eyes narrowed, and the two mantras were continuously combined under the control of Zhao Fu, exuding a strong momentum.

The last two mantras form a half-wolf and half-swallow thing, with a wolf's body, a swallow's tail, a swallow's wings, a wolf's head, and a wolf's head in front, and a bird's claw in the back.

This is the wolf-swallow witch spell composed of two tribe mantras.

It was not only Wolf Blue and the young man who looked at this wolf swallow in shock. The ya sparrow outside the holy place was silent, and countless people suffered a huge shock in their hearts. This person is too terrible, not only easy to master the witch curse of the two tribes, but also can combine the witch curse of the two tribes.

The elegant man said seriously, “We still seem to have to re-examine him. He has no ability to pass on this kind of ability, and he has never heard of it before.”

Gao Leng said, "I have heard before that someone has the blood of two tribes and can combine the spells of the two tribes, but it is certainly not as easy as he is. It seems that these mantra texts belong to him."

The old lady said in a deep voice, "I am now concerned about whether there is a limit to his ability, and whether he can get the spells of various tribes without limit."

The elegant man nodded solemnly, "If this ability is unlimited, it will be a terrible thing."

The woman in a red dress said, "If his identity can be investigated clearly, I would really like to see what the witch curse that merges with every tribe of our Wu people will become."

Ying Wu ’s man thought for a while, “I ’m also very interested in listening to you. This has never been done before. It ’s almost impossible for ordinary people, but it ’s very easy for him. The integration of tribal mantras will inevitably give birth to the strongest witch mantra. "

The elegant middle-aged man said seriously, "Yes, if he can merge the witch curse of the various tribes of the witch, that witch will become the strongest curse of the witch, which is better than Xianzun's descendants.

The beautiful woman in a red dress looked at Zhao Fu and said, "I have a hunch that if he becomes the chief of the minorities, he may become the strongest chief of the minorities of all dynasties."


Zhao Fu looked at the wolf yan in front, UU read www. smiled with satisfaction, and withdrew his strength. The wolf swallowed and disappeared.

Originally, Zhao Fu just thought about it. Although each tribe has different blood lines and different spells, they belong to the same witch clan, so they may be able to merge together, so Zhao Fu specially asked someone to try it. Now look Zhao Fu is right.

If the voodoo voodoo of hundreds of thousands of tribes are combined, this kind of voodoo power is not only the strongest voodoo curse, but also the top power in the chaotic world.

Zhao Fu had a plan in his heart and said, "Let's go on!"

Wolf Blue screamed and quickly followed Zhao Fu.

The two continued to fly inside the Holy Land, during which they were attacked by several huge plants, but were easily resolved by Zhao Fu without any harm.

Came to a platform that was more than ten meters high, but more than a dozen miles wide, and it was no longer possible to move forward. There was a light curtain wrapped down.

If you want to move on, you must perform the second stage of the witch sacrifice. The first is the blood sacrifice. There are plants in the forest that will devour the blood of the witch. The second is the body sacrifice. . .

You can use your hands, your feet, or some organs, these may be important, you can also use other things, such as your meat, your hair, your nails, or your blood.

The more precious the second witch offering is, the more rewards you will get. And this layer needs to be sacrificed to a certain degree, and the guardian enchantment will be let in. If a person sacrifices, there is no way to enter the depths of the Holy Land.

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