The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2842: altar

Volume One Chapter 299

After the next day, Zhao Fu and Wolf Green came to an altar. This altar is thousands of meters high and is located on a flat ground. The whole is made of giant stones. It looks very rough and ancient, exuding a strong and powerful momentum.

There have been a lot of people gathered here, because this is where the ancestors inherited and became the chief of the witch minorities.

The arrival of Zhao Fu and Wolf Green immediately attracted many eyes. With Zhao Fu's previous behavior of fusing incantations, it has become the most terrible existence in the hearts of countless people.

Wu Ying's eyes looked at Zhao Fu. She also heard that Zhao Fu merged many spells and felt great pressure. This is also where she and Zhao Fu finally battled. No matter how she did it, the number of people would not be easy.

More and more people come here.


A huge dragon chant sounded, and countless white clouds condensed around the altar. First, a huge dragon body was formed, a huge dragon head was formed, and finally a 10,000-meter-long dragon formed by the aggregation of countless white clouds exudes a vast Resolute and imposing.

Everyone is under this momentum, as if standing on a cliff, the body has a sense of inexplicable fear.

This is the guardian spirit of the altar named Yun Shenlong.

Cloud God Dragon, a pair of ethereal dragon heads, looked down at the many witches below, and finally his eyes fell on Zhao Fu. He also felt the terrible voodoo in Zhao Fu's body, and his voice was constricted. "How come you have such a terrible sorcery?"

Zhao Fu smiled lightly and said, "This is the formation of the voodoo curse of various tribes, no need to talk nonsense, start the final trial!"

Yun Shenlong looked at Zhao Fu seriously, "If you want to start the trial, let me see what you do?"

Countless white clouds emerged around the cloud **** dragon, condensed into a white cloud spear, and shot Zhao Fu with powerful force.

Zhao Fu reached out a hand, and a force poured out from the palm, forming a black semi-circular cover.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The spears of white clouds are extremely fast. It looks soft but with strong power. It shoots on the black mask and smashes the black mask directly.

The cloud dragon said with dignity, "Use your witch power!"

Zhao Fu looked at Yun Shenlong with both eyes, his face became a little serious, the strength of Yun Shenlong is not as strong as usual.

Everyone around was surprised, why did Zhao Fu fight the guardian spirit again?

Zhao Fu said, "Then as you wish!"

Zhao Fu reached out a hand, and many gold and silver spells like tadpoles appeared on the arm. Many gold and silver rays condensed in Zhao Fu's palm to form a sword composed of spells.


Zhao Fu turned into a streamer, and flew to the Yunlong, and a sword with a powerful sword power slashed towards the Yunshen Dragon.

Yun Shenlong's face was serious, and he stretched out a hand to hold Baiyun Dragon's claw in front of him.


Baiyun Dragon's Claw was cut off with a sword, but it quickly reunited, as if it did not receive any harm.

Cloud God Dragon waved another dragon claw and grabbed Zhao Fu with strong force.

Zhao Fu used the sword in the first gear, but the dragon claw suddenly spread out, and countless white clouds hit Zhao Fu on his body, flying Zhao Fu away.

Zhao Fu was only slightly injured and his face was a little surprised.


Yun Shenlong opened his mouth, and countless white gas condensed in his mouth, forming a white cloud ball, and shot at Zhao Fu with a terrible force.

Zhao Fu stabbed with his sword, and many spells condensed into a sword light, which shot at the cloud ball very quickly, and swept across in mid-air.


The cloud ball was exploded by a sword light, and countless white breaths spread out.

Zhao Fu raised the mantra sword in his hand, and a powerful force was injected into the mantra sword. A strong mantra spread out, and countless mantras appeared around the void.


A sword sounded, Zhao Fu cut out with a sword, a terrible sword light with many spells, as if to destroy everything and cut to the cloud **** dragon.

Countless white clouds gathered towards the front of the cloud dragon, forming a huge white cloud wall.


That sword light was slashed on Bai Yunqiang. The powerful sword power divided the Baiyun wall into two. The huge Baiyun wall quickly spread out, and the sword power was also blocked.


Yun Shenlong stretched out a huge dragon claw from one side, sweeping towards Zhao Fu with an amazing force.

Zhao Fu flew forward quickly, avoiding this claw, the sword in his hand waved, and a sword light was chopped on that dragon claw. Wen, hit the dragon claw that was about to spread out.

Yun Shenlong face hurt, this time he was hurt.


The cloud dragon made a roar, and his body exuded a strong momentum. Now he has some anger, and he should be serious.


A huge noise came out, Yun Shenlong twisted the huge body, and rushed directly to Zhao Fu with terrifying momentum.

Zhao Fu immediately used the sword to cross the sword, and the sword body radiated countless lights.

Rumble ...

The huge dragon body caught Zhao Fu and kept retreating, the power was extremely amazing.

Zhao Fu snorted, his body stopped suddenly, a large number of spells came out of the sword in his hand, and he waved hard, and a huge sword force flew the Yunshen Dragon out ~ ~ The fierce rushed over, the white clouds around surging, and the momentum shook the Quartet.

Zhao Fu cut another sword fiercely, and a huge sword light chopped forward with terrible sword power as if it could cut everything.


Yun Shenlong and Jian Guang collided together, a huge shock wave spread out, and swept outwards instantly, knocking Zhao Fu and Yun Shenlong's bodies out.


The Cloud Dragon exudes a strong momentum, and countless white clouds condense into a huge spear, each of which is tens of meters long, and the spear is facing Zhao Fu, exuding a powerful force.

Innumerable huge spears with strong power, shot fiercely towards Zhao Fu, as if they could penetrate the sky.

Zhao Fu stretched out a hand, a spell of power poured out, and a golden sun of several tens of meters appeared, emitting a dazzling golden light.

Bang Bang Bang ...

The huge white cloud spears shot on the golden sun, and made a huge noise. The white cloud spears collapsed into a lot of cloud gas, and an amazing wave of waves spread out.

Finally, Zhao Fu ’s golden sun was more powerful, blocking the countless white cloud spears, surrounded by white clouds.

Zhao Fu's hand pushed.

The golden sun radiated a stronger golden light, and those golden lights gathered together to form a golden beam with huge power, and shot forward like a broken bamboo. The sky is dyed golden. .


The cloud dragon was hit by a beam of light, and the body flew out hundreds of meters, and it seemed that the damage was not low.

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