The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2843: Cloud Dragon

Volume One Chapter Three

Yun Shenlong looked at Zhao Fu with an angry face, his body began to collapse, and turned into countless white clouds, covering a very large area.

Bang Bang Bang ...

One cloud ball condensed out, exuded a powerful force, and fired like a bullet at Zhao Fu.

Zhao Fu was even more terrible, projecting that golden sun.


A huge noise erupted, the golden sun exploded, countless golden rays emitted, and a terrible force of explosion spread out, and the clouds that shot at Zhao Fu were exploded and turned into countless The white breath spread.

Boom ...

The huge cloud of white clouds stretched out a terrible dragon claw, and came to Zhao Fu's fierce claws with strong power.

Zhao Fu exudes a powerful force, a black lightsaber condensed around Zhao Fu's body, a powerful sword power enveloped all around. Many black lightsabers chopped towards the huge dragon claws like a black streamer.

The sound continued in the sky, and the dragon claw and black lightsaber collided continuously, either the dragon claw shattered the lightsaber, or the black lightsaber cut the dragon claw.

The two sides are deadlocked.

Zhao Fu threw out the mantra sword in his hand, and the sword pointed to the front finger. That mantra sword turned into a huge mantra sword and shot forward with a terrifying sword power.


The huge sword of mantra flashed by, passing that huge cloud into a big hole, and the edge of the cloud dissipated a little, as if it was hit hard.

The clouds were angry, and many white arcs flashed out of the clouds, and a terrifying power of lightning spread.


A huge white thunderbolt chopped towards Zhao Fu, and a thunder blew through all directions.

Zhao Fu's body exuded countless black rays, forming a black mask, but was easily smashed by the white lightning, and Zhao Fu was also hit by the white lightning. His body hurt a bit, but he was not seriously injured.

Crackling ...

Countless thunders tingled the eardrums, countless white thunderbolts violently slashed towards Zhao Fu with the power of extinction, as if there was nothing to stop this force, and the light of thunder shined on the sky.

Zhao Fu waved his hand, a silver-white crescent condensed from the mantra, with a huge spell power, as if cutting the world and cutting forward.


A huge noise came out, and the two shocked together, a terrifying shock wave spread out instantly, forming a huge gust of wind blowing to the four sides. Some stones and weeds were blown into the sky, the picture was extremely scary.

Everyone hurriedly put on a defensive cover to resist, feeling the huge fluctuations, and there was also a fear in his heart.


At the moment when the waves spread out, Baiyun shot a white chain, hitting Zhao Fu's chest like a lightning, and flew Zhao Fu away.

This time Zhao Fu was unprepared, and blood shed from the corner of his mouth when he was injured.


The cloud group split another white lightning, and slashed towards Zhao Fu very quickly.

Zhao Fu condensed into a sword again, waved hard, and slashed the white lightning, and his body flew towards the white cloud immediately.

The cloud group fired several lightnings, but Zhao Fu easily escaped.

Fu soon came to the cloud group, a powerful force poured into the sword in his hand, a large number of spells immediately appeared in the void, the sword stab forward, and countless spells also rushed forward.


There was a loud noise, and the front of the cloud would not be crushed by a powerful witch power and dissipated to the surroundings.


A huge dragon claw stretched out among the clouds, and patted Zhao Fu with the power of cracking the ground.

Zhao Fu used the sword to block the huge dragon claw, but at that moment, another dragon claw grabbed Zhao Fu horizontally with strong force.


Zhao Fu's body was blown out and spit out a sip of blood.

咻咻 咻 ……

The cloud group quickly shot out dozens of white chains, making people too late to respond, and bound Zhao Fu's body in an instant.

Everyone's face changed, and now the situation is very unfavorable to Zhao Fu.

The voice of the cloud dragon sounded in the cloud group, "Your power is nothing more than that, so powerful sorcery is wasted."

Heard the words, Zhao Fu chuckled, "Are you sure you won?"


A huge dragon sound came out from Zhao Fu's body, and an extremely long dragon fell like a sky, pressing on the creatures with a radius of a hundred miles, and the air instantly became condensed.

All dozens of chains that bound Zhao Fu shattered, and Yun Tuan also felt great fear.

Now Zhao Fu can't use dragon power, but Longwei can still exhibit it. This dragon power has a great suppression on Yunshenlong because he belongs to the dragon family.

Cloud God Dragon exclaimed in horror, "You actually have the original dragon blood, are you from the ancient ancient dragon clan?"

There was an uproar around, countless people were stunned, their hearts were greatly shocked, and their minds were blank. They never imagined that Zhao Fu turned out to be a man of the deserted ancient dragon.

They felt before that Zhao Fu could gain the power of the Wuzu, and he could integrate many witchcrafts. His own strength is very powerful ~ ~ will definitely become the young patriarch of the witch, and everyone also believes that he follows the witch The future will be better.

But he is not a Wu people, or a wild ancient dragon who has hatred against the Wu people. This time the Wu people are so tightly guarded to prevent the dragon from attacking suddenly.

Wait, everyone seems to have overlooked something, and immediately remembered the original dragon blood, but this is the original dragon blood. It is rumored that only the newest old ancient dragon clan master has the original dragon blood, is this person the famous young ancient dragon clan?

Thinking about this, everyone's heart beats very fast, completely beyond the expectations of countless people, the young ancient dragon clan master entered the witch holy land, and came to the deepest part of the holy land.

If there is no cloud **** dragon to stop it, then this desolate ancient dragon clan master may become a witch clan chief, then the matter is terrible.

Zhao Fu chuckled, and here he did not intend to hide his identity, saying, "I am the Young Master of the Famine Ancient Dragon Clan."

Now Zhao Fu directly admits that everyone has confirmed Zhao Fu's identity, and no one doubts, because he is the only source of Dragon Blood.

Wolf blue face was pale, did not expect Zhao Fu to be the old ancient dragon master, the key is that their relationship is still so intimate, get along for such a long time, and found no problems. .

Yuan Mie was stunned. He supported Zhao Fu as the chief of the young patriarch, but Zhao Fu was indeed the biggest enemy of the Wu clan, the one who threatened the survival of the Wu clan, and the one he did not want to see.

Xuan Yu's face was ugly, and he didn't expect things to turn out like this. He just thought that Zhao Fu's identity was very mysterious. He should be a heir to a certain Matriarch strongman. Young Master, Xuan Yu has a feeling of vomiting blood.

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