The Lord’s Empire

Chapter 2865: Native source

Volume One Chapter 322

The news that Zhao Fu became a moon servant also spread quickly. The four of Yueshi stared at Zhao Fu blankly, never thinking of a man they brought back, and turned into a distinguished moon servant. In addition to Yuexian, Yuexiu has the largest status.

Before Zhao Fu became the person next to Yue Shi, one blow was enough to surprise them. Now that Zhao Fu directly became Yue Shi, they can't accept it.

Everyone at Yue's house, Yue Xiaoqian, was shocked to know about it. Zhao Fu hadn't left for a few days before his identity became so honorable.

However, it is an extremely good thing for them to become Zhao Yue.

With a chuckle, Yue Lan said to her mother, Yue Rong, "Mother! You look really accurate, and now it's worthwhile to sacrifice my body!"

Yue Rongmei said with a smile, "His performance surprised me too. I thought he would soon become a steward, and our Yue family can rely on him to grow."

Yue Mi said softly, "Unfortunately he can't stay with us all the time. Now I miss him a little."

Yue Rong chuckled softly, "I miss him too, and I don't know his charm. He won't let him leave until he comes back next time to satisfy us well."

Moon Honey nodded gently.

Now Zhao Fu has become a Moon Attendant and has huge powers. He can use this power for his own profit. Now the bronze fragments may not be available, but he can collect various cherished blood lines with the status of Moon Attendant.

Zhao Fu issued an order, and a variety of blood lines were continuously sent to Zhao Fu. Among them, there was no shortage of emperor blood level and emperor blood level blood line, which was much faster than Zhao Fu collection, and even some blood lines could not be collected, they needed You can get it by yourself.

Within a few days, Zhao Fu had millions of bloodlines, including the bloodlines of insects and beasts, the bloodlines of birds and beasts, and the bloodlines of various chaotic races.

As long as Zhao Fu's blood line of Xianxian is promoted to the sixth stage, he can immediately absorb the one million kinds of bloodlines and bring the blood line of Xianxian to the seventh stage.

If he reaches the eighth stage of the evil fairy bloodline, which is the bloodline level that the evil fairy once reached, Zhao Fu thinks that he will surpass the evil fairy, not having the holy level peak bloodline, but the original evil fairy bloodline.

Thinking of this, Zhao Fu couldn't help but smile a little, and he was a little excited.

Yue Qianhe walked into the room and said, "Your Highness Moon Faire calls you over!"

After hearing this, there was no surprise in Zhao Fu's heart. He nodded with a smile, left the room and came to the main hall, where he performed a salute, "Well see Your Royal Highness Moon Fairy!"

The Moon Maiden looks more beautiful and the breath becomes stronger, and you should get a lot of benefits by using moon liquid.

Sacred Moon Girl said with a smile, "I heard you collected millions of bloodlines, and I don't know what your use is."

Zhao Fu glanced at Yueqin standing next to her, and realized that she told Yuexian about her own affairs. Millions of bloodlines also contained a variety of rare bloodlines, and the value was extremely amazing. Yueqin wanted to let Zhao He was in danger.

Zhao Fu smiled confidently and said, "I have an affinity with the heir of the Xianxian. I want to attract the heir of the Xianxian with a lot of blood, and I might get more information from him."

Saint Mary asked in surprise, "Can you really attract the descendants of evil immortals?"

Zhao Fu replied, "It's just possible!"

Moon Saint Girl said with a smile, "As long as it can attract the descendant of the evil fairy, the million blood lines will be left to you to deal with."

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Thank you, Your Highness Moon Immortal, I have one more thing to ask."

Saint Mary smiled and asked, "What is it?"

Zhao Fu said, "I don't know how the December Chamber of Commerce regards the descendants of evil immortals? I will act according to the wishes of His Highness Moon Immortals."

Saint Mary said, "Actually, our attitude towards him is relatively neutral, and we have no grievances between us. If we exchange this million blood for his kindness, not only will we not worry about the evil deeds being harmful to our business group Let the Xianxian successors do things for the merchant group. "

Zhao Fu said, "I understand that if I attract the descendants of the evil fairy, I will handle the relationship with the descendants of the evil fairy."

Saint Mary smiled and nodded, "Yes, where did you get the lunar fluid? In other months, Xian also want this kind of lunar fluid?"

Zhao Fu thought for a while, "I got it at a cemetery near the Wu people. I have checked it carefully, and there is only one bottle of moon liquid."

Moon Saint said to herself in contemplation, "Witches? Did you get it there?"

Zhao Fu was waiting on the side, not talking.

After two minutes, Saint Mary smiled and said, "If you still have news about moon liquid or moon liquid, tell me the first time, I will give you a lot of rewards."

Zhao Fu understood that this was an opportunity, so he asked, "If I find a descendant or moon liquid from His Majesty Moon Fairy, I do not know how His Royal Highness will reward me?"

Yueqin snorted coldly, "Do you dare to ask His Highness Moon Immortal? It is our duty and meaning of existence to obey His Royal Highness Order and pay for His Highness."

Yue Sheng Nuo glanced at Yue Qin, motioned her not to continue, smiled and said to Zhao Fu, "What do you want?"

Zhao Fu said, "I want to get some of the power of the original Moonstone!"

Initially, the moonstone was the moonstone split from the moon, which contained the most pure and powerful moonpower, and the effect was tens of thousands of times that of ordinary moonstones.

Moon Saint Girl's face is a little serious. At first, Moon Stone is very important to the December business group, which can affect the fate of the December business group. Yuexian will also be careful about it.

The eyes of Yue Sheng Nuo looked at Zhao Fu and asked, "What do you want to do?"

Zhao Fu had no hidden purpose and said directly, "I want to get the original moon power contained in the original moonstone, and I want to fly up to the last month."

The Moon Lady couldn't help but chuckled, "You think things are too simple, you think soaring last month is that simple thing? If so simple, we these moon immortals have been flying to the moon for a long time, will not stay Above the ground. "

Zhao Fu insisted that ~ ~ I know it ’s not as good as His Royal Highness, but I still want to give it a try. "

The Moon Saint said, "In the beginning, the Moonstone's original source of Moonpower can only be possessed by Moon Immortals. Others can't have this kind of power, but as long as you can play a huge value, I can make an exception and let you master the source Moon Force. "

Zhao Fu breathed a sigh of relief, and just thought that he couldn't get the source of monthly power, then Zhao Fu had almost no way to do it.

Zhao Fu said, "I know, I will definitely bring more value to Lord Moon Fairy, and I will not disappoint the belief of His Highness Moon Fairy."

Yue Xuan Nu nodded with a smile.

Zhao Fu asked, "Have you anything else, His Royal Highness?"

Yuexuan Nu shook her head, "It's alright, let's go down!"

Zhao Fu and Yueqin left the hall together. Zhao Fu gave a provocative glance at Yueqin's departure. Yueqin hated Zhao Fu even more.


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