The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2833: Witch festival

Volume one 290th chapter

Now there are many people on the platform, among them Wu Ying, Yuan Mei among the eight major witches, Xuan Yuan, Frog Ox, Butterfly Leaf, Snake Yumeng. Tiger Ming.

There are also two people who are also very strong, not weaker than several other witches, and should be one of the eight great witches.

A young man with a cool face and white clothes, he is a witch of the fairy crane tribe, named He Xiao, a woman with a charming figure and a charming face, her name is Fox Jiu, from the Holy Fox tribe.

Zhao Fu came here with Wolf Blue, and naturally attracted many people's attention.

Faced with the eyes of everyone, Zhao Fu didn't care about them, nor did he take any action, he had a plan in mind.

Now everyone is waiting, because the number is not enough to sacrifice will also be insufficient, unable to open the enchantment and enter the depths of the Holy Land.

As time passed, more and more people came here, and these people's breath is not weak, because some weaker witches are basically unable to pass through the forest, and they were out of the sky early.

Zhao Fu looked at them with a smile, these people can provide him with intermediate and high-level tribal witch spells, although there is a lack of some weak tribal witch spells, but the impact is not great, and wait to get it later.

After a while, more and more people came to the platform.

Some people ca n’t help but start offering sacrifices. There are one stone platform with a height of 1.2 meters and a prototype shape on the platform. If you want to sacrifice something, put something on the stone platform.

A pretty-looking woman walked to a stone platform, cut a handful of hair and placed it on the stone platform.

I saw that the stone platform exuded an invisible force, wrapped that hair, and turned into a stream of light. The light curtain towards the front disappeared, as if it were integrated into the light curtain. Is this light curtain sacrificed by each witch Thing formation?

Shitai emits a white light, and the vast light curtain also emits a white light, which enters the woman's body.

White light is also a kind of witch power, which can improve the witch's witch power. As I said before, the more precious the sacrifice is, the more rewards will be received. The woman only sacrifices her own hair, so the reward is also general.

Most people sacrifice hair, nails, and teeth which are not important and do not have much impact on themselves. If you sacrifice important parts, your strength will be greatly affected.


The young man with a dark temperament cut off his arm with a knife, and blood continuously poured out from the wound.

This made everyone admire a little bit and was really cruel to himself. Other witches dare not do this.

The young man stopped the blood, and his face was pale, and he took the broken hand and placed it on a stone platform.

The broken hand was dripping with blood at Shitai, the blood was still warm, and a force wrapped around the broken hand. Flying towards the light curtain in the sky.

The light curtain appeared small ripples, and a cyan light with strong power quickly flew down and shot into the youth's body.

That force not only healed the youth's injuries, but also rapidly improved the youth's strength, which made some envy.

A woman of strong physique, with a ruthless face, dug herself out of one eye and placed it on a stone platform. The stone platform exuded a force to wrap that eyeball, and turned into a swift fly to that vast Light curtain.

There was a small ripple in the light curtain. A blue ray of light shot down from the light curtain with a strong momentum and into the woman's body. The blue light also quickly healed the woman's injury, and Raise her strength.

An ordinary-looking teenager endured severe pain, cut off his ears, and stepped forward on a stone platform. The stone platform exuded a force to wrap the ears and turned into a streamer. .

At this time, the light curtain showed a faint change, as if a small piece of light curtain shuddered, and a red light shot down and shot into the body of the teenager.

Ears are obviously not as important as hands and eyes, so the light curtain response is also small, and the power given is also small, but it is stronger than the general one. Some people who sacrifice blood and hair and nails will hardly make any changes to the light curtain.

Others also sacrificed non-throwing objects on the stone platform. Some of them were arms, eyeballs, tongues, and some were nails, hair, and blood.

I saw that the stone platform exudes strength, wrapped up in pieces and flew up into the sky, and quickly shot into the light curtain. The vast light curtain shuddered, and a ray of different colors came out and shot down. Different people's bodies. This scene is still very spectacular.

Hu Ming looked at Zhao Fu and Xuan Yu, and now he wanted to improve his strength. Although he knew that he was not as good as Zhao Fu, he didn't want to lose to Xuan Yu, so he cut his arm.

First, he stopped the blood, and then took another medicine. The broken arm grew quickly, almost the same as the previous arm, but Hu Ming's face was paler, and his breath became weaker. Although the arm could grow back quickly Come out, but the consumption of essential blood and origin cannot be recovered quickly. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Several other witches looked at Tiger Ming with some surprise, and some surprises that Tiger Ming was so willing.

Tiger Ming took his broken arm expressionlessly and placed it on a stone platform. A force wrapped around the broken arm and quickly flew into the sky.


A huge sound came out. As the eight major witches of Hu Ming, what he sacrificed to ordinary people is naturally incomparable, regardless of blood and strength are much stronger than ordinary people.

A place thousands of kilometers in the vast light curtain, the streamer rotates and changes constantly,


A huge purple light beam came out, with a huge force directed at the tiger Ming below, powerful power was injected into the body of Hu Ming, so that the body of Hu Ming radiated purple light, the power emitted from the body became stronger and stronger .

The purple light beam disappeared, and Hu Ming absorbed this force, showing a smile.

Other witches are not very interested in this power. Although the light beams emitted by the light curtain can enhance the power, they have a limited role for these witches.

Fu Jiumei came forward with a smile, broke her fingernails, put it on that stone platform, and wrapped a piece of nail with a force, which flew to the light curtain.

The light curtain only showed a small change, and a silver-white light beam was emitted into the body of Fox Nine.

This power has only a little improvement to Fox Nine, and Fox Nine does not care about this strength, and returns to where it stood.

The frog bull thought about it and used one of his fingers as a sacrifice, which caused some changes in the light curtain and gained some good power. His fingers are equal to the sacrifices of thousands of people. This is the advantage of blood.

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